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Criminologist Licensure Examination

LECTURE with Q and A
arranged by Sub-Subjects

Concept of Police Organization, Administration and Management
Patrol Operation and Communication I Intelligence and Secret Service I Comparative Police System
I History of Policing System I Concept of Police
Industrial Organization,
Security ManagementAdministration and Management I
Personnel and Records Management I RA 6975 as amended by RA 8551 I Police Planning and
By I Police
Michael Angelo P. Quarin
Jhun Boy L. Bernardino II
Charlemagne James P.
CLE Lecture Series
in Law Enforcement
Blessed [are] the peacemakers: for they shall be called the
children of God. [Matthew 5:9]

Charlemagne James P. Ramos
Registered Criminologist
LEA (20%)
Pertinent laws and issuances, principles, concepts, procedures, methods
and techniques in the management, administration, and operation of a
police organization. Specifically it includes the history of policing, police
organization and administration with special focus on Republic Act No.
6975, as amended, police patrol operations with police communication
system, police intelligence, police personnel and records management and
comparative police systems. It includes also the study of the organization,
administration and operation of security agencies under the Private
Security Agency Law and its Implementing Rules and Regulations; loss
prevention and assets, protection program through different security
methods and techniques such as physical security, personnel security,
document and information security; risk analysis and security hazard; and
security survey, inspection and investigations.
About the
MICHAEL ANGELO P. QUARIN obtained his Bachelor of
Science in Criminology from Sumulong College of Arts and
Sciences College of Criminal Justice Education in 2016 and
subsequently passed the October 2016 Criminologist
Licensure Examination with the rating of 85.85. He is
currently a member of the bold organization of the
Lecture Sessions at What Criminologist Knows? and
focuses on the field of Law Enforcement Administration.

Sir Michael Angelo P.

Quarin Criminologist /
Police Officer
About the
ContributorII obtained his Bachelor of
Science in Criminology from Sumulong College of Arts and
Sciences College of Criminal Justice Education in 2016 and
subsequently passed the October 2016 Criminologist
Licensure Examination with the rating of 83.40. He is
currently a member of the bold organization of the
BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION and committed in the
Lecture Sessions at What Criminologist Knows? and
focuses on the field of Law Enforcement Administration.

Sir Jhun Boy L. Bernardino

II Criminologist / Fire
About the
P. RAMOS obtained his Bachelor of Science in
Criminology from Sumulong College of Arts and Sciences College of
Criminal Justice Education in 2013 and subsequently passed the
October 2013 Criminologist Licensure Examination with the rating
88.05. At the young age he became a former professor at the same
school and a national lecturer to various review centers in the
Philippines. His passion in teaching lead him to do writings and a vast
of opus and treatise that would help the candidates of the Licensure
Examination. Aside from writing and teaching at his own coaching
sessions he is also currently completing his degree in Juris Doctor at
the Polytechnic University of the Philippines College of Law. The
experience he gained for being a lecturer and striker in every session
of the Criminologist Licensure Examination makes him specialized in
training candidates of the Criminology Licensure Examination evidence
are the Registered Criminologist of various schools he had produced in
the first row of years in the practice as a Criminologist.

Sir Charlemagne James P. Ramos

Founding Father of What Criminologist Knows
Criminologist / WCK Review Director / Writer /
CLE Lecture Series
Blessed [are] the peacemakers: for they shall
be called the children of God. [Matthew 5:9]

Charlemagne James P. Ramos
Registered Criminologist

“A true leader does not rise by making others

look smaller.”- Rick Joyner
• Types and Principles of Leadership
• Theory and Philosophy of Police Service
• Organizational Concepts and Principles
• Planning as a Function of Police Management Police
Management Process of Planning, Organizing, Directing,
Staffing, Controlling, Coordinating, Budgeting
A police officer is mirrored to have
the “wisdom of Solomon, the
courage of David, the strength of
Samson, the patience of Job, the
Daniel, the diplomacy of Lincoln,
the tolerance of the carpenter of
Nazareth, the kindness of the Good
Samaritan”. If he possesses all
these qualities, then he might be a
-August Vollmer
Leadership is the ART AND PROCESS of influencing, directing,
guiding and controlling other people in such a way as to obtain their
willing obedience, confidence, respect, and loyal cooperation to
work towards a common goal or in the accomplishement of

includes power, authority, cooperation, collective action and

attempt to attain their own goals and that of the organization.
A type of police leader is one
who tells his/her
what to do, allowing
no discussion

the leader give

direction with
no opportunity for
subordinates input.
one which includes
as meaningful participants
in decision making process
A police officer who operates
on a “leave things alone”

morals, Discipline, efficiency

and productivity begin to

wavers between the two.

