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1. Confidentiality Agreement
Table of contents
2. Instructions: Executive Summary
I. Executive Summary
3. Instructions: Company Description
I. Company Description Worksheet

4. Instructions: Products & Services

I. Product & Service Description Worksheet

5. Instructions: Marketing Plan

I. SWOT Analysis Worksheet
II. Competitor Data Collection Plan
III. Competitive Analysis Worksheet
IV. Marketing Expenses Strategy Chart
V. Pricing Strategy Worksheet
VI. Distribution Channel Assessment Worksheet

6. Instructions: Operational Plan

7. Instructions: Management & Organization

I. Management Worksheet
II. Organization Chart

8. Instructions: Start-up Expenses & Capitalization

9. Instructions: Financial Plan

10. Instructions: Appendices

11. Instructions: Refining the Plan

I. Now That You’re (Almost) Finished . . .
Confidentiality Agreement
• The undersigned reader acknowledges that any information
provided by Venzest Online Platform Pvt. Ltd. (VOPPPL) in this
business plan, other than information that is in the public domain,
is confidential in nature, and that any disclosure or use of same by
the reader may cause serious harm or damage to VOPPL. Therefore,
the undersigned agrees not to disclose it without express written
permission from VOPPL.
• Upon request, the undersigned reader will immediately return this
document to VOPPL.

•Venzest Online Platform Pvt. Ltd. is a prop-tech investment platform that democratizes
institutional asset class pre-leased Commercial Real Estate (CRE) for Retail Investors as

THE PLAN its main value proposition, that is considered aspirational given its high value,
accessibility limitations and complex processes involved in acquiring and managing,
VOPPL enables its Retail Investor access to invest in such curated, safe and lucrative
options for them to earn high yielding rental income, capital appreciation, flexible
liquidity with no minimum holding period and very little or no volatility.

•VOPPL democratizes fractional ownership in the CRE Investment sector thereby

opening up large opportunities for retail investors as a great value proposition to invest
in and diversity their investment portfolio to mitigate market risks and earn passive
income. Grade A commercial properties located in sought after locations of metro cities
which would promise short-term as well as long-term capital appreciation, pre-leased
to quality tenants at good rental yields being the key. Our experience in the CRE Capital
Markets, Corporate Leasing, Business Development, Supply-chain and Business
Network in the industry gives us an edge above most competitors within the industry.

•We combine technology, expertise and years of investing experience to add

immeasurable value to our retail investors. This also helps in preparing real time
information for the Indian Real Estate Industry and generates insightful analysis from
our tech platform from a macro to a micro level.
•Our strong local presence in established and emerging markets across the country,
combined with our in-depth knowledge of prevailing market conditions and long-term
foresight has helped us cater to our already existing Institutional Investors’ and HNI
clients’ specific needs for years.
•We will be offering, high yielding institutional asset class pre-leased
commercial offices, retail spaces and industrial warehouses to retail investors
starting from a minimum investment ticket of INR 25,00,000/- (Rupees
Twenty-Five Lakhs Only) in fractions on our prop-tech platform. Our Retail
Investors will not only be able to use our tech platform to view all the
required information, get answers to FAQs, complete KYC and all other
forms / applications, etc. but also once they are onboarded by becoming an
investor with VOPPL, they will be able to monitor their Investment Portfolio
regularly online in real time. We aim to be a seamless, transparent and
efficient tech enabled platform for our investors.

•The monthly rentals as per the shares of the investors will be distributed on
a monthly basis which will be credited to their respective bank accounts.
Investors will also be able to sell their shares either directly to any other
person or even list it on our resale platform. After sale of each property, the
retail investors will also earn capital appreciation. VOPPL will charge its Retail
Investors a Management Fee of 1% of their total investment for sourcing,
managing and maintaining the asset completely not just from an
administrative perspective, but also accounting, taxation, legal, leasing the
asset in case a present tenant vacates it, facilitating an exit plan, etc. VOPPL
will also charge its Customers a Performance Fee of 20% over and above a
hurdle rate of 8% on capital appreciation at the time of sale of the asset.
VOPPL’s top line revenue also includes brokerage @ 2% from its Investors.
We aim at reaching the following AUM (Assets Under
Management) milestones in the first 5 years into the business:
• INR 200,00,00,000/- (Rupees Two Hundred Crore) by Y1 with
800-900 retail investors
• INR 400,00,00,000/- (Rupees Four Hundred Crore) by Y2 with
1600-1700 retail investors
• INR 600,00,00,000/- (Rupees Six Hundred Crore) by Y3 with
2400-2500 retail investors
• INR 800,00,00,000/- (Rupees Eight Hundred Crore) by Y4 with
3200-3300 retail investors
• INR 1,000,00,00,000/- (Rupees One Thousand Crore) by Y5
with 4000-4200 retail investors
•Our Total Addressable Market (TAM) considered is $ 50 billion (INR
3.67L Cr) (approx. 10X of SAM), Serviceable Available Market (SAM)
for real estate specific fractional ownership sector in India is already at
a staggering $ 5 billion (INR 36000 Cr) as in Oct 2020 and further
growing exponentially by the day. Serviceable Obtainable Market
(SOM) considered is $ 0.5 billion (INR 3671 Cr) (10% of SAM).

•Our target market consists of mid and senior management employees

and other working-class and retired individuals, entrepreneurs,
professionals (Doctors, Lawyers, Architects, CAs, etc.), small business
houses, all sizes of business owners, HNIs, NRIs, Industrialists,
Corporates, several unorganized groups of individuals like some we
have already been helping invest, etc. Port Folio and Fund Managers,
investment advisory firms and Mutual Fund Houses who have been
mandated by a large number of retail investors will be our huge
prospects as well.

•While there are a few key competitors within the CRE prop-tech
fractional ownership industry, most of them are based out of
Bengaluru as their primary markets. Hence VOPPL has the advantage
of being one of the first in this business starting out in the western
region (Pune & Mumbai) for starters (that are amongst the top 5 cities
leading in Office Space, Retail and Industrial markets) and expand PAN
India. Other indirect competitors being financial vehicles like fixed
deposits, stocks, mutual funds, commodities, bonds, etc. some of
which like Fund Managers, Wealth Management Firms, Portfolio
Managers, etc. can be our prospective customers too.
• Very competitive in nature and lucrative in return on investments being earned on a monthly
basis (Rentals)

• Extremely safe form of investment as it is asset / property backed, of which a retail investor will
own a fraction / share against his / her investment.


