Theoretical Framework Statement of The Problem, Significance, Scope of The Study and Definition of Terms

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Theoretical Framework

Statement of the Problem,

Significance, Scope of the Study
and Definition of Terms
Napoleon R. Caballero, PTRP, MPA
Subject Instructor
Lecture Outline
 Theoretical and Conceptual Framework
 Statement of the problem
 Setting Objectives
 Identifying Significance of the Study
 Making the Hypothesis
 Scope and Delimitation
 Definition of Terms
Theoretical Framework
 Structure of concepts which exists in the
literature, a ready made map for the study
 Conceptual Framework – a structure of
concepts and/or theories which are pulled
together as a map for the study
 Illustration / diagram showing the relationship
of facts which are being investigated
 Items are specific and should contain the
PARAMETERS of the study
Theoretical Framework
Statement of the Problem

 Usually starts with introductory paragraph

 Describes the existing situation to the
 Includes why existing data or information
is inadequate
 General problems identified
 Associated problems must be stated; can
be based on observations
Statement of the Problem

 Questions to answer
 What is the general research problem?
 What are the associated problems

 What other factors affect the study?

 If the study is about attitudes, perceptions,

what is the connection of this with the
subjects? ( ex. Perceptions of PTs to the Proposed
Amendments of th PTOT Law)
Statement of the Problem
 Example :
 Title:
 The Association of the Manner of Lifting Performed and the
Prevalence of Low Back Pain Among Porters In Manila Port Area

 Statement of Problem
 What is the prevalence of LBP among porters in Manila Port Area?
 How heavy is the load porters usually lift?
 What are the different manner of lifting performed by porters in
Manila port Area based on :
 Different positions of the trunk and Lower Extremities on the first
2 phases of lifting
 Base of support
 Distance of object being lifted from the subject
 Is the manner of lifting associated to the incidence of LBP among the
 Which among the lifting techniques are commonly performed by
 What are the types of load do porters usually lift?
Setting the Objectives
 General objective :
 must identify the major problem that is needed to be
 Title:
 The Association of the Manner of Lifting Performed and
the Prevalence of Low Back Pain Among Porters In
Manila Port Area

General Objective:

To determine the relationship of different manner of lifting

performed and the incidence of LBP among porters in
Manila Port Area
Setting the Objectives
 Specific Objectives:
 list of specific tasks that need to be addressed
in answering the general objectives
 Presented in logical manner

 Stated clearly in measureable terms

Setting the Objectives
 Specific Objectives:
 Example:
 Title:
 The Association of the Manner of Lifting Performed and the Prevalence
of Low Back Pain Among Porters In Manila Port Area

 To determine the incidence of LBP among porters in Mla Port Area in

the year 2003
 To determine the manner of lifiting performed by porters in Mla Port area
in terms of
 Position of the trunk and LE in the trunk and LE in the first 2 phases of lifitng
 Base of support
 Distance of object from the subject
 To determine what lifitng techniques are commonly performed by
porters in Mla Port Area
 To determine the type of weight of load porters lift
Significance of the Study
 Identify the primary reason what makes
the research worth doing
 Identify the stakeholders who will benefit
from the research
 Identify how this can be achieved using
the results of the research
 Identify its application by being specific
Significance of the Study
 The Association of the Manner of Lifting Performed and the
Prevalence of Low Back Pain Among Porters In Manila Port
 Porters – proper lifting tehniques; avoid absenteeism and
injury ( LBP, WRMSD)
 Families of porters- financial implication, welfare of the
 Employer who hire porters – welfare of employees, less
insurance claims , educ of employees in prevention of LBP
 DOLE – formulation laws and policies for implementation
for the benefit of porters
 PTs and allied med professionals – planning, treatment
protocols, lifting
 Future researchers – measures, resource materials
 Country – health information, standards of proper lifitng
Making the Hypothesis
 Hypothesis
 Fraenkel :a prediction regarding the possible
outcome of the study
 Bork : a statement of relationship between
dependent and independent variables inorder
to test a cconstruct and questions
Making the Hypothesis
 Two Categories
 Research or guiding hypothesis
 a “ hunch”, speculation or expectation of the
 Statistical hypothesis
 Statement of relationship between the dependent and
independent variables that allows mathematical test to
ascertain the probability of obtaining a result similarly
obtained in the study but strictly due to happenstance
or chance
 3 main types
 Null Ho
 Alternative Ha
 Dirrected Hd
Making the Hypothesis
 Example:Title:
 The Association of the Manner of Lifting
Performed and the Prevalence of Low Back
Pain Among Porters In Manila Port Area

