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Chapter 13 section 4

Toward the Modern

New Physics
• Two scientists in the early 1900’s challenged ideas from
the enlightenment and the scientific revolution.
• They were Marie Curie and Albert Einstein.
• Marie Curie worked with atoms using new and more
powerful microscopes. She worked with an element
called radium that gave off energy in the form of
• She discovered that the energy came from inside the
atom itself and that atoms had huge amounts of energy
inside them. Her work paved the way for the atom bomb
and the nuclear age.
• Once later scientists learn to split the atom they have
atomic power or bombs it is used for the first time in
Albert Einstein
• Einstein had a new scientific theory about the
universe, time, space, and energy. It was
• He concluded that every object on earth had
energy and that energy never went away it
• He claimed that if all material objects
disappeared out of the universe then time and
space would
Freud and Psychoanalysis
• Sigmund Freud was a doctor from Vienna. He
wrote a book called The Interpretation of
• In the book he claimed that human behavior
was strongly determined by past experiences.
Many of the experiences, he claimed, the
person did not remember.
• He also claimed that the person with the help of a
trained therapist could go back in their memories
and get to the problem and be healed.
• He started the profession of psychoanalysis.
Today psychiatrists have patients because of him.
• His ideas really took off after WWI when a lot of
war veterans needed help getting over the war.
Social Darwinism and Racism
• During this time period some scientific theories were used
in a negative way by some people and some countries in
order to gain power.
• Darwin’s theory of survival of the fittest was used by some
philosophers to explain success in business and life. They
explained that the strong and fit would rise to the top, and
that the stupid and lazy had fallen by the wayside.
• It was a new play on divine right. The explanation just
excluded God.
• The Germans used Darwinism in a negative racial way.
They said that modern Germans were the only true race
and the only pure race on earth. They also claimed to be
the creators of the western Culture.
• The Germans singled out Jewish people as an enemy
who they wanted to destroy. 6 million Jews will die in
WWII because of this. Germans did not like any other
race besides themselves just jews.
Anti-Semitism and Zionism
• Anti-Semitism is hostility and discrimination against Jewish
people it was not new in Europe.
• Remember that in the Middle Ages Christian groups forced
them to live separately from others in areas known as
ghettos. The Jews were were portrayed as murderers of
• Many Jews by this time period had left the ghettos and
had been getting along fine with the groups around them.
The Germans once again caused Europeans to be against
the Jews.
• Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Russia all persecuted the
Jewish people. Many public pogroms, or organized
massacres were widespread.
• Many Jews left the European countries. Some migrated to
the U.S., others (about 25,000) moved to Palestine.
Palestine and Zionism
• The movement of Jews into Palestine was called
the Zionist movement. The Jews believed that
Palestine was their homeland. It was where
ancient Israel had been located.
• The problem was that it was now part of the
Ottoman Empire which was Muslim. This is the
beginning of the modern problems in the middle
• The Jews wanted to recreate the state of Israel.
That meant that they had to take land from the
Ottoman empire.
• It was a desire of many Jews before the start of
WWI. After the war it will happen.
Culture before the War
• Many writers and artists changed styles
during this time period. They changed from
the style of the Renaissance
• In literature two groups came around one
group was called naturalists the other
• In the art world some famous artists were
people like Claude Monet pg. 422. and
Vincent Van Gogh. Pg. 422. as well as
Pablo Picasso.
Modernism in architecture and music
• In architecture new materials like steel and
concrete allowed for buildings to be made a lot
• The first skyscrapers appear during this time
period. It was called functionalism.
• A famous architect from this time period was
Frank Lloyd Wright. His styles are still studied
and used in schools today.
• In music, composers transformed both music
and dance with music that went along with
dances called ballets. They had been around for
years but they became popular during this time.

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