• Non-volatile or minimally volatile in nature as compared to most financial investment vehicles.

• Tangible nature, stable income, stable returns and collateral value. Long term potential and risk-
reward ability.

• Capital Appreciation at the time of exit with better post-tax returns

• No lock-in or minimum holding period

• Retail Investors / Clients can regularly track their investment /portfolio performance in real-time
on their dashboard which will be periodically updated and monitored by our back-end team.

• Share in the Company that owns an underlying, physical asset (brick & mortar with furniture in
some cases) that the investment is towards.

• Easy buy-in and sell-out of share and / or exit at the time of selling the entire property

• A stepping stone to gain presence in CRE - Investors will enjoy fractional ownership of Grade A
commercial property leased to quality tenants without having to go through all the tedious and
cumbersome processes of having to own such properties at exorbitant price tickets otherwise.

•Co-founder & Director
•Barun holds over 15 years of experience in Commercial Real Estate
Investments, Corporate Leasing, Asset Management, Sales, Marketing,
Financial Advisory and Consulting. He has handled a total AUM and
investments in excess of 400 Crs. and worked closely with Leading Developers
& Investors across various locations.


Co-Founder & Director
Niranjan comes with 14 years of experience in Managing Commercial
Real Estate Assets, Acquisitions, Sales, Leasing, CRM, Paralegal,
Advisory and Consulting. He has handled and managed AUM of INR
400-500 Crs for Poonawalla Group of Companies for over 11 years.
Above funds will be utilized mainly for the following:
Chart Title
• Initial acquisition of assets / properties before they get fully
funded by our Customers / Retail Investors

• Invest on a regular basis in Technology to constantly

endeavor, we are seamless online platform.

• Invest in marketing, branding, advertising via electronic,

digital and print media, etc. and also processes, talent, etc. if

• INR 100,00,00,000/- (Rupees One Hundred

Crore Only) as Round 1 in Y1 Q1
• INR 500,00,00,000/- (Rupees Five Hundred
Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
Crores Only) as Round 2 in Y1 Q3
• INR 600,00,00,000/- (Rupees Six Hundred
Crores Only) as Round 3 in Y2 Q4
•1. Company mission statement :
•Re-inventing the deal A hassle-free, transparent and easily accessible Business to
Consumer (B2C) Prop-tech platform for Retail Investors to invest in high yielding
pre-leased commercial real estate.
•2. Company philosophy and vision :
•To democratize high yielding pre-leased Commercial Real Estate (CRE) to Retail
Investors, that is otherwise accessible only to institutional investors, HNIs (High Net
Worth Individuals) and UHNIs (Ultra-High Net worth Individuals) through our
seamless Prop-tech platform.

•3. Company goals :

•To be a SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India) regulated and registered,
completely seamless digital, user-friendly and transparent fractional ownership tech-
based platform for all our Users / Clients and to reach a Client base of about 40000-
50000 users and 4000-5000 Retail Investors within a 4 to 5 year horizon with a total
AUM (Assets Under Management) spanning 800-1000 crores PAN India.

•4. Company philosophy and vision :

•Our target market would consist of mid and senior level management employees
and other working-class individuals, entrepreneurs, professionals, small business
houses, all sizes of business owners, HNIs, NRIs, Industrialists, Corporates, several
unorganized groups of individuals who we have already been helping invest, etc.
Port Folio and Fund Managers, investment advisory firms and Mutual Fund Houses
can be huge prospects as well.
•5. Industry
•Real Estate specific investments in target market segments are limited to residential
and / or land. Other traditional investment avenues being stocks, mutual funds,
bonds, FDs (Fixed Deposits), Gold, etc. While CRE has been an aspirational asset class
for retail investors since they are mostly unaffordable, highly illiquid and difficult to
administer and manage. For instance, if one buys a property, he / she will need to
maintain it, pay property taxes, find tenants, maintain and manage rental records and
accounts, needs to be compliant with all related taxes, filings in accordance with
prevalent laws, etc. If purchased or managed poorly, even a potentially lucrative
investment property too can quickly devolve into a money pit.

•Our business creates a unique opportunity for such markets, not only by making it
possible for them to gain access to asset-class high yielding pre-leased Commercial
Real Estate, without it coming at exorbitant prices, but also by not having to wait
longer to get returns started while we also manage all the above for them. This model
of Fractional Ownership has been existing for years, or perhaps for decades however
it has been seen commonly in investments like Mutual Funds, etc. or in Real Estate
but in unorganized ways mostly. REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts) that are also
growing exponentially, which also enable investors to invest in them in exchange of a
share in the form of dividends. Whereas in Fractional ownership, one invests in a
property along with several others and fractionally owns it.
•As already mentioned in the Executive Summary above, fractional ownership investment industry as a whole
is currently @ $ 5 billion and is fast growing not just with more and more Startups emerging, but also with Instructions: Company Description
them receiving substantial amounts of funding from Investors. The industry is steadily and rapidly growing and
can well become a major disrupting factor / threat for / to all other competitive and similar industries such as
Fixed Deposits, Mutual Funds, residential real estate, stocks, commodities, etc. in the near future. Given the
very competitive nature and dynamics of this business and special features and benefits (as listed in the Product
& Service Description worksheet below).

•6. Legal Structure:

• VOPPL which will be the umbrella Company, is a Private Limited entity under which all management
related services will be rendered and revenue (like Management Fee, Performance Fee, etc) generation
will happen. There will be separate SPV (Specific Purpose Vehicles) Companies like (LLP Or Private
Limited) that will be formed under which A particular asset / property will be acquired and Investors
will be onboarded as Individual Partners. Considering the company law, feasibility and compliances, we
have opted for this form keeping in mind rental and capital appreciation distribution to our Investors.
The Investors will enter into an EOI (Expression of Interest) and finally a binding Agreement / Contract
with VOPPL that will define and govern the nature of relationship between VOPPL and the Investor.

• The Directors of all the Companies (VOPPL as well as all the SPVs) will be Mr. Barun Mishra (50%
shareholding). Mr. Niranjan Chavan (50% shareholding) and Investors will invest in the SPV as
Individual Partner of the particular SPV in exchange of their respective share/s / fraction/s and the
proportionate shares of their rents and capital appreciation will be distributed to them.

