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1. Learn how to set healthy

boundaries and set
yourself free
2. How to boost your self
esteem and self
3. 4 free Transformation
4. Transformation Coaching
“You are not required to set yourself
on fire to keep others warm.”

Your life is decided by the things

that you say “yes” to and the
things you say “no” to.
Different Roles that you play in life!!
What is a
boundary? Parts
of it
Personal boundaries are the
limits set by you.
How people can treat you,
How they can behave
What they can expect
from you.
Parts of boundaries
What happens when
you don’t set
Constantly at the mercy of others.
They tell you how to think, act, and
You will feel unfulfilled or lost-Passive
Allows others to do things to you that
are upsetting, or even harmful.
What are different
types of boundaries
1. Physical boundaries 
2. Emotional Boundaries
3. Time boundaries
4.  Intellectual boundaries
5. Material boundaries
What happens when you start setting
Why it is so difficult to set boundaries
• You worry about hurting the other
person’s feelings
• You have been made to feel bad about
setting boundaries
• You lack insight and awareness of your
• FOMO (fear of missing out)
• Social conditioning

For women,
• Part of the brain called anterior
cingulate cortex is larger.
• The hormonal surges in brain- Rising
tide of estrogen and progesterone.
• Half of your personality comes from
your gene pool 
How do you know
you have poor
1.Your relationships tend to be
difficult or dramatic.
2.You find decision making a real
3.You really, really hate to let
other people down.
4.Two words – guilt and anxiety.
5.You are often tired for no
apparent reason.
6.Your radar is off when it comes
to sharing.
How to figure out
your boundaries

1.Past experiences
3.Get clear on your
Healthy boundaries
in a relationship
Married couples must establish
boundaries in areas such as:
•In-laws and family
•Personal privacy
•Relationship rules
What are healthy
boundaries within
•Tune your perspective.
•Don't be competitive.
•Don't direct your anger at your
•Don't try to control the children
in front of them.
•Don't take it personally.
boundaries at
1.Assess Your Personal Boundaries
2.Communicate Upfront.
3.Keep Your Relationships Professional.
4.Delegate Work When Appropriate.
5.Say No.
6.Take Time Off.
10 ways to politely say 'NO'
•  I'm honored but I can’t
• I wish there were two of me
• Unfortunately, now is not a good time.
•  Sorry, I'm booked into something else right
• Damn, not able to fit this one in
• Sadly, I have something else
• No, thank you but it sounds lovely, so next
•  I'm not taking anything else right now
• Thank you so much for thinking of me, but I
• I have another commitment
Self confidence and self esteem
 Steps to build self-confidence and self- esteem
Self-confidence is what you think about yourself, and
Self-esteem is what you think others think of you.
To build self-confidence:
• Focus on the strengths you possess and your achievements.
• Radiate optimism and general happiness. E+R=O
• Be kind to yourself.
• Learn to be assertive.
• Start keeping your promises
• Dress and grooming
• Posture
• Learn and grow
• Speech
• Take responsibility
4 bonuses
• E-book of Bounce forward with
your baby
• Affirmation E-book that is going
to transform your life
• Unstoppable You- Self care
• Powerful Unstoppable you

Incase if you don’t receive your FREE BONUSES

Contact TEAM 8905554460
Questions that determine the quality of your life
Traits of successful
•Compass. They play to their
•They have ambition and assertive.
•They are risk takers.
•Courage and confidence-Never
•They're constantly learning and
investing in themselves
•Take failure easily
•They are voracious reader
•They remain grateful.
Who I am to tell you this

• I walk my talk-massively
transformed my life in 2 years.
• Have transformed several lives
through 1-1 coaching, group
coaching and training programs.
• I am a life-long learner

My story
My upcoming book

• A fearless and powerful girl is born in a middle class humble, and

disciplined army family in a small village in Banaras, with lots of
ambitions and dreams in her life, she wants to live her life on her
own terms without compromising and starts setting boundaries in
all spheres of her life from a very early age. A girl who was a little
afraid of her father but always wanted to be in his good books at
the same time. A girl that was outgoing, studious and disciplined
but at the same time wanted to get the most out of her life. She
wants to live the life to it's fullest. A girl that wanted to explore the
world of possibilities and never settled for anything average in
life. This is my story. This is the story of Sushma Singh.
• I talk about the challenges and struggles that a girl has to go
through in this male dominating world, how I managed to fight
them and come up with flying colours in all spheres of my life.
How these challenges made me a stronger individual to perform
well as a daughter, sister, wife and a mother to two kids.
• And in the part 2 of this book I will shares the exact same proven
blueprint that helped me become adaptable, unstoppable to dream
dream design my own life and uleashed the lioness within me to
fight the challenges in her life. HEAD ON.

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