Impact of Slave Trade On Africa Scholarship Worksheet

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What impact did the slave trade have on Africa?

Story Source
Paragraph Summarise in
title Impact of slave trade on Africa 1 or 2 bullet Advertisement for Sale Jefferson Davis, President of the
A of Newly Arrived Confederate States of America
Slavery had a negative impact on West Africa, and the Africans, Charleston, Slavery was established be decree of
continent suffers from the effects these events had to this day. July 24, 1769  Almighty God … it is sanctioned in the
So many people were taken as slaves that the population of Bible, in both Testaments, from Genesis
some parts of Africa was greatly decreased. In some of these
areas, there were not enough people left to manage the land to Revelation … it has existed in all ages,
successfully. In other areas, people who were trying to avoid has been found among the people of
being captured got together in numbers that were too large,
which resulted in over-population. Both of these effects caused the highest civilisation, and in nations of
the breakdown. the highest proficiency in the arts.
West African societies were so weakened that they could not
resist being taken over by European colonists. The damage to C
local economies was one effect of this situation. The European
interfered with farming all over West Africa, forcing the people George McDuffie, Governor of South
to grow crops, such as coffee that could be sold in Europe Carolina 1834-36
instead of food crops that they needed in order to survive We need answer only to God for
slavery. And slavery clearly has his
Slaves were bought with goods from Europe. In time, the blessing. The African Negro is destined
African kingdoms came to rely on trade with Europe. This trade
benefitted the few powerful people who ruled them, but not by Providence to slavery. It is marked
the majority of Africans. The slave trade became so important on his skin and by his lack of
to the economies of some parts of Africa that, once slavery intelligence and ability to care for
was done away with in Europe and America, the African
kingdoms found it hard to buy the goods they needed. The himself. They are in all respects inferior
traditional ways of growing crops and trading had been to us..
weakened, and large parts of Africa became poorer and
poorer. In addition, most of the very healthiest and strongest
African people were sold into slavery, and were, therefore, not Scholarship
able to contribute as workers in their home areas.

Slavery also increased the number of wars between Africans. Historians, like Eric Williams, say that racism was a consequence
In order to gain wealth, a tribe might attack its neighbour in of slavery, not a product of it. Williams argues that slave owners
order to take prisoners. Through conquest, the size and power used African labour as opposed to Indian and white labour
of their kingdoms grew. These prisoners were then sold to
slave traders. This caused the further weakening of many West because it was cheaper and more efficient. However, racism was
African societies as many people fled their homes in fear of used to justify the system. In order to ensure that they were
this. obedient, slavers were made to believe that they were inferior in
every way, including the colour of their skin. So, although slavery
was adopted for economic reasons, it was justified by whites on
the basis of race. Whites concluded that the extermination of
Indians and enslavement of Africans was logical because whites
were civilised and the others were barbaric and inferior. Thus,
racism was built into the institution of slavery.
Task 1 Task 2 Task 3
Read through the Story of the impact slavery had on Africa. For each Look at source A, B, and C. In your book, write a short description of Read through the summary of Eric Williams interpretation the reasons for the slave trade.
paragraph, you need to create a ‘title’ on one side, and a short the message of each source. Then consider the provenance of each. Highlight what you think are the three most important sentences. In your book, answer the
summary (two bullet points maximum) on the other. Explain HOW these sources would have been used to persuade question “What do some historians believe the link between racism and economics are?”
people into believing slavery was justified.

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