Company Description Worksheet

Business Name Venzest Online Platform Pvt. Ltd. (VOPPL)

Re-inventing the deal - A hassle-free, transparent and easily accessible Business to Consumer (B2C) Prop-tech platform for Retail Investors to invest in high yielding pre-
Company Mission Statement
leased commercial real estate

Company Philosophy/
Dedication, Transparency, Value Addition, Proficiency & Commitment

To democratize high yielding, institutional asset class pre-leased Commercial Real Estate (CRE) to Retail Investor class, that is otherwise exclusively accessible only to
Company Vision
institutional investors, HNIs (High Networth Individuals) and UHNIs (Ultra-High Net-worth Individuals), using Fractional Ownership model.

 1. To redefine CRE investments and change the perception of Investors.

Goals & Milestones 2. To be able to penetrate into target markets with a view of achieving the long-term objective of being able to expand to the expected client base and AUM.
3. To eventually be a completely seamless, easy-to-use, hassle-free and transparent tech-based CRE Investment platform. 

Our target market would consist of mid and senior level management and other working-class individuals, Entrepreneurs, Professionals, Business Houses, Business
Owners, HNIs, NRIs, Industrialists, Retired Individuals or Pensioners, Corporates, Fund Managers handling Individual investment portfolios, Mutual Funds etc. In other
Target Market
words, our target market includes each and every working or retired individual who has average savings and / or an income that allows him / her to invest as per our
minimum investment ticket requirement of INR 25,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty Five Lacs Only).

Industry/  1. REIT (Real Estate Investment Trusts), Stock Markets, Mutual Funds, Bonds, Retirement Funds, Commodities, etc. among others
Competitors 2. Specific industry competitors include Property share Capital, Strata, hbits, Myre Capital etc among others. 

Legal Structure/
As explained in Pt. 7 above
Instructions: Products & Services
•Fractional Ownership of high-value, high-yielding pre-leased institutional asset class
CRE: Formation of the SPV for purchasing a specific, identified pre-leased property
after scanning through desired geographical markets and micro-markets, doing
extensive and rigorous evaluations using market research and market intelligence
relating to the Developer, Seller, Project / Property / Asset and most importantly the
Tenant, including but not limited to financial standing, rentals and related payment
history, etc. Once identified and shortlisted, we will initiate a dialogue with the seller
and start negotiations followed by all standard operating procedures required to
acquire a property. Once a desirable price is reached at, we enter into an in-principal
agreement in the form of an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) between the
SPV and the Seller by paying a token amount (generally between 1 – 10% of the total
consideration) to block the purchase.

•The time period agreed upon for the payment schedule (which generally ranges
between 90 – 120 days) will also be used to carry out due diligence, newspaper ad,
Title Search, etc. We list the property on our platform for retail funding and also on
other communications such as digital, Tele and print marketing, etc. listing with
property brokers, sending mailers, News letters and circulation to all databases to
reach target markets simultaneously at the time itself with the endeavor of getting
the said property 100% funded at the earliest (we target 90 days to fund every
property a 100%). Finally, we will conclude the entire transaction by entering into a
legally binding Agreement and by paying the remaining consideration to the seller,
paying the Stamp Duty & Registration to the Govt., registering the Agreement, etc.
and the said property is transferred in the name of the SPV then. Rental distributions
will start immediately to retail investors as and when they are onboarded after their
full investment is received and documentation is completed.
•We have considered an MIC (Minimum Investment Cap) @ ₹ 25,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty-Five
Lakhs Only) which will be the basis of working on all the properties we will acquire, list and get
funded. All retail investors will pay VOPPL an MMF (Monthly Management Fee) of 1% of their
Investment for all the above services relating to the said property and also for others like
property management, day to day maintenance, accounting and taxation for receiving and
distributing rental payments on a monthly basis, etc. After a specific time period (3 – 5 years of
holding the property), depending on the then prevalent market conditions, if there is a good
opportunity to exit, we would explore it and in which case, VOPPL will charge a PF (Performance
Fee) of 20% beyond a hurdle rate of 8% of capital appreciation by identifying a buyer after
carrying out a pol / survey among the retail investors and having a 70% majority to go ahead
with such exit.

• The problem the product or service solves:

•Democratizing fractional ownership in the CRE Investment sector thereby opening up large
opportunities for retail investors to invest in and diversity their investment portfolio to
mitigate market risks and earn secondary income. Grade A commercial properties located in
sought after locations of metro cities which would promise short-term as well as long-term
returns, pre-leased to quality tenants at good rental yields being the major key factor.

•3. How you will price your product or service:

•VOPPL’s top-line revenue includes a Monthly Management Fee of 1% (One Per cent) on the
total investments, a one-time Performance Fee of 20% (Twenty Per Cent) beyond a hurdle rate
of 8% (Eight Per cent) on the capital appreciation of the property at the time of selling it and a
one-time Brokerage @ 2% (Two Per Cent) from its retail investors. The above fee structure is
aligned with the market norms and may be revisited and restructured going forward depending
on any changes in the industry norms basis inflation, overall property rates and trends in the
market, price indexes, etc. This model will serve as a high-return yielding investment for our
Customers / Retail Investors at relatively lower investment tickets on a seamless, transparent
and professional tech-based platform.
Products & Services
Business Name Venzest Online Platform Pvt. Ltd. (VOPPL)

A Prop-tech B2C fractional ownership investment platform for retail investors in institutional asset
Product/Service Idea
class pre-leased CRE.

• Very competitive in nature and lucrative in return on investments being earned on a monthly
basis (Rental income)
• Extremely safe form of investment as it is asset / property backed, of which a retail investor will
own a fraction / share against his / her investment
• Non-volatile or minimally volatile in nature as compared to most financial investment vehicles
• Long term potential and risk-reward ability
• Tangible nature, stable income, stable returns and collateral value
• Can serve as a secondary income

Products & Services

Special Benefits • Capital Appreciation at the time of exit with better post-tax returns
• Customers / Retail Investors can regularly track their investment /portfolio performance in real-
time on their dashboard which will be periodically updated and monitored by our back-end team.
• We aim to have the entire process from onboarding a retail investor, selecting any of our listed

Description properties, answering all general and specific queries, handholding with the e-documentation
process including KYC, receiving payments, asset entry and cashflows, rental distribution, tracking,
managing and monitoring their investment and exit either by selling their share (should they want

Worksheet an early exit) or by exiting the property entirely, all will be done end-end online in a seamless

• Share in the Company that owns an underlying, physical asset (brick & mortar with furniture in
some cases) that the investment is made for
• No lock-in or minimum holding period required – Easy buy-in and easy exit by sale of share or at
Unique Features the time of exiting the entire property
• Presence in CRE - Investors will enjoy fractional ownership of Grade A commercial property leased
to quality tenants without having to go through all the tedious and cumbersome processes of
having to own such properties at exorbitant price tickets otherwise.
Products & Services Description Worksheet
Business Name Venzest Online Platform Pvt. Ltd. (VOPPL)
Product/ Service Idea A Prop-tech B2C fractional ownership investment platform for retail investors in institutional asset class pre-leased CRE.