The Free Rain (FREE‐REIGN)
The leader who plays down his
role as such and exercises a
control, seldom gives his
subordinates the attention or
they need.
STYLES thecalmer
The Command Presence leader who looks calmer and
as things getting worse
denotes a military bearing
and worse.

distinctive type of appearance

and conduct.
comprised of the same
ingredients as leadership
It is a natural manner of an
individual indicating a
complete command of his
mental and physical faculties
and emotions.
Ways of Giving
Direct Command Implied or Suggestive Orders
Orders may be best given by Implied or suggestive directives
command when emergent can be employed to good effect
conditions require direct prompt with the reliable employee who
action. readily assumes responsibility for
Request a task.
Most orders should be framed Request for Volunteers
as requests. Employees will Occasionally, a supervisor will
resent the authoritarian and call for volunteers to perform
dictatorial method. some dangerous assignment
which he cannot or should not
perform himself.
is a structure through people work as group, and it
presupposes an orderly arrangement between individuals
and groups.

formal or
Formal – structured
Informal – non

Administration –
process of POSDCRB
Management –
A group of trained personnel in the field of public safety
administration engaged in the achievement of goals and
objectives that promotes the maintenance of peace and
order, protection of life and property, enforcement of
the laws and the prevention of crimes.
is a mechanical means of depicting by an arrangement of symbols
the relationships that exist between individuals, groups and
functions within the organization.
Line Type Organization
(Straight Line Organization)
Individual type
Military type
Departmental type
Simplest type
Oldest type

it is seldom encountered in its true

form except in any but the
of establishment
Functional Type Organization
The functional type of organization in its pure form is rarely found in
present day organization except at or near the top of a very largest
(specialized; functional managers)
violated the primary rule that man perform best when he is under one
Line and Staff Type Organization
is a combination of the line and
types and is found in almost all
the very
smallest police organization
Effectiveness of the organization
is essentially dependent
on the manner the same is

Managed, Administered and Controlled

The police are most involved in the complicated inter‐

relationship within a social structure.
Pertains to the utilization of available resources in an
organization. (5Ms)
process of directing and controlling people and things so
that organizational objectives can be accomplished.

Refers to the processes used in the organization
Planning B Staffing
That is working out in broad is the whole personnel functions of
outline the things that need to bringing in and training the staff
accomplish the purpose set for and maintaining favorable
the enterprise. conditions of work.
the establishment of the formal
structure of authority through
which work subdivisions are
arranged, defined and coordinated
for the defined objectives.
Directing B Reporting
is the continuous task of making is keeping those to whom the
decisions, embodying them in executive is responsibly informed as
specific general orders and what is going on, which thus
instructions and serving as the included keeping himself and his
leader of the subordinates informed through
enterprise. records, research and inspection.
Coordinating Budgeting
is the all important duty of the accounting and control of funds
interrelating the various part of and resources in the form of fiscal
the work. and budget plans.
Planning ‐ setting performance objectives
Organizing ‐ dividing the work to be done
Staffing ‐ filling the org with the right people/position
Directing ‐ making decisions
Coordinating – interrelating various parts of work
Reporting – keeping executives informed
Budgeting – fiscal planning, accounting, and control
refers to the act of overseeing Supervisory
subordinates and line Responsibilities
officers. • Planner
• Personnel officer
Categories of Supervisor’s
Job Leading • Trainer
• Controller
2. Directing
• Decision‐maker and
3. Controlling communicator
• Motivating employees
• Leadership
Approaches in
Managing Police
Classical Approach

Scientific Management
(F. Taylor) focus on workers productivity
Bureaucratic Management
(M.Weber) focus on division of labor and hierarchy of
Administrative Mgmt (H. Fayol) the 14 management
The 14 Management Principle

