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These are the wounds caused by the blunt force

resulting in torn of the skin and the underlying
tissue, with a minimal bleeding.
Features of the lacerated
Edges are ragged,irregular and contused.
Margins are abraded due to impact of blunt force.
Deep tissues are crushed.
Hair bulbs are crushed.
Less bleeding due to crushing of underneath vessels.
Presence of foreign materials.
Size-May or may not correspond to the weapon.
Floor-Tags of tissue seen across the floor. (bridging)[1]
Damage to the tissue-Gross and extensive.
Haemorrhage-Less because of crushing of vessels.
Foreign substances at the site of injury-dust,mud,gravels
Healing-Process delayed due to gross damage and
Scars-Due to damage to skin and tissue.

[1]K.Reddy,the essentials of FM &toxicology,21st

Types of lacerated wounds[2]
Split laceration:

Found in pats overlying bones-scalp,face,hands and lower

Due to perpendicular impact by blunt force.
Due to crushing of skin between two hard objects.
It simulates the incised wound.

 [2]K.Reddy,the essentials of FM &toxicology,21 st edi.,2012,pg175-176

Stretch laceration:
Due to over stretching of skin and produces flap.
Due to blunt tangential impact-when head strikes
on the wind screen of the vehicle.
Due to sudden deformity of bones after fractures.
Avulsion wound:
Degloving of skin over the impacted area due to
compression and grinding of underlying tissue.
Commonly seen in road traffic accidents and by
machinery in heavy industries.
Tears laceration:
Due to friction with irregular or pointed end of a
weapon or an object on the surface of the body.
Deeper at the string point than at the terminal.
Cut laceration:
This type of lacerated wound is produce by “not so
sharp” edge of heavy weapon.
Seen in chop wounds.
Margins are not clear cut.
Abrasions or contusions are seen on the margins.
Medico-Legal importance
Homicidal-occurs in any part of the
body.produced by blows with hard and blunt
Suicidal-Very rare.
Accidental-Road traffic accidents, accidental fall
from height.
Foreign bodies-Mud,gravel,oil etc.
Jurczyk Atypical  an autopsy of a man Autopsy findings
AP, Prośniak abdominal with an extensive defect combined with results of
A, Krześniak lacerated of the abdominal additional tests
S, Brzeziński wound-- integument and (microscopic
P differentiat perineum. The examination of tissue
ion from inspection of the body sections, ethyl alcohol
Case report an incised at the site it was found level determination)
Level 5 wound together with the allowed for verification
deposition of the of the investigation
deceased man's hypothesis, exclusion of
concubine suggested a criminal act and
the possibility of demonstrating dog-
criminal degloving of inflicted injuries as the
the body using a sharp- cause of death
edged tool with
superimposed injuries
inflicted by a dog
1 A ‘Brush burn’ is
A. An extensive burn
B. A burn produced by electricity
C. Graze abrasion
D.Pressure abrasion
2 Which one of the following is not an example of
pressure abrasion?
A. Ligature mark in hanging
B. Ligature mark in strangulation
C. Teeth bite marks
D.Fingernail marks
3 A blow of moderate violence may produce a
comparatively small bruise, if the
A. Tissues are loose
B. Tissues are firm and fibrous
C. Tissues are overlying the bones
D.Patient is anaemic
4 The age of the bruise can be determined by
A. Its size
B. The amount of extravasated blood
C. The changes in the colour
D.All of the above
5 Which one of the following statement is not correct
for an incised wound?
A. The length is more than the width
B. The edges are clean cut
C. Deeper at the beginning
D.Is spindle shaped

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