• Very competitive in nature and lucrative in return on investments being earned on a monthly basis (Rental income)
• Extremely safe form of investment as it is asset / property backed, of which a retail investor will own a fraction / share against his / her investment
• Non-volatile or minimally volatile in nature as compared to most financial investment vehicles
• Long term potential and risk-reward ability
• Tangible nature, stable income, stable returns and collateral value
• Can serve as a secondary income
• Capital Appreciation at the time of exit with better post-tax returns
Special Benefits
• No lock-in or minimum holding period
• Customers / Retail Investors can regularly track their investment /portfolio performance in real-time on their dashboard which will be periodically updated and
monitored by our back-end team.
• We aim to have the entire process from onboarding a retail investor, selecting any of our listed properties, answering all general and specific queries, handholding
with the e-documentation process including KYC, receiving payments, asset entry and cashflows, rental distribution, tracking, managing and monitoring their
investment and exit either by selling their share (should they want an early exit) or by exiting the property entirely, all will be done end-end online in a seamless

Any form of investment carries certain risk. VOPPL allows its retail investors to have exposure to high-quality rent yielding properties, which may otherwise be
unaffordable. Besides one of the key advantages of investing through its tech-led platform is that the investments have very little or no volatility as they are not traded
or traded in much smaller lots privately while being extremely transparent. Each property is owned by a separate SPV so that if ever a situation arises where in the
platform goes out of business for any reason whatsoever, retail investors can hire any other company to manage the property and their money is safe. Liabilities will
Limits and Liabilities always be limited to rental distributions to retail investors however with timely fund infusion, it will be negligible or rather nil, and in turn will smoothen the whole
process and help us expand as per our projections going forward. The only risk that exists would be in a scenario where, due to some reason, a tenant vacates the said
pre-leased property and rental payments are stalled until we find a new tenant. Such case scenarios are clearly defined and captured in ‘inherent risks’ involved, which
all investments entail however, there will be no rental distribution during such period and hence will not be a liability but more of a risk thereby impacting revenues
on the specific investment for a specific period only.

Production and Delivery As stated in Pt. 1. Of III above

Developers / Builders, Investors (owning prospective properties), IPCs (International Property Consulting) firms like CBRE, JLL, Knight Frank, Colliers, Savils, etc., local
brokers, etc.
Intellectual Property Special
A tech-based fractional ownership investment platform for pre-leased commercial properties.
Service Description
Marketing plan & Research
• The total size of your industry : $ 5 bn as in Oct 2020

• Trends in the industry Exponentially and steadfast growth being seen. As already
mentioned in Pt. 6 above, the increasingly growing number of Startups entering and
raising funds $ Millions is testimony to the fact that it is a promising industry that has
immense short term as well as a long-term potential.

• The total size of your target market, and what share is realistic for you to obtain : TAM
(Total Addressable Market) considered is $ 50 billion (approx. 10x of SAM), Serviceable
Available Market (SAM) for Real Estte based Fractional Ownership in India is already a $
5 billion industry. While SOM (Serviceable Obtainable Market) considered is $ 0.5 billion
(10% of SAM)

• Trends in the target market – How are customer needs or preferences changing? It is a
rapidly growing industry as fractional ownership is a new investment vehicle that helps
diversify one’s investment portfolio thereby mitigating financial risk which is what most
consumers want – Safe, stable and long-term returns. The concept of Fractional
Ownership is fast catching the attention of prospective investors as it provides a bridge
for most retail investors to invest in highly aspirational and institutional asset class real
estate which otherwise, they can only wish for.
Instructions: Marketing Plan
•2. Barriers to entry:
•Being a highly capital-intensive business model is the only barrier to entry which we can
overcome. if we can seek timely funding. Some of the factors attributable to such high capital
• Fund flow to be deployed to acquire high-value, high-yielding asses out of a few others that
we have already identified, shortlisted, carried out an in-depth study and evaluation on as
required and assessed them in chronological order to enter into Substantial ongoing costs on
specialized technology front as we will be a PropTech meaning regularly investing in
technology and innovation so as to be at par with the competitors.
• Higher marketing costs – Significant investment in marketing channels and media partners on
an regular basis to create brand recognition and maintain the same.
• Hiring the right talent and retain at par market CTCs

•3. Threats and opportunities:

• Changes in government regulations – Not unless major changes in taxation and other policies
directly impacting the business directly are made. Generally, Govt defines policies related to
our markets and business for longer terms.
• Changes in technology – Since VOPPL will be a prop-tech platform, we will constantly aim at
being up to date in terms of technology constantly by virtue of making it a seamless and
transparent experience for our users.
• Changes in the economy – None other than the usual factors like recession, mass market
slumps or slowdowns, etc. as is the case with all other industries, however they may also
pose as great opportunities in our business context.
• Changes in your industry – Attributable to growing competition with newer entrants however
we will be quite entrenched and an established brand by then which will give us an edge to
combat such threats to a large extent, not sans experiencing more competition.

Product/ Service Unique and comparatively newer VOPPL not being the first to enter into Creating a whole new, parallel vertical in Case scenario in which a tenant
Offering product thereby early-bird advantage the said business PAN India if not within the PropTech and Investment sectors vacates the asset thereby impacting
and relatively lesser competition within our geographic market. therefore can potentially become a the returns as a negligible to a little
the industry and more so within the major disrupter in the investment volatility possibility.
geography industry

Brand/ Marketing Since we as the directors, have had a   Having already worked with multiple  A
long presence in CRE as a whole for over MNCs, Corporates, Business Houses,
11 years as Consultants / Advisors, Institutional and HNI Clients and
associating VOPPL with us as a brand to Investors. Also, a working relationship
the relevant business community can be with all IPCs and Brokers

Staff/HR Having ready access to an industry   Access to certain, directly potential  

specific talent pool will make it easier for target customers and markets data that
us to identify and hire the right the staff we hire comes with from their
candidates with the required skillsets previous roles and organizations.
and at the right pay-packages.
SWOT Analysis Worksheet Page 2.

