Lesson 4

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Lesson 4

a.Identify the different media types

b.Classify contents of the print, broadcast, and new
c.Define media convergence through current example
d. Create a constructive report comparing two
What media are you carrying and at your home?
List them down in the chart below, and classify these according to
whether they are print, broadcast, or new media.
Media you own/ media at your home Print, broadcast, or new media?




Different Media Type
A. Print Media

It is a traditional form of media. It is a paper-

based printed material published in the old-
fashioned way of paper printing. Texts and
pictures or diagrams are mechanically or
digitally impressed on a sheet of paper bound
chronologically by using page numbers.
Examples of Print Media
• The site www.collinsdictionary.com defines book as a
number of pieces of paper, usually with words printed on
them, which are fastened together and fixed inside a cover
of stronger paper or cardboard. Books contain
information, stories or poetry.
• Books are the most traditional type of media which
contain information that are arranged topically or by
volume. These sources of information are found inside
libraries and private collections
This is a type of bulleting that is periodically
issued to member of community, group or
academic and scholastic organization. It can be
in the form of print or an electronic document
which contains the information regarding the
activities and recent information concerning the
group. Newsletter also contain news that is
delivered through subscription. It may also be
an electronic newsletter sent through e-mail.
A newspaper, traditionally, is a publication which
contains current events
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newspaper). Today,
there are newspapers which are published in the
digital platform. Contents of newspapers slightly
differ from other forms of print media. Newspapers
serve the purposes of informing, advertising,
persuading, and entertaining a wide variety of
audiences for a price. Most newspapers are published
every day.
• These are printed periodical publication following
a certain theme. Every magazine caters to a
specific audience. Sometimes, magazines are
electronically published, thus paving the way to
online or electronic magazines. There is a variety
of content in a magazine bases on the thematic
information included in it.
• Magazine refers to a collection or a storage of
information, in this case written articles.
• A journal is an academic and scholarly
publication written by experts of a field.
Therefore, we can definitely say that a journal
focuses on a certain field of expertise. From its
etymological definition, journal means daily
which refers to a daily record of activities.
However, an academic journal is a permanent of
ideas and information, scrutiny of a text, and
discussion of research.
• One of the best and simplest ways to promote,
advertise, and present an information is through
brochures. It is an informative paper document that
is often used for promotion and advertisement that
can fashioned to different templates, pamphlets,
and leaflets. A brochure is also a document that
gives a glimpse of or a short introduction for a
company, product, service, organization, or an idea
for a wide variety of audiences.
B. Broadcast Media