Division of Work
 Authority and Responsibility - right to command
 Discipline
 Unity of Command
 Unity of Direction
 Subordination of individual interest to general
 Remuneration of Personnel
 Centralization
 Scalar Chain
 Order
 Equity
 Stability of personnel tenure
 Initiative
 Espirit de Corps
Human Relations Approach
(Elton Mayo) – increase
productivity (McGregor) –
Theory X & Y

X ‐ (lazy) Y – (hard worker)

Hierarchy of needs (A.H.
Maslow) Behavioral Science

Aesthetic Needs
Self esteem
Cognitive Needs
Love and belonging
Safety needs
Physiological needs
Contemporary Approach
‐ looking at the organization as a
system (system theory)
‐ recognizing internal and external variables affecting
organization (contingency theory)
grouping of activities and segregation of line, staff, and auxiliary functions.
Hierarchy of Authority
formal relationship among supers and subordinates in any organization
Exception Principle
The development of the subordinates to take over in the boss’ absence
training, just as does the exception principle, which specifies that the head of
organization should not find it necessary to act personally on each matter
coming under his general jurisdiction.
Completed Staff Work
The principle of completed staff work require that the person to whom work
been assigned through the delegation process is to complete it to such an
that the only thing left to be done by the person who delegated it is to
approved it.
Delegation of Work
The principle of delegation relates to the process of committing
an activity to another’s care.
Delegation of Authority
conferring of an amount of authority by a superior position
to a subordinate
Personnel Development
The practices of delegation contribute to the development of
subordinates to perform the supervisor’s job in his absence or when
he is unable to act.
Division of Work
Organizational structure is established to designate how work is to
be divided among the various components of the establishment.
Unity of Command
In addition of providing a logical arrangement of work, organizational
structure should provide clear‐cut channels of authority. It is also
being called as “chain of command,” “scalar chain,” or “scalar
Span of Control
The principle of “span of attention,” was initially adopted from
psychologists, and it refers to the number of persons an individual
can supervise effectively.

Director General (DG) General

Deputy Director General (DDG) Lt General
Director (DIR) Maj General
Chief Superintendent (CSUPT) Brig.Gen.
Senior Superintendent (SR SUPT) Colonel
Superintendent (SUPT) Lt Colonel
Chief Inspector (CINSP) Major
Senior Inspector (SR INSP) Captain
Inspector (INSP) Lieutenan
Senior Police Officer IV (SPO IV) Master Sergeant
Senior Police Officer III (SPO III) Tech. Sergeant
Senior Police Officer II (SPO II) Staff Sergeant
Senior Police Officer I (SPO I) Sergeant
Police Officer III (PO III) Corporal
Police Officer II (PO II) Private 1st Class
Police Officer I (PO I) Private

Cadets of the Philippine National Police Academy (PNPA) are classified above the
Senior Police Officer IV and below the Inspector rank in the PNP.
Theory and Philosophy of police


• Police are regarded as • Police are regarded as
servants of the community servants of the higher
who rely for the efficiency of authorities
functions upon the express •The people have no share or
needs of the people have little participation with
• Police are civil servants the duties nor connection with
whose key duty is the the
preservation of police organization
public peace and security • Existing in France, Italy and
• Existing in US, England and Spain (decentralized form of
PHILIPPINES. government)
•Police service gives the • Police is regarded as the first
impression of being merely line of defense of CJS, an
a organ of
suppressive machinery crime prevention
• This philosophy advocates • Police efficiency is measured by
that the measurement of the decreasing number of
police competence is the crimes
increasing number of arrests, •Broadens police activities to
throwing offenders in cater to social services and has
detention facilities rather for its mission the welfare of
than trying to prevent them the individual as well as that
from committing crimes of the
community in general
The Political Era (1840‐
The police forces were characterized by:
• Authority coming from politicians and the
• A broad social service function
• Decentralized organization
• An intimate relationship with the community
• Extensive use of foot patrol
The Reform Era (1930‐
The police forces were characterized by:
• Authority coming from the law and professionalism
• Crime control as their primary function
• A centralized and efficient organization
• Emphasis on preventive motorized patrol and rapid response to
The Community Era (1980’s‐
Under this era of policing, police forces are characterized by:
• Authority coming from community support, law and
• Provision of broad range of police services, including crime
• Decentralized organization
• An intimate relationship with the community
• Use of problem‐solving approach
Traditional vs Community
Traditional Community

