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Internship Project Presentation on


Carried out at:

Bharati robotic system, pune

Under the supervision of Intership coordinator Presented By

Dr Jerwin prabu A Prof.Mohammed Hafeez Mr. Mohammed Fahim

Head of technology Dept. of CSE 4PA18CS052
BRS, pune P.A.C.E. –Mangalore VII CSE

Bharati Robotic System:

• Bharati Robotic Systems(India) Private Limited design and manufactures robotics systems. The
company a range of floor cleaning products for service, defense, Industrial, and Agricultural and
many other sectors.
• It is a startup Company based in pune, Company believe in adoption of Robotics will re-structure
the sectors and economy to create more quality jobs and increase efficiency in processes all
around. Robotics will bring more harmony. There main motive is to creating Robot for people.
• Company Robots are improving Productivity and Efficiency Across Industries. Fueling the Growth
of infrastructure and facilities management sectors. The future of industrial mobility is autonomus
we are making your supply chain efficient with our range of material handling robots. There are
good careers at BRS company in pioneering spirit meets enthusiasm here, the perfect combination
for leading the robotic revolution. Simple clarity on AI_Machine Learning_Deep Learning for
AMATEURS. AI in robotics helps robots perform the crucial tasks with a human-like vision to
detect or recognize the various objects

• Around the world from various sources all in one place.

• News aggregator plays a very important role in reducing time consumption, as all of
the news that would be explored through more than one website will be placed only
in a single location. Also, summarizing this aggregated content absolutely will save
reader’s time.
• Summarizing the relevant articles after enhancing the text to give the reader
understandable and efficient summary.
• News Aggregator is simply an online software which collects new stories and

• There are hundreds of news websites, they do cover news on serveral broad topics,
out of which only a few of them are of our interest. A news aggregator can be a tool
to save a lot of time and with some modifications and filteration we can fine tune it
to show only news of our interest.
• A news aggregator can be an useful tool to get information within short time.
• There are many websites or app to cover news daily but news aggregator covers
news in short period of time and save our precious time.
• There are many websites or app showing fake news .To avoid we can use news

• The proposed system overview will make the user able to explore news from
more than one source.
• The system will also give the user the main feature which is a readable
summary to all of the aggregated content of the same topic.
• A proposed technique used called the TextRank algorithm that showed
promising results for summarization. 
• The proposed system saves both time and cost of users.

Hardware requirments
• processor i3
• Ram: 4GB
• Hard disk: 500 GB
Software requirements
• Windows 7 or higher
• Visual studio code
• Python programming
• Django framework
• Google chrome or Microsoft edge

• Basically python is used to develop this project and also css and html to built
• First of all we should install bs4 and request command in command prompt
• Installing Django:
Install Django by using following command:
pip install django
• Setting up a project:
Run the following command to create a project
Django-admin startproject projectname

• Creating an app using the following command:

Python startapp appname
• create a directory with name templates :
create a news directory inside templates directory and then create a
index.html file inside the directory
• To run the program in local server use the following command
python runserver
Conclusion and future work

• news aggregator, online platform or software device that collects news stories

and other information as that information is published and organizes the
information in a specific manner.
• This is accomplished in several ways. Some aggregators are curated by people to
whom certain types of information is of particular import
• use HTML (hypertext mark-up language) coding on the websites of news-
gathering organizations to public notifications of instant updates to news content
regarding a specific subject.
Future scope
• Compatible as application
• Gather resourse from around the world


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