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a Relationship mkting Ȃ emerging as core mkting activity.
a On an avg bǯnessǯes- r spending 6 times more to Ȃ acquire
customers- than they do to keep them.
a So, many co.ǯs r now paying more attention to relationships
with Ȃ existing customers to retain them & to increase their
share of customers purchase.
a Eg: banks have relationship managers for select
a Airlines Ȃ frequent flyer
a Credit card holders Ȃ bonus points Ȃ for increased card

a CRM Ȃ bǯness strategy Ȃ amis Ȃ to understand,
anticipate, & manage the needs of Ȃ orgǯns current &
potential customers.
a It is a comprehensive approach Ȃ provides integration
of every area of bǯness - that touches the customer Ȃ
like mkting, sales, customer service & field support Ȃ
through integration of ppl, process, & technology.
a CRM is shift from traditional mkting Ȃ focuses on
retention of customers + acquisition of new customers.
a CRM is concerned with
a Creation,
a Development &
a Enhancement of
a Individualized customer
a With carefully targeted
customers & customer
a Resulting in maximizing
a Total customer life time

a ocus of CRM- creating value for the customer & to the
co. Ȃ over a long time.
a When customers value - customer service Ȃ that they
receive Ȃ from suppliers , - then they r less likely to
look Ȃ alternative suppliers for their needs.
a CRM enables Ȃ orgǯns to gain Ȃ competitive advantage
Ȃ over competitors that supply lller products or
x Y 
a Today's bǯnessǯes Ȃ compete Ȃ multi products - created
& delivered - by networks , alliances & partnership of
mankind's. ---- both retaining customers & building
relationships Ȃ with value Ȃ adding brand to Ȃ
corporate performance.
a The adoption Ȃ CRM Ȃ fuelled by a recognition Ȃ that
long term relationships with customers r - most impt
assets of an orgǯn
a Understanding the concepts of ´Who is a Customerµ and
´What is Service Qualityµ
a Differentiate between a good or bad customer experience
and its impact on organization
a Understand the relation of customer services to the
brand image of Organization.
a Leading and cascading commitment to delivering
consistent and standardized Customer Services
a Develop the attitudes to become the best in customer
a How to retain the leadership position in quality health &
medical services in the country.
a Learn and Apply the standards provided in this training
to achieve Highest Customer Services Standards

a Entity that receives or consumes products
(goods or services) and has the ability to
choose between different products and
a The slogan "customer is king" or "customer
is God" or "the customer is always right"
indicate the importance of customers to


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 3erformance / Expectation


a Trust
a Value
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a My customer is my paymaster

a Donǯt label or stereotype customers

a Customer is not here to test you or your knowledge

a How much do you like or enjoy your work?

a ÚYY Ú a Y Ú



ü. Getting rude with a customer

2. Ignoring a problem

3. Making the customer jump through hoops

4. Being placed on hold endlessly

ë ë 
live & energetic
Y‘ ë



a Acknowledge customers within ü seconds of his arrival

a Smile and make eye contact
a Say X some greetings. Welcome to Mobilink, How may I
help you?
a Obtain and use customerǯs name, where appropriate.
a Seek permission from customer before attending to
other distractions, like phone call
a Show empathy and ask questions to understand
customer needs
a Be informed/up-to-date on your operations, location of
various departments and concerned officers.
a Guide customer to their desired location by providing
adequate information
a Never leave a customer unattended or uninformed
3  g g
a Answer phone by third ring
a Smile and Greet customer by saying X happy mg ,
Thank you for calling PIA, This is ǥǥǥ
a Inform customer before placing on hold or
transferring the call
a Your emotions and feelings are transferred to people
calling you
a Return calls same day before sundown
Use non-verbal communication to
ad ë SMILE
aÚ ë Open Posture
a ë Forward Lean
aa ë Touch, only if appropriate
aî ë Eye Contact
a- ë Nod
a ÚA
a Listen with the intent to understand.
a Speak slowly and wait a few seconds before
a Be assertive - not aggressive or passive
a Keep the focus on the issue, not the customerAs
a aake customer away from the scene
a Apologize sincerely
6      

a ÚA
a Don't make threats
a Don't argue
a Don't hang up on the customer
a Don't make the customer feel helpless
a Don't raise your voice
a Don't tell a customer he/she is wrong
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