A government Police are the public and

agency for law the public are the police
Criminologist Licensure Examination
Frequently Asked Questions




By: Charlemagne James P. Ramos

The principal responsibility for
appropriate level of maintaining an ina
discipline the: unit rests with
A. Immediate line supervisor
B. First line senior police officers
C. Middle-level supervisor
D. Chief of Police
The principal responsibility for
appropriate level of maintaining an ina
discipline the: unit rests with
A. Immediate line supervisor
B. First line senior police officers
C. Middle-level supervisor
D. Chief of Police
Who should be dispatched be dispatched by the police to
the crime scene to search for physical evidence?
A. evidence technician
B. legal officer
C. criminal investigator
D. foot patrol
Who should be dispatched be dispatched by the police to
the crime scene to search for physical evidence?
A. evidence technician
B. legal officer
C. criminal investigator
D. foot patrol
Which of the following is inseparable from the principle
of delegation?
A. Training
B. Role Modeling
C. Development Of Subordinate
D. Order Giving
Which of the following is inseparable from the principle
of delegation?
A. Training
B. Role Modeling
C. Development Of Subordinate
D. Order Giving
The following statements are on employee morale. Which
one is the most correct?
I. Praising an employee for my job done is important
II.Morale depends on personal relationships and
III.A fair andimpartialsupervisor is a positive
impetus toward high morale
A. Statements I and II
B. Statements II and III
C. Statements I and III
D. All statements
The following statements are on employee morale. Which
one is the most correct?
I. Praising an employee for my job done is important
II.Morale depends on personal relationships and
III.A fair andimpartialsupervisor is a positive
impetus toward high morale
A. Statements I and II
B. Statements II and III
C. Statements I and III
D. All statements
Which of the following is NOT a staff
A. planning
B. criminal investigation
C. personnel management
D. inspection
Which of the following is NOT a staff
A. planning
B. criminal investigation
C. personnel management
D. inspection
The principle in which an employee should be under the
direct control one and only immediate supervisor is
known as .
A. Scalar principle
B. Unity of Command
C. Command Responsibility
D. Span of Control
The principle in which an employee should be under the
direct control one and only immediate supervisor is
known as .
A. Scalar principle
B. Unity of Command
C. Command Responsibility
D. Span of Control
The campaign to decrease the number of drug user or
deter the would-be drug user is called
A. Demand reduction
B. Supply reduction
C. Drug Control
D. Drug Prevention
The campaign to decrease the number of drug user or
deter the would-be drug user is called
A. Demand reduction
B. Supply reduction
C. Drug Control
D. Drug Prevention
Which of the following accomplishments qualifies a
police officer to a special meritorious promotion?
A. Executive
B. Operational
C. Procedural
D. Administrative
Which of the following accomplishments qualifies a
police officer to a special meritorious promotion?
A. Executive
B. Operational
C. Procedural
D. Administrative
IN the Philippine National Police, the Directorate
exercises command, control, direction, coordination
and supervision of all PNP operation, including the
deployment and employment of personnel.
A. Operations
B. Integrated Police Operations
C. Police-community relations
D. None
IN the Philippine National Police, the Directorate
exercises command, control, direction, coordination
and supervision of all PNP operation, including the
deployment and employment of personnel.
A. Operations
B. Integrated Police Operations
C. Police-community relations
D. None
The Police force shall be organized to
A. Global Competitiveness
B. Police Integrity
C. Efficiency in the police service
D. Economic police operations
The Police force shall be organized to
A. Global Competitiveness
B. Police Integrity
C. Efficiency in the police service
D. Economic police operations
The first to be considered in decision making is .
A. Budget
B. Personnel
C. Problem
D. Experience
The first to be considered in decision making is .
A. Budget
B. Personnel
C. Problem
D. Experience
The amount and nature of the demands of the police
service are not the same on all the three (3) shifts.
It therefore necessary to make available maximum
manpower at the time the police service is of
demand. This is organization by
A. Purpose
B. Process
C. Clientele
D. Time
The amount and nature of the demands of the police
service are not the same on all the three (3) shifts.
It therefore necessary to make available maximum
manpower at the time the police service is of
demand. This is organization by
A. Purpose
B. Process
C. Clientele
D. Time
A personnel evaluation system will not relatively be
effective unless
A. The ratee is willing to listen and hear the
B. The form is simple and easy to accomplish
C. The ratee understand the form
D. The rater is trained on how to rate a subordinate
A personnel evaluation system will not relatively
be effective unless
A. The ratee is willing to listen and hear the rater’s
B. The form is simple and easy to accomplish
C. The ratee understand the form
D. The rater is trained on how to rate a subordinate
The coordination of the units of police manpower
is called:
A. Coordination of platoons
B. Coordination of functional units
C. Coordination of geographic units
D. Coordination of the force
The coordination of the units of police manpower
is called:
A. Coordination of platoons
B. Coordination of functional units
C. Coordination of geographic units
D. Coordination of the
What is referred to as the number of officers on actual
duty at a given time?
A. Authorize strength
B. Mandatory strength
C. Actual strength
D. Effective strength
What is referred to as the number of officers on actual
duty at a given time?
A. Authorize strength
B. Mandatory strength
C. Actual strength
D. Effective strength
What is the other term for scalar
A. Line of
B. Chain of authority
C. Unity of command
D. Unity of direction
What is the other term for scalar
A. Line of
B. Chain of authority
C. Unity of command
D. Unity of direction
One method of organizing a complex organization is to
subdivide the work into small units, with each staff
specializing in one phase of the operation. Which of the
following is a likely disadvantage of this subdivision
of work?
A. More difficult coordination of work
B. More costly operation
C. More training requirements
D. Poorer quality of work
One method of organizing a complex organization is to
subdivide the work into small units, with each staff
specializing in one phase of the operation. Which of the
following is a likely disadvantage of this subdivision
of work?
A. More difficult coordination of work
B. More costly operation
C. More training requirements
D. Poorer quality of work
Police comes from the people, their laws and

