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Faris Mohamedain

03.05 Access Control: Career Connection

What qualities or skills do you have to
prepare you for the world of work?
• I’m an active listener, I have good communication skills, good
leadership skills, I help set goals for myself or team members to get
tasks completed. I lead by example, I have good time management
and I’m always punctual.
Why is teamwork so important in a job setting?

• Teamwork can make it easier to solve problems, develop products, or

work on projects in a job setting. Teamwork can cause operations in a
job setting to go smoothly.
What teamwork skills do you possess?

• Im an active listener, I have empathy for my team, always open to

other thoughts or ideas, I help set goals for myself or team members
to get tasks completed. I am respectful and communicative, I’m good
at conflict management as well.
What leadership skills do you possess?
• I lead by example, I can motivate my team to work hard and not give
up on the task at hand, I always have a positive yet realistic attitude. I
learn fast and can teach my learnings and spread information for
everyone to get better at a skill. I make smart and quick decisions
especially in important situations.
If you wrote a negative word or phrase, how can this prevent you from obtaining
and keeping a job? Being a team player? Being a leader?

• Writing a negative word or phrase is unprofessional and inappropriate

for work places. Keeping a job you must remain respectful and
professional as well as empathetic and kind. Being a team player you
must treat all others with respect and be appropriate as possible,
especially being a leader you must lead with a positive kind and
friendly attitude.
What happens when conflicts occur in a job setting?

• Conflicts can harm the goal of the task in a job, or be bad for business.
Colleagues are humans just like you and I so everyone has feelings
and you must realize that, a workplace could be stressful. Conflicts in
a job setting should be avoided, this could cause negative things in

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