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change And

Global warming became the most popular

term after NASA climate scientist
James Hansen used it in his 1988
testimony in the U.S Senate. In the
2000s, the term climate
change increased in popularity. Global
warming usually refers to human-
induced warming of the Earth system,
whereas climate change can refer to
natural or anthropogenic change.
Drivers of recent temperature rise

01 02
Aerosols and
Greenhouse gases

03 04
Solar and
Changes of the
land surface
● Clean energy
Renewable energy is key to limiting climate change. Fossil fuels accounted for 80% of the world's
energy in 2018. The remaining share was split between nuclear power and renewables (including solar
 and wind power, bioenergy, geothermal energy, and hydropower).
● Energy efficiency
Reducing energy demand is another major aspect of reducing emissions.
● Agriculture and industry
Agriculture and forestry face a triple challenge of limiting greenhouse gas emissions, preventing the
further conversion of forests to agricultural land, and meeting increases in world food demand
● Carbon sequestration
Natural carbon sinks can be enhanced to sequester significantly larger amounts of CO 2 beyond
naturally occurring levels.

Nature and wildlife Humans

Extreme weather. Drought and high Agricultural changes. Droughts,

temperatures worsened the  rising temperatures, and extreme
2020 bushfires in Australia. weather negatively impact

Nature and wildlife Humans

Habitat destruction. Many arctic Storm intensification. Bangladesh

animals rely on sea ice, after Cyclone Sidr (2007) is
which has been disappearing an example of catastrophic
in a warming Arctic. flooding from increased
Policies and politics
Countries that are most 
vulnerable to climate change have typically been
responsible for a small share of global emissions.
This raises questions about justice and
fairness. Climate change is strongly linked to
sustainable development. Limiting global warming
makes it easier to achieve 
sustainable development goals, such as eradicating
poverty and reducing inequalities. The connection
is recognised in Sustainable Development Goal 13
 which is to "[t]ake urgent action to combat
climate change and its impacts". The goals on
food, clean water and ecosystem protection have
synergies with climate mitigation.
Scientific consensus

Scientific consensus
There is a near-complete scientific consensus that the
climate is warming and that this is caused by human
activities. Agreement in recent literature reached over
Protests and lawsuits
Climate protests have risen in popularity in the
2010s. These protests demand that political
leaders take action to prevent climate change.
They can take the form of public
demonstrations, fossil fuel divestment, lawsuits
and other activities.
Climate change in Indonesia

Global warming takes its course in Indonesia

with surface temperatures increasing from
0.2 to 0.3 of a degree Celsius per decade.
This impacts precipitation patterns, causing
a wetter climate in Sumatra and Kalimantan
but drier seasons in Java, Bali and Nusa
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