A. Authority
B. Work
D. Command
Police comes from the people, their laws and

A. Authority
B. Work
D. Command
Supervision is:
A. Seeing to it that someone is for a
responsible particular task
B. Giving the right commands to a subordinate
C. Seeing to it that a jobis done properly in
accordance with the direction given
D. All of these
Supervision is:
A. Seeing to it that someone is for a
responsible particular task
B. Giving the right commands to a subordinate
C. Seeing to it that a jobis done properly in
accordance with the direction given
D. All of these
What is the process of directing and controlling the
resources of an organization?
A. Organization
B. Supervision
C. Planning
D. Management
What is the process of directing and controlling the
resources of an organization?
A. Organization
B. Supervision
C. Planning
D. Management
It is the process of directing and controlling people
and things so that organizational objectives canbe
A. Intervention
B. Assessment
C. Management
D. Recruitment
It is the process of directing and controlling people
and things so that organizational objectives canbe
A. Intervention
B. Assessment
C. Management
D. Recruitment
Which of the following is considered an auxillary police
A. Intelligence
B. Traffic investigation
C. Patrol
D. Crime laboratory services
Which of the following is considered an auxillary police
A. Intelligence
B. Traffic investigation
C. Patrol
D. Crime laboratory services
Accepting gratuities and bribes is a form of police