 Ho : The manner of lifting has no

significant association to the incidence of
 H1: The manner of lifting has significant
association to the incidence of LBP
 A concept – a noun that stands for a
variation within the class of objects
 A characteristic that takes different forms
within the study
 Ex. Exercise protocols, types of patients
conditions , treatment techniques,
perceptions, etc
Types of variables
 Constant – takes only one form within the
 Ex . Differences between ROM values for
men and women
 V. – sex
 If values for women only are studied – sex is a
constant variable
Types of variables
 Independent and Dependent Variables
 Independent – the presumed cause of the
dependent v.
 Sometimes called a factor
 the treatment of manipulated v the investigator
chooses to study inorder to assess their possible
effect on one or more other v.
 Dependent – the presumed effect ; a v. that
the independent v presumed to affect
 Depends on the independent v
Types of variables
 Independent and Dependent Variables
 Example : A study on the effect of Pilates on
the range of motion of the trunk and low back
 Independent V.
 Pilates
 Dependent V.
 ROM of trunk and Low back
Types of variables
 Manipulated and Outcome v.
 Manipulated – conditions are manipulated to create
an effect on other v
 Usually used in experimental research
 Example: 3 groups of students were given three
different teaching techniques
 Manipulation maybe done to the execution of the
teaching techniques
 Outcome – result , an observed behavior product or
condition that has been stimulated in some way
 From above ex. – the behavior or result of the assess
after the application of the teaching techniques
Types of variables
 Quantitative and Categorical v.
 Quantitative – v that exist in some degree rather than
all or none
 We can assign numbers to different individuals and objects
to indicate how much of the variable may possess
 Example : height and weight
 Categorical – do not vary in degree, amount or
 They are qualitatively different
 Example : eye color, gender, religious preference, occupation
Types of variables
 Extraneous v – independent v that hav not
been controlled
 Must be controlled to minimize or eliminate
 Example: team teaching research
 Possible extraneous v.
 Personality of teachers
 Intelligence level of students
 Time of the day taught
Scope and Delimitation
 States the actual extent of the research
 Identifies the limits of the study in consideration of using the available
 Describe the items in the study that need to be focused on and the items
that need to be excluded
 May involve the inclusion or exclusion of emotional or physical factors
 Inquire: will the study reflect change?
 Example : will the study provide a critique or evaluate other reearches?
Will it be limited to activities and information done within the last five
 Limit according to:
 Characteristics of the subject accdng to number , inclusion/ exclusion
criteria ( not a duplicate of theone in research methodology)
 Site limitation
 Extent of questions that are required to be answered by the
Scope and Delimitation
 Example - Title
 The Association of the Manner of Lifting Performed
and the Prevalence of Low Back Pain Among
Porters In Manila Port Area

 Subjects : purposively selected 15 continuously employed

for at least 2 years whose major work is lifting and carrying
; ages 20-65 regardless of sex suffering from mechanical
LBP ; not included – neuologic or visceral cause of LBP
 Site : pier 4 Mla Port area
 2 phases of lifitng ; 20, 30, 50 kg weight load – standard
 Availability of subjects
 Limitations on assessment, observations and
Definition of Terms
 General definitions – refers terminologies
that are conceptually defined.
 Operational Definitions – refers to
terminologies that are unique and specific
to the study.
 Varies from one research to another
 Operationally define all words in the title
 Define words on how it was used in the
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