There will be yearly targets and milestones With a maintained and achievable
VOPPL will work on, for which the initial capital cashflow and rolling over of working
will be deployed to initially fund each asset capital, we will always be fully ready to
acquisition. The same is paid back after the said grab any good investment opportunity
asset is fully funded by retail investors within a that we come across which will help
stipulated time-frame, before the said capital or us expand faster and reach an
a part thereof, is rolled over once again to fund achievable AUM (Assets Under
the next asset acquisition and so on. Management) year on year.

Operations/ An aggressive, well trained and professional   Aim at a high market penetration at all  
Management team of experts times with as much coverage
increasingly to capitalize

Market With the need for savings and provisioning for   Converting as much as that Direct and indirect competitors
the future, owning a debt-free and also an unexplored as well as saturated also targeting a share of this
income generating property, investing for the market into potential Retail Investors. pie.
future, etc., being India’s traditionally accepted
and most popular values, it gives us access to a
ready, voluminous and promising, long-term
•Can any of your strengths help with improving your weaknesses or
combating your threats? If so, please describe how below.
•Competitors of the likes of Wealth Management Advisories, Fund
Managers, Mutual Funds, etc. are directly prospective Customers for us, as
it would help them diversify their respective Clients’ portfolios outside the
arena of the stock markets and they can deliver better returns to their
Clients with evening out risks.

•Based on the information above, what are your immediate goals/next

•To obtain funding and kick off

•Based on the information above, what are your long-term goals/next

•Achieving milestones to reach the required growth and AUM as per
projections and to be a robust, seamless and transparent Proptech platform
for our users and consumers.
•4. Product/service features and benefits:
•In this section, explain any after-sale services you plan to provide, such as:
• Service contracts
• Ongoing support
• Sale or Re-sale

Instructions: Marketing Plan

5. Target customer:
For consumers:
Age – 30 and upwards mostly
Gender – M / F both
Location – Globally
Income – INR 25L-50L annually and upwards
Occupation – Nothing specific
Education level - NA
For businesses:
Industry – All industries
Location – PAN India
Size – Not definite
Stage in business (startup, growing) NA
Annual sales - NA
•6. Key competitors:
•Our direct industry competitors are :

• Property Share Online Platform Pvt. Ltd. (Major) – based out of Bengaluru,
they have presence in most major cities including Bengaluru, Hyderabad,
Mumbai & Pune. They raised seed funding of $ 2 Million in 2015 from
Lightspeed Venture Partners, BeeNext (Singapore) & Pravega Ventures Trust.
They have further received multiple rounds of funds subsequently.
• Strata Property Management Pvt. Ltd. (Major) – based out of Chennai /
Bengaluru, their presence is mostly into Commercial and industrial
warehousing. They raised INR 140 Crs in September 2020 from Saif Partners &

• Myre Capital (who is relatively new and still mushrooming however has
already raised INR 100 Crs in Round 1 and is expected to further raise another
INR 500 Crs before March 2021)
• hBits, SmartOwner, RealX, etc are some other players.

• Indirect competitors would include fixed deposits, mutual funds, stocks,

commodities, bonds, mutual funds, etc.

1. Major Competitor Data Collection Plan

Major Competitor Data Collection Plan

Competitors VOPPL
Pricing Same as VOPPL 1% Management Fee of investment and 20%
performance fee at the time of exit or sale of property
beyond a hurdle rate of 8% capital appreciation earned
by our retail investors
Benefits/Features Same as VOPPL As mentioned in Product & Service description
worksheet above
Size/profitability Size of Competitors is measured in Assets Under Management
(AUM). Hence the total valuation of
AUM for each competitor will be as follows:
Propshare : INR 554 Crs
Strata : INR 180 Crs
Myre : INR 51 Crs
Profitability considered basis Management Fees (1% of
AUM p.a) + Brokerage (@ 2% of AUM one time) is as
follows :
Propshare : INR 38.50 cr in 5 years
Strata : INR 7.2 Crs in 2 years
Myre : INR 1.53 Crs in 4 months
Market strategy Same as VOPPL
FACTOR VOPPL Propshare Strata Myre Capital Importance to Customer

Products Fractional / Co- Fractional / Co- Fractional / Co- Fractional / Co- High
ownership Prop-tech ownership Prop-tech ownership Prop- ownership Prop-
in CRE in CRE tech in CRE tech in CRE

Price 1% Management Fee 1% Management Fee 1% Management   Extremely High

+ 20% Performance + 20% Performance Fee + 20%
Fee beyond a hurdle Fee beyond a hurdle Performance Fee
rate of 8% on Capital rate of 8% on Capital beyond a hurdle
Appreciation Appreciation rate of 8% on
Capital Appreciation

Competitive Analysis
Worksheet Quality          
Selection Grade A, Pre-leased, Grade A, Pre-leased, Grade A, Pre-   High
income generating income generating leased, income
Commercial Real Commercial Real generating
Estate Estate Commercial Real

Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management

Stability Quite Stable as per Stable Stable   Beneficial in the long
our projections term
Competitive Analysis Worksheet

Expertise Experience, Team of In pre-leased   In identifying the right

knowledge, professionals with Industrial property with the right
network and 4-5 years’ warehouses mostly tenant at the right price and
related know experience in the right returns on their
how in the CRE relative field investment.
business. Aiming
at having a team
of professionals
with relevant
Company To be created Good Good Too Soon to Association with the right
Reputation Comment brand and hence will build
great comfort and trust
apart from word of mouth
lead generation.
Location Based in Pune Based in Bengaluru Based in Chennai /   Will have exposure to
however will be however also Bengaluru Customers in all
expanding to present in marketplaces as we expand.
Mumbai, Hyderabad, Mumbai This way those Customers in
Hyderabad, & Pune as well these specific markets will
Bengaluru, benefit from any of the
Chennai, etc properties we acquire there.
Sales Method Target Account, Concept and Concept and solution   Larger target markets will
Conceptual, solution selling selling be covered which will
Value based & result in higher
Solution selling customers awareness
thereby giving them
more options

Credit Policies          

Advertising e-Media, Print e-Media, Print e-Media, Print Media,   Awareness and access to
Media, Media, Hoardings, Hoardings, Social Companies that help
Hoardings, Social Social Media, Word Media, Word of them gain access to high
Media, Word of of Mouth, Referrals, Mouth, Referrals, etc yielding returns on their
Mouth, Referrals, etc investments

•7. Positioning/Niche:

•8. How you will market your product/service: 

•Advertising may include:

• Online – Digital marketing platforms including e-media companies, social media
platforms, SEOs (Search Engine Optimization), CPCs (Costs per click), etc.
• Print – Newspaper ads, publications, magazines, brochures, hoardings, etc.
• Events, Trade Shows / Fairs, Conventions, Promotional campaigns, etc.
• Word of mouth, referrals and references, tele-marketing, lead generation companies, etc.