A. Indiscretion
B. Corruption
C. Protection
D. Conflict
Accepting gratuities and bribes is a form of police

A. Indiscretion
B. Corruption
C. Protection
D. Conflict
Which of the following type of training consolidates,
deepens and broadens skills and knowledge for a
particular task function or aspect of personnel’s
A. Refresher
B. Retraining
C. Upgrading
D. Specialization
Which of the following type of training consolidates,
deepens and broadens skills and knowledge for a
particular task function or aspect of personnel’s
A. Refresher
B. Retraining
C. Upgrading
D. Specialization
A. single uninterrupted line of authority-
represented by boxes lines of organizational chart
should run in order by rank from top command to the
level of the organization.
A. organizational control
B. scalar chain
C. administrative control
D. span of control
A. single uninterrupted line of authority-
represented by boxes lines of organizational chart
should run in order by rank from top command to the
level of the organization.
A. organizational control
B. scalar chain
C. administrative control
D. span of control
Intelligence is under what type of police
A. Primary
B. Auxiliary
C. Administrative
D. Secondary
Intelligence is under what type of police
A. Primary
B. Auxiliary
C. Administrative
D. Secondary
Police personnel may be effectively distributed
according to any of the following classification,
A. by time
B. by function
C. by area
D. by gender
Police personnel may be effectively distributed
according to any of the following classification,
A. by time
B. by function
C. by area
D. by gender
It is the entrustment of a particular workload to some
other person within the organization.
A. Budgeting
B. Delegation
C. Inspection
D. Evaluation
It is the entrustment of a particular workload to some
other person within the organization.
A. Budgeting
B. Delegation
C. Inspection
D. Evaluation
What administrative support unit conducts investigation
and evaluation of physical evidences related to crimes,
with emphasis on their medical, chemical, biological and
physical nature.
A. Logistics Service
B. Crime Laboratory
C. Communication and Electronics Service
D. Finance Center
What administrative support unit conducts investigation
and evaluation of physical evidences related to crimes,
with emphasis on their medical, chemical, biological and
physical nature.
A. Logistics Service
B. Crime Laboratory
C. Communication and Electronics Service
D. Finance Center
Those who are charge with actual fulfillments of
agency’s mission are personnel.
A. Staff
B. Management
C. Supervision
D. Line
Those who are charge with actual fulfillments of
agency’s mission are personnel.
A. Staff
B. Management
C. Supervision
D. Line
The number of subordinates that can be supervised
directly by one person tends to:
A. increase as the physical distance between
and subordinate as well as the
supervisor individual subordinate
B.decrease with an increase in the knowledge
and experience of the subordinate
C.decrease as the duties of subordinates increase in
difficulty and complexity
D.increase as the level of supervision progresses for
the first-line supervisory level and management level.
The number of subordinates that can be supervised
directly by one person tends to:
A. increase as the physical distance between
and subordinate as well as the
supervisor individual subordinate
B.decrease with an increase in the knowledge
and experience of the subordinate
C.decrease as the duties of subordinates increase in
difficulty and complexity
D.increase as the level of supervision progresses for
the first-line supervisory level and management level.
Police organization is a group of trained personnel in
the field of public safety administration. In this
context, public safety means achievement of goals and
objectives that promotes
A. the maintenance of peace and order
B. the protection of life and property
C. enforcement of the laws and the prevention of crimes
D. all of these
Police organization is a group of trained personnel in
the field of public safety administration. In this
context, public safety means achievement of goals and
objectives that promotes
A. the maintenance of peace and order
B. the protection of life and property
C. enforcement of the laws and the prevention of crimes
D. all of these
In the study of police organizations, bureau is
considered the largest organic functional unit within a
large department. The second largest functional unit
A. Unit
B. Post
C. Division
D. Battalion
In the study of police organizations, bureau is
considered the largest organic functional unit within a
large department. The second largest functional unit
A. Unit
B. Post
C. Division
D. Battalion
Which among the following territorial units, what is
known as the precinct?
A. Area
B. Route
C. Beat
D. Sector
Which among the following territorial units, what is
known as the precinct?
A. Area
B. Route
C. Beat
D. Sector
In the Metro Manila area, the historic Manila Police
Department is located in what district?
A. Central Police District (CPD)
B. Northern Police District (NPD)
C. Eastern Police District (EPD)
D. Western Police District (WPD)
In the Metro Manila area, the historic Manila Police
Department is located in what district?
A. Central Police District (CPD)
B. Northern Police District (NPD)
C. Eastern Police District (EPD)
D. Western Police District (WPD)
If a sworn officer is a personnel of the police
department who have taken oath and possesses the power
to arrest, a superior officer is one who