Broadcast media is also the most expedient medium to

transfer and transmit information to a wide variety of
audiences (https://opsdog.com). In mediums such as
newspapers and magazines, but its modern definition
has only three mediums classified as broadcast media’s
communication methods.
Examples of Broadcast Media
• Radio waves carry information and systematically modulating or
translating these waves into audible sounds in the original form
of information. Radio broadcasting needs the information to be
converted to radio waves by using a transmitter that send waves
to a radio antenna. The radio receiver then transforms the radio
waves into its original message.
• In the Philippines, radiobroadcasting started in 1922 when an
American woman named Mrs. Redgrave started to test broadcast
using a radio transmitter in Nichols Airfield. Radiobroadcasting
back then was used for aviation, naval, military, and government
purposes until evolved into the news and entertainment
broadcasting that we have now.
• It is a medium of communication that transmits moving images to a
screen receiver in two or three-dimension setting with sounds. Like
radio, it uses unseen waves in the atmosphere to transmit the moving
images and sounds. From the recorded image and sound of a video or
camera, a transmitter converts these images into amplified signal that
are received by an antenna which converts them into electrical signals
that are then be shown on a screen.
• In 1953, Judge Antonio Quirino bought the majority of stocks of BEC
and changed it to Alto Broadcasting System which made the first
official telecast of DZAQ-TV on October 23, 1953. This started a
major revolution in the TV industry in the Philippines. During the
1960s and 1970s, TV networks started to create their own telecast and
established a healthy competition between different stations.
• Before the advent of television when moving images were transmitted in
real time, film is the form of entertainment. Film or Movie as it is most
commonly called, has a wide range of definition. Film defines as moving
pictures that have been recorded so that they can be shown at the
cinema or on television. A film tells a story or shows real situation.
• Film is considered the youngest Philippine art and has been the most
widely accepted and popular form of art and broadcast medium. Movies
were just introduced to the Philippines in 1987, but it took more than
two decades for Filipinos to produce locally-made movies. The first
locally-produced movie was created and directed by Jose Nepomuceno
entitled Dalagang Bukid in 1919.
• Film production back then was very expensive, that was why only after
the World War II that Filipinos produced more movies which began the
Golden Age of Filipino Movie Industry from the 1950s to 1970s.
C. New Media
The term “new media” covers a set of applied
communication technologies that are still evolving.
They are interactive forms of communication that
use the internet, including podcast, blogs, social
networks, text messaging, wikis, virtual worlds,
and all other computer-aided communication
formats that are available online. Apart from being
internet-based, among the characteristics of the
new media are:
The characteristics of the new media
 Interactivity: dialogue or interaction between the individual and a computer
 Ubiquity and de-locatedness: presence of new media wherever there is
hardware and connectivity.
 Accessible to individual users or senders and/or receivers: users can create
their own messages or content as well as receive these.
 Media of both mass and personal communication: new media allow the
following communication modes: one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many.
 Hypertextuality: new media can connect one format of information with other
formats and information sources through hyperlinks.
 Multimediality: various types of media formats may be contained on a single
platform such as when a website features video, music as well as texts.
Social media may be classified into the following:

 Social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and

 Collaborative projects such as Wikipedia
 Content communities such as YouTube
 Virtual game worlds such as World of Warcraft
 Virtual social worlds such as Second Life
 Technologies such as blogs, email, instant messaging, music-sharing,
and crowdsourcing.
Social Media
• Is another category of new media. This category gives
members and users an avenue to stay connected online.
Many people have some kind of social media account
whether it be Twitter, Instagram, Blued or Wattsap.
These social media websites give an avenue for members
and participants to announce information, showcase
videos or images, post notifications and connect with
other members through an online messaging platform.
Points of Interaction among Media Forms
• According to freedictionary.com, synergy is an “interaction of two or
more agents or forces so that their combined effect is greater than the
sum of their individual effects.”
• Also a driving force for mergers and acquisitions in the media and
telecommunications industries, according to Baran. You probably have
heard of the news in recent years about a telecommunication magnate
having an interest to buy another local television station to directly
compete with the biggest network in the country so far.

• On the other hand, means the combination of various elements to

create a new whole. Think of the traditional media forms
converging into a newer media form that optimizes our media
• Is a trend that cannot be done away because the audiences are
getting more fragmented. Media organizations would like to
reach as many as they can by diversifying the delivery of their
message. Also, audiences are no longer biased over form of
media to access content. Smart phones these days have radio and
television application, which is a clear example of convergence.
Convergence among Different Types of
Media Convergence
Book - E-books
- Print on demand (POD)
Newspaper - Online version
- Mobile application version
Magazine - Online publishing
- Custom publishing
- Movement from print to television
Film - Concept movies
- Sequels, remakes, and franchises
- Television, comic book, and video game remakes
Radio - Digital radio
- Internet-based radio and podcasting
- Radio on television
Convergence among Different Types of
Media Type/Form Convergence
Television - Video cassette recorders (VCR)
- Digital video disc (DVD)
- Digital video recorder (DVR)
- Digital television or high-definition television
- Internet-based television
- Interactive television
- Phone-over-cable
- Mobile video
- Television recording
Video game - Online interactive gaming
- Internet-capable handheld game devices
- Advergaming
- Advocacy gaming
Convergence among Different Types of
Media Convergence
Internet - Functionalities of the traditional media
and the moving to the web platform
World - Internet technology incorporated to
Wide Web mobile technology (e.g., smart phone,
- Internet connection, Wi-Fi capable
television monitor
Thank you 

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