•Which media will you advertise in, why and how often?

•Marketing may include:

• Business website business cards)

• Social media marketing • Public relations
• Email marketing • Trade shows
• Mobile marketing • Networking
• Search engine optimization • Word-of-mouth
• Content marketing • Referrals
• Print marketing materials (brochures, flyers,
9. Promotional budget:
• On an ongoing basis (These numbers will go into your operating plan budget) –
Considered ₹18,75,000/- (Rupees Eighteen Lacs Seventy Five Thousand Only) for Year 1
which we will evaluate every year and budget for accordingly.
Marketing Expenses Strategy Chart
  Online Media Print Media
Digital Marketing Print Media viz Promotional Campaigns
avenues include Newspaper ads, include Trade Shows /
Youtube channels, etc. brochures, magazines, Fairs, Conventions,
Social Media viz. publications, any other Corporate Events & PR
Facebook, Instagram, outdoor media, etc. activities, etc.,
Linked In, WhatsApp,  
Media Telegram, Signal,
Search Engine
Optimization (SCO),
CPC (Cost per click),

Monthly or Annual
Please refer to Marketing Expenses Sheet 
Labor Costs      
Marketing Plan
•10. Pricing:
•You explained pricing briefly in the “Products & Services” section;
now it’s time to go into more detail. How do you plan to set prices?
Keep in mind that few small businesses can compete on price
without hurting their profit margins. Instead of offering the lowest
price, it’s better to go with an average price and compete on quality
and service.
• Does your pricing strategy reflect your positioning? Yes
• Compare your prices with your competitors’. Are they higher,
lower or the same? Why? Same – Needs to be aligned with
• How important is price to your customers? It may not be a
deciding factor. – Will be important given that it is not
Business Name Venzest Online Platform Pvt. Ltd. (VOPPL)
Which of the following pricing strategies will you employ? Circle one.
  Value Based: Other:
  Based on your competitive advantage and brand
(perceived value)
Provide an explanation of your pricing model selection.
Pricing model in our industry is quite pre-defined and hence in principal, we have maintained the same in order to be aligned with our
competition however, we may also revisit / change / alter / tweak the same on a case-to-case basis going forward to become more
aggressive and create a competitive edge. For e.g..: we may offer the first 10 Customers / Retail Investors for a new listing an enhanced yield
of 1% for the first year to fast-track closure of / fully fund the particular listing. Similarly, we may even offer a lower Management Fee and / or
Performance Fee for a certain listing which has a slightly lower yield but a higher capital appreciation.
Important Note: VOPPL’s top line revenue DOES NOT get impacted in any case.

Pricing Strategy Worksheet

•11. Location or proposed location:
•If you have a location picked out, explain why you believe
this is a good location for your startup.
•Pune – As this is our geographic market in which we already
have an established network, experience and foothold and
will expand further in other cities like Mumbai, Bengaluru,
Hyderabad, etc.
Instructions: • 
•12. Distribution channels:
Marketing Plan
•What methods of distribution will you use to sell your
products and/or services? These may include:
• Direct sales
• Inside sales force
• Outside sales representatives
•If you have any strategic partnerships or key distributor
relationships that will be a factor in your success, explain them
Distribution Channel
Assessment Worksheet
Distribution Channel 2 Distribution Channel 3
Distribution Channel 1 Fund Managers, PMS (Portfolio Others like Lead Generation Companies,
International Property Consultants Managers), Investment Consultants, Leads through various Marketing
  (IPCs) & Local Brokers Wealth Managers, etc Channels, Referrals, etc.
Ease of Entry Purely Competitive and hence easy Purely Competitive and hence easy Purely Competitive and hence easy

Geographic Proximity Subjective from market location to location Subjective from market location to location Subjective from market location to location

Costs Level One Channel: 1% fee structure  Level One Channel: 1% fee structure Zero Level / Direct: No additional cost. Can be covered
in marketing budgets

Competitors’ Same as VOPPL Same as VOPPL Same as VOPPL

Management Extremely High Extremely High Medium to High

Staffing Capabilities Extremely High Extremely High Medium to High

Marketing Needs Networks for Pune and Mumbai already in place. Will While we already have a small network of above Marketing will be an integral part of the duties being
establish IPC connect in other markets through channel partners in Pune, we will be further carried out by our Investment Team ergo, there will be
current IPCs and will build local broker network for expanding with special focus on building a robust emphasis on lead generation and follow ups to convert
other cities network with above channels in all the cities such leads into definite sales

Distribution Channel Assessment

13. Yearly Sales forecast:

•Instructions: Marketing Plan




Legal Quality control


Production Quality Control Location Legal Personel

Instructions: Operational Plan
01. Production:
How will you produce your product or deliver your service? Describe your production methods, the equipment you’ll use and how much it will
cost to produce what you sell.

02. Quality Control:

How will you maintain consistency? Describe the quality control procedures you’ll use.