A. has command of the department, a bureau, a division,
an area, or a district
B. has the more senior rank/higher rank in a team
or group
C. possess the power to give discipline among members of
the police force
D. has supervisory responsibilities over officers
of lower rank
If a sworn officer is a personnel of the police
department who have taken oath and possesses the power
to arrest, a superior officer is one who
A. has command of the department, a bureau, a division,
an area, or a district
B. has the more senior rank/higher rank in a team
or group
C. possess the power to give discipline among members of
the police force
D. has supervisory responsibilities over officers
of lower rank
PO1 Juan took his oath of office on June 1, 1991 as a
rookie policeman. After an active life in the service,
he opted to retire on June 2, 2011. What do we call the
period of time that has elapsed since the oath of office
was administered up to the time of exit from the
A. Period of Active Duty
B. Length of Service
C. Period of Oath of Office
D. Longevity Period
PO1 Juan took his oath of office on June 1, 1991 as a
rookie policeman. After an active life in the service,
he opted to retire on June 2, 2011. What do we call the
period of time that has elapsed since the oath of office
was administered up to the time of exit from the
A. Period of Active Duty
B. Length of Service
C. Period of Oath of Office
D. Longevity Period
Under the PNP professionalization law, how long is the
period of time when an officer is declared absent
without official leave (AWOL) and he or she will be
dropped from the rolls of officers of active
A. 10 days
B. 15 days
C. 30 days
D. 60 days
Under the PNP professionalization law, how long is the
period of time when an officer is declared absent
without official leave (AWOL) and he or she will be
dropped from the rolls of officers of active
A. 10 days
B. 15 days
C. 30 days
D. 60 days
The functional organization in its pure form is rarely
found in present day organizations, except at or near
the top of the very large organizations. In the PNP
organizational structure, the functional type of
organization is obviously located at
A. the middle level of the hierarchy
B. the upper level of the hierarchy
C. the lower level of the hierarchy
D. all levels of the hierarchy
The functional organization in its pure form is rarely
found in present day organizations, except at or near
the top of the very large organizations. In the PNP
organizational structure, the functional type of
organization is obviously located at
A. the middle level of the hierarchy
B. the upper level of the hierarchy
C. the lower level of the hierarchy
D. all levels of the hierarchy
The design of a police organization that is
the simplest,
considered military type and perhaps the oldest
of organizational structure?
A. Line type of organization
B. Functional type of organization
C. Matrix type of organization
D. Staff type of organization
The design of a police organization that is
the simplest,
considered military type and perhaps the oldest
of organizational structure?
A. Line type of organization
B. Functional type of organization
C. Matrix type of organization
D. Staff type of organization
The line type of organizational structure is more
advantageous over the functional type in terms of
applying the principle of span of control because
A. there is narrow span of control
B. there is broad span of control
C. there is no span of control
D. span of control is limited to two people at all
The line type of organizational structure is more
advantageous over the functional type in terms of
applying the principle of span of control
A. there is narrow span of control
B. there is broad span of control
D. there is control
span of no span is
of limited
control to two people at all
The Line and Staff organization is a combination of
the and functional types. It combines staff specialist
such as the criminalists, the training officers, the
research and development specialists, etc. Channels of
responsibility for this type is
A. to link upper to the lower commands
B. to “think and provide expertise” for the line units
C. to prepare operational capabilities of the units
D. to do the strategic planning processes
The Line and Staff organization is a combination of
the and functional types. It combines staff specialist
such as the criminalists, the training officers, the
research and development specialists, etc. Channels of
responsibility for this type is
A. to link upper to the lower commands
B. to “think and provide expertise” for the line units
C. to prepare operational capabilities of the units
D. to do the strategic planning processes
Whatever the method of grouping internal activities, all
bureaucratic agencies segregate the function of
line, and auxiliary personnel. Which of the following
is a line function?
A. Patrol activities
B. Records keeping
C. Planning and research
D. Logistical operations
Whatever the method of grouping internal activities, all
bureaucratic agencies segregate the function of
line, and auxiliary personnel. Which of the following
is a line function?
A. Patrol activities
B. Records keeping
C. Planning and research
D. Logistical operations
What principle of police organization refers to the
assignment of particular workers to particular tasks
which can be thought of in terms of either jobs
or people?
A. Span of Control
B. Decentralization
C. Delegation of Authority
D. Specialization
What principle of police organization refers to the
assignment of particular workers to particular tasks
