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Analyze it based on the following :

 This is a photograph of a pot.
 This pot is looking that it is made up of clay.
 Colours used in this pot are brown, white, blue, blue, green, black, yellow,
yellow chrome.
 At the neck of the pot, there are 10 rings made on the neck of the pot
which is repeated.
 There is a pattern at the neck of the pot made of green, blue, white and
black colours.
 Green is at the above, white is at the centre and blue is at the end of that
ring pattern.
 At that white ring there is a repeated pattern with the help of a black
colour dot and zig-zag lines.
 Warli art is painted on the pot at the centre of the pot.
 Colours used in warli art is red, green, blue and black.
 In warli art some people are dancing and some are playing the drums.
 Warli art is made in a circular ring.
 There are 2 more circular rings made around the warli art.
 1 ring is blue and the second one is yellow chrome.
 On the yellow chrome ring, there are 3 lines patterns and 1 dot repeated in
the whole ring.

• The pot looks beautiful due to its orientation in the photograph.

• Due to the orientation of the pot in the photograph people can only
focus on the pot.
• The plain white background helps the pot to highlight itself.
• The shape of the pot is narrow from the top, broad at the middle and a
little bit narrow at the end making the pot stunning that everyone can
easily attract.
• 10 rings at the neck shows how this pot is made delicately.
• Brown colour is the dominating colour in this pot and yellow is used as
the highlighting colour in the pot.
• Rings made of green, blue and white give the feeling of calmness.
• This ring gives the pot a different cool texture on the dominating warm
• Centre of the pot attracts everyone easily due to the warli art and
yellow chrome coloured ring and blue ring between them.
• The warli art and the colours chosen for the warli art made this pot

• I like the photograph of the pot due to the orientation.

• Only focus of this photograph is this pot and I like how the
photographer kept this pot in the centre of the
photograph instead of keeping that pot at the right side or
the left of the image.
• Even the photographer didn’t keep the pot little bit
further he kept that pot in the centre and exactly in front
of the camera making the pot look much bigger and
attracting everyone to focus on the pot only and this thing
attract me more to this image.
• The plain white background and the dominating colour of
the pot highlight the pot only.
• I like the colour combination and everything that I noticed
in the pot makes me more attractive towards the pot.
• The thing that I don’t like about this pot is the rings are
not properly coloured.

• The pot is made up of clay which is eco-friendly.

• This pot can be used for storing water or even as a
• Keeping water in earthen pot is so much beneficial
to the health as well as to the environment due to its
eco-friendly property.
• Keeping eco-friendly showpiece especially made up
of clay that means we are attached to our culture, to
our earth.
• Storing water in earthen pots boosts our metabolism,
maintains our Ph balance, etc. there are a lot of

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