Zoe LO2 Planning and Developing

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LO2 Planning and Developing

for animation

By Zoe Howcroft
Production Timetable

This is my production timetable. The

strengths of it are that it’s designed to
make sure I stick to my deadlines and
get everything done by a certain date,
as it splits up all the different tasks I
have to do into different weeks giving
me something different to do every
week so it doesn’t have to be done all
together. This method helps because
then you can plan what you’re doing. I
cannot think of any weakness’ of this.
My Proposal

This is my proposal to say what I

am doing for my final animation it’s
to plan what is going to be in it, for
example I'm going to have two
characters, Billy and Andrey. It also
plans what kind of animation it is
going to be, mine is going to be on
a whiteboard using limited
animation. This helps because I
can keep looking back it to make
sure I’m doing the right things in
my animation which is a big

This is my storyboard it is a
skeleton outline of what is
going to happen in my final
animation this will help with
my animation because it
means that it is all planned
out so I don’t have to make it
all up as I go along. I found it
hard to think of some of
these ideas although it is
quite simple on this photo It
was developed more when I
made my final animation.
What I did..
• First I chose the word ‘Bounce’
because I thought it would be the
easiest one for an animation, then we
had to think of ideas for that word
for example a ‘bouncing’ ball and
then my ideas develop into a space
hopper. After I thought of these ideas
I had to think what could happen to
them say I could have the idea of
someone bouncing a ball and then it
just randomly bounced into space, I
had to develop all of my ideas like
this. I had to try and think outside
the box because they could be things
that didn’t even bounce in real life as
it is a cartoon so I could be as
creative as I wanted to be.
• 1st idea- the basket is just
Basket ball bouncing up and down like a
normal ball however this is just
to plain for an animation.
2nd idea - the ball bounces up
and hits someone in the face, I
find this idea to violent.
final idea – the ball bounces
over a fence, I like this idea
because it can be developed
really far, because the ball
could go anywhere so it could
go on for a while.
I think my final idea is animate-
able you could use loads of
different animations like
whiteboard and cel animation
because a plain round basket
ball would be easy to draw
over and over again on a
whiteboard because all you’d
have to do is keep it circular.
I can’t think of any difficulties
for this idea.
A Person • 1st Idea – Someone just bouncing up
and down on a trampoline this one is
way to simple.
2nd Idea – Someone jumping up and
down and then falls off and hits there
head on the floor I’d find it hard to
animate this.
Final idea – again bouncing on the
trampoline but this time they bounce to
high and end up in space they could
see aliens and other things.
I think for my final idea it would be
easy to think up ideas for the
animation. I would use cut-out
animation because I think if it was
going to be comedy it would add a
humorous effect.
Difficulties- I’m not very good at
picking things perfect for animations
so I would have to spend a lot of time
trying to find good cut out pictures
Chubby Person

1st Idea – A chubby person is running
but then he comes to a wall and he
can’t stop so he runs into it but then he
bounces off
• Final Idea - A chubby person walking
along but then he falls and starts
bouncing down a hill
my final idea is animate-able because it
would be really easy to do on
whiteboard as like with the basket bal
you’ve just got to keep the body round
and just keep adding the face and arms
every time but this could also be a
difficulty because it wouldn’t look right if
I didn’t get the detail the same every
Space Hopper
• I could only think of one idea for
this but it could be a really big
animation as the space hopper
could go all around the world. It
could got to places like Paris
and other capitals

I would use clay-mation for this

animation because I think it
would look good 3D in a way
although some difficulties could
be making major landmarks like
the Eiffel Tower perfect as clay
is really fiddly.
Chubby Person & Space Hopper

• A chubby person on a space

hopper, hops to hard into a
wall and they bounce into
space but they let go and they
are just floating through space
until an alien abducts him onto
there ship

I don’t think is very animate-

able so I don’t really know what
kind of animation I would use
but I do think it would be a
really good and funny idea for
an animation if it was possible
for me.
Character Development

This piece of planning will help my

animation greatly because it will help
me to draw my characters from every
angle during the animation which a
good strength. Although if I’ve drawn
it wrong here then my animation will
be wrong which is also a huge
Andrey the alien
This is one of my characters Andrey,
my other character Billy had to be cut
up during the animation so I haven’t got
him to put into this slide show but he
looks exactly the same as the one I
drew for my character development.
When making Andrey I used a toy of
Mike out of monsters inc to see how to
draw his eye like a big and alien looking
eye. I had to draw pictures of him from
all different angles so I could see how
he would move during the animation.
When making Billy I did the same but I
used a normal basketball to draw him,
the only thing I had to do was draw a
face from all of the different angles you
could see him.
Test animation
My test animation was about my scene with
the stars as I wanted to try make them look
like they were twinkling so didn’t look silly in
my final animation. This helped me quite a lot
even though it took me quite a few goes to get
the hang of it. When I finally did I felt confident
that I could make it look okay in my animation.
The weakness to this is that for me it took up
so much time which meant I was behind with
some of my other work and by the end of I still
wasn’t happy with the way the stars look so
the solution to my problem was the change
the way sparks came of the stars to make it
look smoother and more soft.
Sound recording
This is the recordings for my final animation
it will help my animation because then it
wont seem so plain. I had to use a little
white voice record and I had to record it live
to my animation and then I dubbed it to the
animation on my computer. It took me
about 13 times to get the recording correct
and make it so it fitted in with my animation
but I finally got there in the end. Even
though I think that it could be improved as it
is all my voice and there is any pre-
recorded sounds or music, I still think that it
will be a strength to my animation.
Any problems I came across and how that made me change my animation

Originally I was going to do the chubby person final idea but, I

thought this might offend some one who watches it and if I did I could
get marked down on my animation. So I played it safe and did about
a basket ball which is well known for bouncing anyway.

In my animation there were going to be clouds going across the back

but I couldn’t do that because it would be white one white and you
would be able to see them and plus if I couldn’t colour the sky in blue
so you could see them because the whiteboard pen would get
rubbed out so if I had to keep colouring it in it would look different on
most of the scenes.

Also I was going to do clay-mation but I wouldn’t be able to make

Billy jump or Andrey fly because they would have to be suspended in
mid-air which isn’t possible cause I can’t attach string or anything
else to them because of them being clay

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