03. Location:
Where is your business located? You briefly touched on this in the Company Overview. In this section, expand on that information with
details such as: OPERATIONAL PLAN
A. The size of your location – 700 sq. ft
B. The type of building (retail, industrial, commercial, etc.) – Commercial
C. Zoning restrictions
D. Accessibility for customers, employees, suppliers and transportation if necessary – Good
E. Costs including rent, maintenance, utilities, insurance and any buildout or remodeling costs
F. Utilities – Please refer to the expense's worksheet
Production Quality Control Location Legal Personel
04. Legal environment:
What type of legal environment will your business operate in? How are you prepared to handle legal requirements? Include details such as:
G. Any licenses and/or permits that are needed and whether you’ve obtained them – Yes
H. Any trademarks, copyrights or patents that you have or are in the process of applying for –
I. The insurance coverage your business requires and how much it costs – Please refer to the expense's worksheet
J. Any environmental, health or workplace regulations affecting your business – No
K. Any special regulations affecting your industry – No
L. Bonding requirements, if applicable – NA
Instructions: Operational Plan

•05. Personnel:
Job Title Job Description
• What types of employees? Are there any Directors • Overseeing Management
• Sourcing of Properties, structuring transactions, negotiations,
licensing or educational requirements ? paperwork related to the deals, closures and listing them on the
•No specialized education background platform
• Commercial / Financial decision making
required. Minimum qualification of being a • Allocating targets and performance tracking of the whole team
Graduate degree. MBAs Marketing preferred. • Conducting Business Reviews
• Overall Business Development
• How many employees will you need? • Oversee to be a bridge between Technology and Business
• Recruitment and Hiring
•Team Member – 9 nos + Technology Team - 2 • Managing Distribution Channels
nos on Contract / Retainer basis in H1Y1 • Overseeing all Finance, Admin & overall operations
which will grow to 13 Team members + • Appraisals
Investment • Business Development including conversion of existing leads given by
Technology Team - 2 nos in H2Y1 and further Manager (IM) sources, new lead generation, follow ups, payments, closures, etc.
grow as per expansion of VOPPL. • Managing a team of 3 Assistant Managers including daily reporting,
target allocation, target goals & meeting targets, handling escalations,
• Will you ever hire freelancers or preparing reports, etc.
independent contractors? • working with channel partners,
•Yes, for Technology
Assistant • Primarily end to end of Business Development including following up with all the
Manager (AM) existing leads (given by tele-marketing and other marketing channel partners) in view
of maximum conversion, generating new leads, uploading required documents / data
on the portal regularly, etc.
• Sending out Ims (Information Memorandums), Proposals, Company Profile,
Comparisons and all other material.
• All direct interaction with Customers / Retail Investors, Channel Partners, Distribution
Channels, etc.
• Closures, working on targets and goals given by his / her IM. Generating daily /
weekly / bi-weekly / monthly reports on MIS.

HR & Admin • Responsible for all hiring and Human Resources like payrolls, appraisals, attendance,
etc. related matters
• Administrative matters for office as well as all owned Properties / Assets like Facilities
& Logistics, Infrastructure, Maintenance, co-ordination with Building Managements
where the properties are located, etc.

PERSONNEL Accounts / • Writing & maintaining all Companies’ Accounts and Bookkeeping
Operational Plan Finance •

Billing and Invoicing
Managing all Rental payment receipts and Investor payment distribution
• All Direct and Indirect Taxation related matters including filing of all necessary returns
in compliance with the regulations
• Managing and operating all Banking related transactions and activity with approvals
from the Directors
• All co-ordination with CA and Auditors

Tele Marketing • Outbound calls for lead generation, follow ups with Customers, Channel Partners,
Executive Marketing Partners, Distribution Channels, etc.
• Handling all inbound calls, initial handling of enquiries in giving introductions,
Company Profile, etc.
• Handling front office

Technology Team •  
Instructions: Management & OrganizationMr. Barun M. Mishra: Barun holds a Bachelor's degree in Commerce and has a total
work experience of over 16 years, out of which 10 years he has spent as Independent
Consultant in Commercial Real Estate investment and transaction advisory. He has
handled a total AUM and investments in excess of 400 Crs. Some of the Companies he
has worked with are Siemens, H&R Block, IIFL, Capital First, Centrum, AST Corp, Global
Next, Column Software, etc. among others. He has also worked closely with leading Real
Estate developers like Panchshil Realty, Amar Builders, Nyati Group, Lunkad Realty, etc.

04. Organization Mr. Niranjan S. Chavan: Niranjan holds a Bachelor's degree in Commerce and has a total
work experience of over 18 years, out of which 11 years he has spent with Poonawalla
Chart: Group of Companies managing their AUM of 400-500 Crs end to end across India &
London. He has also assisted and been an advisor for some other companies like
Mastek, Majesco, Intellect Design Arena, Randstad, Hyflux, Mapro, Varstret, Ison, etc.
. among others in Commercial Real Estate Consulting and Transaction Advisory Services.

Since we are a Proptech and neither of the Directors come from a Technology
Gaps in background nor we will have an inhouse Tech Team, there will naturally be some gaps in
the Management on that front. Hence in order to plug the same, we propose to hire a
Management or technologically sound and well qualified team of professionals on contract or retainer
Experience basis who will be working on a robust and seamless Technology end for our platform
Advisors Still in the process of onboarding
• 01. Start-Up Expenses:
• Download and complete the Start-Up Expenses template. In working on this
Business Plan, you should already have gathered most, if not all, of the
information you need. In the body of this section, be sure to explain all of
the assumptions behind the figures. How did you come up with these
expenses? If you’ve secured or expect to secure loans, explain the source/s,
amount/s and terms. If you’ve secured or expect to secure investors, explain
how much each investor will contribute and what percentage of ownership
each receives in return.
• Be sure to include extra capital for unexpected expenses. Opening a new
business almost always ends up costing more than expected, and you need
to be prepared. List this figure in the Start-Up Expenses template under
“Reserve for Contingencies.” How much should you set aside for
contingencies? You can talk to other business owners in your industry to get
a ballpark figure. If you can’t come up with a figure this way, a good rule of
thumb is to set aside 20% to 25% of your total startup costs for
Instructions: Startup Expenses & Capitalization
In this section, detail the expenses involved in opening for business and how much capital you’ll
need. (Do not include ongoing expenses after your business opens; those are listed in the
Financial Plan.) Estimating startup expenses as accurately as possible helps you gather enough
startup capital.

• 02. Opening Day Balance Sheet :

• Download and complete the Opening Day Balance Sheet. Use it to detail the expected
state of your business finances on opening day. As with the Start-Up Expenses sheet, be
sure to explain the assumptions behind the figures.

03. Personal Financial Statement:

If you are using the business plan to seek financing, include personal financial statements for each
owner and each major stockholder. The personal financial statements should detail each person’s
assets and liabilities outside of the business and their personal net worth. Investors and/or
lenders typically expect business owners to use personal assets to finance a startup, and they’ll
want to see how much capital you have available from your personal finances.

