2019-09-03 Electromagnetic Oscillations

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Electromagnetic Oscillations

NIS Aktobe
03-09-2019 Miguel Car valho
Learning Objectives - know and describe forced and free electromagnetic

oscillations; - describe sources of electromagnetic oscillations; - understand the conditions for the appearance and properties
of electromagnetic waves - know the types and characteristics of electromagnetic waves
in accordance with the scale of electromagnetic waves; - give examples of the use of electromagnetic waves; - use knowledge of electromagnetic waves to explain the
phenomenon, regularities and relations in unfamiliar situations.
Electromagnetic Spectrum

 Watch the following video and answer the questions on the

worksheet provided by your teacher

The Electromagnetic Spectrum

A brief description of the EM spectrum and some applications of EM radiation

What is the Electromagnetic Spectrum?
Electromagnetic Spectrum

 Group work (Power Point presentations with good and clear images to support
your presentation are strongly encouraged!)

Group 1: Explain how the electromagnetic wave is created and its main
properties and characteristics (wavelength, frequency, speed…)

Group 2: Polarisation of radio and microwaves by an aerial, reflection,

refraction and diffraction of electromagnetic waves

Group 3: Radio waves, microwaves, infrared and visible light (order of

magnitude of wavelength and frequency, uses, and risks)

Group 4: Ultraviolet, X-rays, gamma rays (order of magnitude of wavelength

and frequency, uses, and risks)
Electromagnetic Spectrum

 The electromagnetic spectrum shows the range of frequencies of

electromagnetic radiation
Electromagnetic Field MCA

 An oscillating charge produces an oscillating electromagnetic field

which propagates as a wave through free space at the speed of light
The frequency of the EM wave is equal to the oscillation frequency of the source

PhET Colorado
Radiating Charge
Electromagnetic Field MCA

 Examples: Oscillating electric dipole and antennas

Electromagnetic Field MCA

 The electric field oscillates perpendicularly to the magnetic field and they
are both perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the EM wave

All EM waves travel in

vacuum at the speed
of light c

Electromagnetic Spectrum MCA

 Orders of magnitude of wavelength and frequency

Electromagnetic Radiation MCA

 Some uses of EM radiation Application of electromagnetic waves
Exercises and Problems

1. a) State the approximate value for the wavelength, in nm, of

i) blue light;
ii) red light.
b) Determine the approximate frequency, in Hz, of
i) blue light;
ii) red light.

2. Calculate the frequency in MHz of a radio wave of wavelength 250 m.

3. Calculate the wavelength in nm of an X-ray wave of 2.0 x 1018 Hz.

1. a) i) 400 nm; ii) 700 nm; b) i) 7.5 x 1014 Hz; ii) 4.3 x 1014 Hz; 2. 1.2 MHz; 3. 0.15 nm
Exercises and Problems

4. 9702_w12_qp_23
a) State one property of electromagnetic waves that is not common to
other transverse waves.
b) The seven regions of the electromagnetic spectrum are represented
by blocks labelled A to G in Fig. 5.1.

A typical wavelength for the visible region D is 500 nm. a) Travel through a vacuum
Exercises and Problems
4. 9702_w12_qp_23
b) i) Name the principal radiations and give a typical wavelength for
each of the regions B, E and F.

ii) Calculate the frequency corresponding to a wavelength of 500 nm.

c) All the waves in the spectrum shown in Fig. 5.1 can be polarised.
Explain the meaning of the term polarised.
b) i) B: microwaves, 10–4 to 10–1 m; E: ultraviolet, 10–7 to 10–9 m; F: X-rays, 10–9 to 10–12 m ii) 6.0 x 1014 Hz;
c) Vibrations are in one direction perpendicular to direction of propagation
Electromagnetic Spectrum MCA

The Electromagnetic Spectrum Song

by Emerson & Wong Yann (Singapore)
Free Oscillations MCA

 When a system undergoes free oscillations, it oscillates at its natural

frequency f0 (neglect energy losses)

EM = Ek + Ep = constant


Damped Oscillations MCA

 In real situations, energy is dissipated by resistive forces and these

oscillations are said to be damped

Amplitude decays exponentially with time

Exponential decay curve



Frequency of oscillations
remains approximately
constant as the amplitude
decreases to zero
Forced Oscillations MCA

 A periodic force is applied to the oscillator to keep it oscillating

This periodic force is known as driving force

 The system will oscillate with a frequency equal to the frequency of

the applied force (rather than the natural frequency of the system)

 The system is then said to undergo forced oscillations

Forced oscillations

foscillations = fdriving
Forced Oscillations MCA

 As the frequency of the vibrator (driving force) is gradually increased

from zero, the mass begins to oscillate

(driving frequency fdriving) Resonance
Signal generator
(driving frequency fdriving) Spring-mass system
(natural frequency f0)

