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Group 5
• Queer theory is a field of Gender
Studies that emerged in the early
What is Queer 1990s out of the fields of gay and 
lesbian studies and feminist studies.
Theory? • In this theory the word “queer”
is not synonymy for “gay”, but
rather a position that rejects
conventions or mainstream
expression of all types of
behavior including sexuality
and gender.
What is Queer • an approach to literary and
Theory? cultural study that rejects
traditional categories of
gender and sexuality

• It is interested in studying and

examining non-normative
expressions of gender, sexual
and identity.
• suggests sexual identity
What is Queer is more fluid
Theory? • the way wherein media
has limited
representations of gay
men and women.
Paul Burston
and Colin
Book: A Queer

Paul Burston
Paul Burston and Colin
Richardson (1995)
• Provide discipline to explore the relationship
between lesbian, gay, men, and society that
surrounds and continues to attempt to exclude us.
In addition, by moving the emphasis away from the
issue of what it means to be lesbian or gay inside
society, and from the different expressions of
heterosexuality produced by culture.
Judith Butler
• one of the foremost theorists in Queer theory
• Judith Butler, another theorist credited with the
founding of queer theory, talks about queer as
being an act that can be performed. 
• she argued that all identity is performance
whether it is our gender, sexuality etc.
Judith Butler’s (1999)
• she argues that there are a number of
exaggerated representation of
masculinity and femininity which cause
“gender trouble.”
• Book (Gender Trouble)
- Butler begins from Simone de
Beauvoir’s (1984) observation that ‘one
is not born a woman, but, rather,
become one’.
Judith Butler’s (1999)
• Although de Beauvior’s argument has the
advantage of seeing gender as something made
in culture-’ the cultural meanings that the sexed
body assumes’(Butler, 1999)- and nor something
fixed by nature, the problem with this model of
sex, gender, according to Butler is that it works
with the assumption that there are only two
biological sexes ( Male and Female ), which
determined by nature, and which in turn
generate and guarantee the binary gender
“ One is not born a woman,
one becomes one ; but
further, one is not born Furthermore , it is not just
female, one becomes that gender is not to culture
female; but even more
radically, one can if one as sex is to nature, gender is
chooses, become neither also the discursive/ cultural
female nor male, woman
nor man”. means by which sexed nature
or a natural sex’ is produced
and established as ‘pre-
David Halperin
"Queer is by definition whatever is
at odds with normal, the legitimate,
the dominant. There is nothing in
particular to which it necessarily
Eve Sedgwick
“The dividing up of all sexual acts-indeed all
persons-under the "opposite" categorize of
"homo" and "hetero" is not natural given
process but a historical process, still
incomplete today and ultimately impossible
but characterized by potent contradictions and
explosive effects.
Leader: Patrisha Jezreel Fronda
Camille Malonzo
Joshua Quizon
Justin Knowell Eusebio
Leandro Jeva
Mark Renz Alfonso
Shaira Perez

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