Goals and Expectations - Pronunciation and Listening

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Goals and

Lesson 1 – English Listening and Pronunciation
- How do we reach our goals?
- What do we do to realize our
What is a goal? expectations?

What is an
- What is to set a goal? And how do we
expectation? set realistic goals?
- What do we do to achieve them?
How “smart” are your goals? Do you set
“smart” goals?

• https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/smart-goals.htm
Watch the video/ quickly read the article and fill in the table below.

Now it is your turn to set your “smart” goals

• http://linoit.com/users/MeliMetti/canvases/Hilal%27s%20smart%20goals
Listening and Pronunciation

- What kind of things have you listened to in the last 24 hours?

Activity -1

• Think about all the things you need to do to understand a message.

• a) Find two reasons why it can be more difficult to understand the message
when you are listening (not reading).

• b) Find two reasons why it can be more difficult to understand the message
when you are reading (not listening).
What makes listening difficult?
Listen to 5 listening extracts.


Extract Authentic or scripted Why

1 • ....
• ….
2 • ....
• ….
3 • ....
• ….
4 • ....
• ….
5 • ....
• ….

Watch the short video by Simon Sinek and what is the main idea of the video?

While watching/ or just listening were there some incidents where you couldn’t understand some words or phrases?

If so what maybe the reason(s)?

Anything about specific words?

Anything about sentences?

Anything about background noise?

Anything about his way of speaking?

Watch the video below. Now what should we do to improve our pronunciation???

or watch this video and repeat after
Script it: Look at the text below and try to decode it.

ðə bjuːtɪfəl̩ ɡeɪm
əʊvə ðə lɑːst hʌndrəd jɪəz ðə ɡeɪm əv fʊtbɔːl həz
təʊtəli tʃeɪndʒd ðə wɜːld əv spɔːt, miːdɪə ənd leʒə.
fʊtbɔːl ɪz pleɪd wɜːldwaɪd baɪ mɔː ðən wʌn pɔɪnt faɪv mɪljən tiːmz ənd θriː hʌndrəd
θaʊzən̩d klʌbz. ən əmeɪzɪŋ eɪ taʊ təv ten piːpl̩ ɪn ðə wɜːld wɒtʃ ðə wɜːld kʌp.
ɪt ɪz, əz ðə ɡreɪt brəzɪlɪən fʊtbɔːlə peleɪ dɪskraɪbdɪt, “ə bjuːtɪfəl̩ ɡeɪm”.

To practice

• You can download an app and practice

• https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/apps/learnenglish-sounds-right
Before we practice more let’s go back to slide 14 and pronounce those problematic words again.

Time to do some activities:

• http://platea.pntic.mec.es/ffernand/elynx/pdf/Practical_Phonetics_Exercises_B
key three cupboard
student chemist sheep
comfortable photographer
wear congratulations record
pick them up economy
interested listen to the radio
The words/ phrases above would need particular attention to
their pronunciation? Can you try to pronounce them one by
Let’s quickly answer the questions in the quiz above. Then watch the video below. If we have
problems with word stress.

Now, let’s try again. Focus on two syllable words and designate the stressed syllable.

Now, do the same thing to the three syllable words:

But there is one rule of thumb:

So, sentence stress also matters!

Listen to the sentences below and find the vital information that wanted to be



What is intonation? Do you think it changes the meaning?

For example: “Do you need some help?”


Let’s check our understanding. Answer the questions in the quiz below.

What is connected speech?

• Why do we need to work on connected speech? By doing that in what way(s)

we improve our English?

• Listen to the extracts and think about the answer of the question above again.

• https://helenslanguagehome.com/my-language-blog/english-connected-speech-
• There are some more activities here too
• https://www.cambridgeenglish.org/learning-english/activities-for-learners/c1l0
Some listening and pronunciation activities

Lesson 3 - 03.07.2021 Let’s check out the activity below. And
answer the questions.https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/skills/listening/advanced-c1
The attitudinal function of intonation
• Many writers have expressed the view that intonation is used to convey our feelings and attitudes: for example, the same sentence can be said in different ways,
which might be labelled "angry", "happy", "grateful“.

Conversation A

A: 'John ‘Clapham is a 'very 'funny\actor

B: 'Oh \yes | Ive \seen /him

Conversation B

A: 'Have you 'seen my /father -yet

B: Ive vseen him I but I 'havent had 'time to \talk to him


Yes, I’ve seen her. (Ive \seen /her) aɪv \si:n/ hɜ:

Yes, I’ve seen her. (Ive vseen her) aɪv vsi:n ə

The attitudinal Intonation

• Fall – Finality, definiteness: • Rise - Most of the functions attributed to rises are nearer to grammatical than attitudinal, as in the first
three examples given below; they are included here mainly to give a fuller picture of intonational
That is the end of the \news
Im absolutely \ certain
General questions: Can you /help me
Stop \talking Is it / over

• Fall-rise Listing: /Red /brown /yellow or \blue (a fall is usual on the last item)

Uncertainty, doubt: "More to follow": I phoned them right a/way ('and they agreed to come’)

You must write it a/gain (and this time, get it right)

You vmay be right.
Encouraging: It wont /hurt
Its vpossible.


Can I vbuy it? - Rise-fall

Will you vlend it to me? Surprise, being impressed: You were a first

vAll of them
Written Exercise
• The following sentences are given with intonation marks. Sketch the pitch within the lines below, leaving a gap
between each syllable.
a) 'Which was the /cheap one did you –say

b) I 'only 'want to vtaste it

c) ,She would have .thought it was Vobvious

d) There 'wasnt 'even a 'piece of \bread in the -house

e) \Now will you be • lieve me

• This exercise is similar, but here you are given polysyllabic words and a tone. You must draw an appropriate pitch movement between the lines.

• a) (rise) opportunity

• b) (rise-fall) magnificent

• c) (fall-rise) actually

• d) (rise) relationship e) (fall) confidently f) (fall-rise) afternoon

Written Exercise:

• In the following bits of conversation, you are supplied with an "opening line" and a response that you must imagine saying. You are given an indication in
brackets of the feeling or attitude expressed, and you must mark on the text the intonation you think is appropriate (mark only the response). As usual in
intonation work in this book, punctuation is left out, since it can cause confusion. If you would like to hear how you can use this app https://vocaroo.com/
It 'looks 'nice for a \swim its rather cold (doubtful)

'Why not 'get a /car because I cant afford it (impatient)

Ive .lost my \ ticket youre silly then (stating the obvious)

You 'cant 'have an 'ice \cream oh please (pleading)

'What 'times are the /buses seven oclock seven thirty and eight (listing)

She got 'four \A-levels four (impressed)

'How much \work have you .got to-do Ive got to do the shopping (and morethings after that...)

'Will the vchildren -go some of them might (uncertain)

Functions of Intonation
• Accentual
• Grammatical (Tag Qs)
• Discourse (looking at the bigger context)
“Have you got any time today?”
• https://bethnalgreenventures.com/blog/introducing-upskill-me/
• CAMBRIDGE English Phonetics and Phonology ( PDFDrive.com ).pdf
• file:///C:/Users/melik/OneDrive/Belgeler/ELT/ELT%20Books/128244294-How-to-Teach-Pronunciation.pdf
• https://www.cambridge.org/de/cambridgeenglish/resources?webSubjAll[]=Adult+%26+Young+Adult&webSubjAll[]=Adult+Courses&webSubjAll[]=Business
• https://www.aspeninstitute.org/of-interest/upskilling-in-the-news-new-amazon-program-offers-free-career-training-in-robotics/
• wouldn't it be good to be on your side lyrics

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