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Chapter 16 section 2

The War
1914 to 1915 Stalemate
• Before the year 1914 many politicians had two main
thoughts ==================================
• #1 they thought that there were to many political and
economic risks involved. Because of this they thought the
• #2 they thought that diplomats could easily control any
• In August of 1914 after the assassination of the Archduke
and ====================================
• Propaganda used before the war stirred up a lot of
national hatreds. Propaganda after the war started
convinced people
• Also helping the war along was a set of illusions that help
• People thought that the war would be over in a few
weeks. People were reminded, by some, that every
Stalemate (TIE)
• Once the war broke out and the initial fighting started it
• The western front was the area that the war was being
• The Germans were going by the Schlieffen plan of action.
It relied on a gamble, the Germans had wanted to sweep
around French borders through Belgium and capture
Paris by coming in from behind. The problem was that the
• The French loaded 2,000 taxi cabs with soldiers and sent
them out to meet the Germans in battle before they got to
Paris. They defeated the
• Neither side could advance on the other and both armies
dug into trenches that reached from the English Channel
to Switzerland.
The Eastern Front
• On the eastern side the Russians, Germans, and Austro-
• The Germans defeated the Russians
• The Russians defeated the Austrians and threw them out
of Serbia==================================
• Italy had went back on the Triple alliance treaty and
helped France and Russia. So the Germans
• The Russians lost 2.5 million troops to the Germans and
lost Serbia.
• Now Germany was able to turn its attention back to
1916-1917 tie leads to slaughter
• The trenches for both sides were surrounded by 5 foot high
and 30 foot wide barb wire fences. They had concrete
machine gun nests and other gun batteries hidden to the
eye. Further behind the ----------------------------------------------
• The only thing the generals for each side could think of was
to fire canons at the trenches for a few hours to blow holes
in the wire and make the troops duck for cover. Then they
would order their own troops to charge out of their
• When that happened the machine guns usually killed
• From 1916-1917 millions of young soldiers died trying to
break ========================================
Lous-Hulloch trench system
Early Tanks (trench busters)
War in the air
• Around this time at the end of 1915 the
first airplanes appeared in battle. At first
they were only used to spot the
• Soon they started to attack ground targets
• Fights for control of the air soon increased
and enemy pilots started shooting at each
other with pistols. Later machine guns
were mounted to the airplanes. The pilots
were also given small bombs
Entry of the United States
• The United State tried to stay neutral at the beginning of
the war. The naval war between Great Britain
• Germany had a blockade of Great Britain and it used
unrestricted submarine warfare to enforce it. That meant
they would sink any ship that was in the water including
• On May 7, 1915 the Germans sunk the British ship
named the Lusitania. There were 1,100 civilians on the
• The government of the United States protested the
Germans over their policy. To avoid making the
• Two years later in January 1917, German navy officers
convinced the Emperor in Germany to start it back up.
They did not believe the
U.S. in the war
• In April of 1917 the U.S. officially entered the
war. They did not send
• The entry of the U.S. gave a boost to what was
now called the allied powers of Great Britain,
France and Russia. It also gave the allies a new
• The resources and the boost of new troops is
what eventually breaks the tie and
The home front
• The war had now become a total war. In other
words it affected the lives of all
• Everyone was doing something that
• Masses of men had to be organized and
supplies had to be manufactured and purchased
• This led to an increase in government powers. It
also led to manipulation of public opinion to keep
the war effort going so
Increased government powers
• The governments had expected the war to be over within
weeks, when that did not happen they had to respond
• Many more men and supplies were needed. To meet
these needs the governments increased their powers.
• #1 Countries drafted tens of millions of-----------------------
• #2 Governments expanded power over economies. They
set up price, wage, and rent controls. They rationed out
food supplies and materials, regulated imports and
• This is what was called planned economies, where
everything is controlled by a government agency with the
goal being to win the war. Every citizen was considered
Manipulation of Public Opinion
• The governments of warring countries found that they
needed to try to keep the public
• The public began to get tired of the war
• The Russians and Germans used force to keep their
citizens to ===================================
• The U.S. and Britain had different approaches. They used
propaganda to keep the citizens into the war. They also
made emergency laws that stopped freedom of the press.
• The British even passed an act called DORA or defense
of the realm act. It allowed them to
• War recruiting posters =========================
War and Women
• With so many men involved in the army, jobs
began to open up for women
• Women went to work in factories and many other
jobs that had ==========================
• After the war was over the governments quickly
removed the women from the jobs they had
encouraged them to take earlier. They did this to
give the jobs to
• Women did gain some rights out of the war effort
the most obvious one was the right to vote. It
was given to women in Germany, Austria, and

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