After reading the Startup Expenses & Capitalization section, the reader should know how much
money is needed to start the business and how well capitalized you are.
Instructions: Financial Plan
Your financial plan is perhaps the most important element of your business plan. Lenders and investors will review it in detail.
Developing your financial plan helps you set financial goals for your startup and assess its financing needs. Include the following:

•01. 12-month profit & loss projection:

•Also known as an income statement or P&L, the 12-month profit and loss projection are the
centerpiece of your business plan. Download the 12-Month Profit and Loss Projection and fill in your
projected sales, cost of goods sold and gross profit. (Refer to the Sales Forecast you created in Section
IV). Then list your expenses, net profit before taxes, estimated taxes and net operating income.
•Be sure to explain the assumptions behind the numbers in your P&L. Keep detailed notes about how
you produced these figures; you may need this information to answer questions from potential
financing sources.

02. Optional: 3-year profit & loss projection:

A three-year profit and loss projection is not essential to a business plan. However, you may want to create
one if you expect your business’s financials to change substantially after the first year, or if investors or
lenders require it. Download the 3-Year Profit and Loss Projection template and use it to create your
03. Cash flow projection:
The cash flow statement tracks how much cash your business has on hand at any given time. Once
your business is up and running, you’ll want to keep close tabs on your cash flow statement. For
now, however, you’re creating a cash flow projection. Think of the cash flow projection as a forecast
for your business checking account. It details when you need to spend money on things such as
inventory, rent and payroll, and when you expect to receive payments from customers and clients.
For example, you may make a sale, have to buy inventory to fulfill the sale, and not collect payment
from the customer for 30, 60 or 90 days. The cash flow projection takes these factors into account,
helping you budget for upcoming expenses, so your business doesn’t run out of money.
Download the 12-Month Cash Flow Statement and use it to create your projections.
Instructions: Financial Plan
04. Optional: 3-year cash flow statement:
Depending on your needs and the purpose of your business plan, you may also want to
include a 3-year cash flow statement. If so, download the 3-Year Cash Flow Statement and
use it to create your projections. This is a much simpler document than the 12-month cash
flow statement but can still be useful in making plans.

05. Projected balance sheet:

A balance sheet subtracts the company’s liabilities from its assets to arrive at the owner’s
equity. You already created an opening day balance sheet in Section 1. Now, download the
Balance Sheet (Projected), and create a projected balance sheet showing the estimated
financial condition of your business at the end of its first year. The major difference
between the two is that the projected balance sheet includes any owner’s equity resulting
from the business’s first year in operation. Lenders and investors may want to see this

•06. Break-even calculation:

•The break-even analysis projects the sales volume you need in order to cover your costs. In
other words, when will the business break even? Download the Break-Even Analysis
template and, using your profit and loss projections, enter your expected fixed and variable
costs. Adjust the categories to reflect your own business.
•You can even create a couple of different break-even analyses for different scenarios. For
example, your payroll costs will vary depending on whether you hire full-time employees or
use independent contractors. Creating different break-even analyses can help you determine
the best option.
Instructions: Financial Plan

•07. Use of capital:

•If you’re using the business plan to seek financing from lenders or
investors, provide a breakdown of how you will the capital and what
results you expect. For example, perhaps you will use the money to buy
new equipment and expect that to double your production capacity.
•After reading the Financial Plan section, the reader should understand
the assumptions behind your financial projections and be able to judge
whether these projections are realistic.
•A SCORE mentor can help you complete your Financial Plan tailored for
your business. Find a SCORE mentor.
Instructions: Appendices
•Don’t slow your readers down by cluttering your business plan with supporting documents, such as contracts or licenses. Instead, put these
documents in the Appendices, and refer to them in the body of the plan so readers can find them if needed.

You can also include any other materials that will give readers a fuller picture of your business or support the projections and
assumptions you make in your plan. For instance, you might want to include photos of your proposed location, illustrations or
photos of a product you are patenting, or charts showing the projected growth of your market.
After reviewing the Appendices, the reader should feel satisfied that the assumptions throughout the plan are backed up by
documentation and evidence.

• Agreements (Leases, contracts, purchase orders, letters of intent, etc.) • Blueprints/plans

• Intellectual property (trademarks, licenses, patents, etc.) • List of equipment
• Resumes of owners/key employees • Market research studies
• Advertising/marketing materials • List of assets that can be used as collateral
• Public relations/publicity
For Raising Capital from
•Investors are looking for dramatic growth, and they expect to share in the rewards.
If the business plan is for investors, include:
• Investment amount you need :
• INR 100,00,00,000/- (Rupees Hundred Crore Only) as Round 1 in Y1 Q1
• INR 500,00,00,000/- (Rupees Five Hundred Crores Only) as Round 2 in Y1 Q3
• INR 600,00,00,000/- (Rupees Six Hundred Crores Only) as Round 3 in Y2 Q4
• How you’ll use the money and how that will help your business grow
• Estimated return on investment
• Exit strategy for investors (buyback, sale or IPO)
• Percentage of ownership you will give investors
• Milestones or conditions you will accept
• Financial reporting you will provide to investors
• How involved investors will be on the board or in management
For a Service Business
• Explain your prices and the methods used to set them.
•Prices are based on generic market practices and what competitors charge.

• What systems and processes will you use for ensuring consistent delivery of services?
•Utilization of funds deployed from anchor investors in accordance with the projections of VOPPL over 1 to 2 years horizon
will be the primary key factor to ensure AUM targets are met. On the other hand, our Investment Team’s primary objective
in tandem with our Marketing Partners will be to have each and every asset fully funded within a stipulated time-frame by
retail investors. There will be incentive-driven target-oriented tasks allocated to each Investment Manager (IM) & each
Assistant Manager (AM). Weekly Business Reviews will be conducted to understand the status on each asset and strategies
will be mapped out differently case to case basis.
• What quality control procedures will you use?
•We will emphasize on Customer Feedback at all times with follow ups to ensure quality is in check. Besides, there will be an
escalation matrix for all Customers.

• How will you measure employee productivity?

•Purely based on targets and performance.

• Will you subcontract any work to other businesses? If so, what percentage of work will be subcontracted? Will you make a
profit on subcontracting?

• Explain your credit, payment and collections policies and procedures.

•There will be a standard payment schedule for all retail investors across the board, which will be the basis of on-boarding a

• How will you maintain your client base and get long-term contracts?
•Using systems like Monthly Information System (MIS)

• Explain any new services you’re developing or services you plan to add after startup.

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