Forced Oscillation R
1 k
f0 
2 m

 The amplitude of the oscillations is different for different driving

frequencies (note that the amplitude of the driving force does not change!)
Forced Oscillations and Resonance MCA

 The frequency at which the amplitude of oscillation is maximum is

called the resonant frequency fres

Resonance curves of an oscillator for different amounts

of damping

Systems oscillate with Amplitude is maximum

greater amplitude at when fdriving = fresonant
some frequencies than
at others​
Forced Oscillations and Resonance MCA

 Resonance occurs when the driving frequency is equal to the natural

frequency of vibration of a system, giving a maximum of amplitude
of vibration
Resonance curves of an oscillator for different amounts of

Light damping
Amplitude is maximum
when fdriving = fresonant
fres ≈ f0

Heavy damping

fres < f0
Forced Oscillations and Resonance MCA

 Resonance and damping

Resonance curves of an oscillator for different amounts

of damping
With increasing damping:

• the amplitude decreases;

• the resonant frequencies

Light damping
Sharp resonance decrease;
• The peaks become
Heavy damping
Broad resonance broader (less sharp).

Inductor and Inductance MCA

 An inductor (or coil) is an electrical component that stores energy in a

magnetic field when electric current flows through it

An inductor

 Inductance is a property of an inductor by which a change in current

through it induces an emf in the conductor itself
An inductor always opposes the change in current through it
Free Electromagnetic Oscillations MCA

 Free electromagnetic oscillations (neglect electrical resistance)

Free electromagnetic oscillations can be observed in an LC circuit

An LC circuit consists of a capacitor with capacitance C and an inductor with

inductance L
Free Electromagnetic Oscillations MCA

 An LC circuit behaves as an harmonic oscillator oscillating at its

natural resonant frequency f0 (neglect electrical resistance)
As the capacitor discharges, the current will start to fall
The induction in the coil opposes the fall in current and keeps the current flowing
to charge the capacitor in the reverse direction, and so on…

• Capacitor stores energy in the electric field

• Inductor stores energy in the magnetic field

• Energy oscillates back and forth, at natural

frequency f0, between the capacitor and the
𝑓 0=
2 𝜋 √ 𝐿𝐶
Free Electromagnetic Oscillations MCA
Forced Electromagnetic Oscillations MCA

 In real circuits, resistance dissipates energy and the oscillations will

die out with time
To keep the system oscillating, we add an AC generator
The AC generator produces an harmonic emf (whose frequency can be changed)

• The AC generator drives the LRC


• The LRC circuit resonates when the

frequency of the AC generator
matches the natural frequency f0 of
the circuit
Free and Forced Electromagnetic Oscillations MCA

 Activity: LC Circuits and Radio Tuners

Work in pairs for 25 – 30 min and follow the steps on the worksheet

PhET Colorado
Circuit Construction Kit (AC + DC)

Free EM Forced EM oscillations

Radio Tuner MCA

 An aerial (antenna) can be connected instead of the

AC generator

When an EM wave hits the aerial, the aerial behaves

as an AC generator

PhET Colorado
Radio Waves & Electromagnetic Fields

If the frequency of the EM wave is equal to the

resonant frequency of the LC circuit, a large voltage
will be produced (resonant frequency)
Radio Tuner MCA

 A simple radio transmitter-receiver

Radio Tuner MCA

 The simplest tuner consists of an inductor and capacitor connected in

parallel, where the capacitor or inductor is made to be variable

Tuning a radio station

• Each radio station broadcasts at a different frequency

• By adjusting the natural frequency of the circuit, we can match it with the
frequency of the waves of the desired radio station (the circuit resonates)

• Different frequencies can be tuned in a radio circuit

Radio Tuner MCA

 The LC circuit acts as a forced oscillator, forced by signals (EM waves)

of various frequencies from the aerial

 A large output voltage is produced at the resonant frequency

Radio Tuner MCA

 An aerial can be compared to a standing wave with an antinode of

the electron movement at the open end and a node at the other

 Radio Waves


The size of the aerial can

be shortened to λ/4
Exercises and Problems

5. The following sentences are related to a simple radio tuner LC circuit.

Fill in the blanks.

a) A simple radio tuner LC circuit behaves as a ______ oscillator.

b) Damping is increased by increasing the ______ of the circuit and this

______ the sharpness of the peak produced.

c) A radio is tuned by changing the ______ frequency of the LC circuit

until this frequency ______ the frequency of the EM waves broadcasted
by the radio station. For this special frequency, the circuit ______

5. a) forced; b) resistance; reduces ; c) natural; equals; resonates

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