which can be thought of in terms of either jobs
or people?
A. Span of Control
B. Decentralization
C. Delegation of Authority
D. Specialization
Any collaborative effort in a police department requires
a system of checks and controls on individual behavior.
Hence, the department must have a person or persons
with authority to direct the actions of workers and
ensure compliance with standards in order to achieve
the department’s goals. This is why there is such a
thing as
A. Delegation of Authority
B. Hierarchy of Authority
C. Command Responsibility
D. Principle of Specialization
Any collaborative effort in a police department requires
a system of checks and controls on individual behavior.
Hence, the department must have a person or persons
with authority to direct the actions of workers and
ensure compliance with standards in order to achieve
the department’s goals. This is why there is such a
thing as
A. Delegation of Authority
B. Hierarchy of Authority
C. Command Responsibility
D. Principle of Specialization
is defined as the right to command and control the
behavior of employees in lower positions within an
organizational hierarchy.
A. Police Power
B. Authority
C. Discipline
D. Command responsibility
is defined as the right to command and control the
behavior of employees in lower positions within an
organizational hierarchy.
A. Police Power
B. Authority
C. Discipline
D. Command responsibility
What is illustrated by the situation in which a
subordinate abstains from making his or her choice among
several courses of action and instead automatically
accepts the choice made by the supervisor regardless
of one personally agrees?
A. Police Power
B. Authority
C. Discipline
D. Command responsibility
What is illustrated by the situation in which a
subordinate abstains from making his or her choice among
several courses of action and instead automatically
accepts the choice made by the supervisor regardless
of one personally agrees?
A. Police Power
B. Authority
C. Discipline
D. Command responsibility
Effective organization requires that only a manageable
number of subordinates be supervised by one person at
any given time. This number will, of course, vary – not
only from one organization to another but also within
each organization depending on the number of task and
the size of personnel available at a given time. What is
being described?
A. Authority
B. Discipline
C. Command responsibility
D. Span of Control
Effective organization requires that only a manageable
number of subordinates be supervised by one person at
any given time. This number will, of course, vary – not
only from one organization to another but also within
each organization depending on the number of task and
the size of personnel available at a given time. What is
being described?
A. Authority
B. Discipline
C. Command responsibility
D. Span of Control
In the absence of an officer, where the position calls
for the rank of Inspector, what organizational principle
should be applied in order to give way for a Senior
Police Officer take the post as Officer in Charge for a
short span of time?
A. Command responsibility
B. Delegation of Authority
C. Chain of Command
D. Unity of Command
In the absence of an officer, where the position calls
for the rank of Inspector, what organizational principle
should be applied in order to give way for a Senior
Police Officer take the post as Officer in Charge for a
short span of time?
A. Command responsibility
B. Delegation of Authority
C. Chain of Command
D. Unity of Command
Traditional theories of organization insisted that each
employee should have only one supervisor of “boss”, and
considered this principle as the backbone of any
organizational structure. This principle refers
A. Principle of Unity of Command
B. Scalar Chain principle
C. Principle of delegation of authority
D. Principle of Span of Control
Traditional theories of organization insisted that each
employee should have only one supervisor of “boss”, and
considered this principle as the backbone of any
organizational structure. This principle refers
A. Principle of Unity of Command
B. Scalar Chain principle
C. Principle of delegation of authority
D. Principle of Span of Control
What principle of organization shows the vertical
hierarchy of the organization which defines an unbroken
chain of units from top to bottom describing explicitly
the flow of authority?
A. Principle of Unity of Command
B. Scalar Chain principle
C. Principle of delegation of authority
D. Principle of Span of Control
What principle of organization shows the vertical
hierarchy of the organization which defines an unbroken
chain of units from top to bottom describing explicitly
the flow of authority?
A. Principle of Unity of Command
B. Scalar Chain principle
C. Principle of delegation of authority
D. Principle of Span of Control
Two superior officers are placed on the same level of
authority in command to at least five subordinates is a
clear violation of
A. Principle of Unity of Command
B. Scalar Chain principle
C. Principle of delegation of authority
D. Principle of Span of Control
Two superior officers are placed on the same level of
authority in command to at least five subordinates is a
clear violation of
A. Principle of Unity of Command
B. Scalar Chain principle
C. Principle of delegation of authority
D. Principle of Span of Control
The Philippine National Police organization is guided by
the philosophy of and value the virtues of Maka- Diyos
(God-fearing), Makabayan (Nationalistic), Makatao
(Humane), and Makakalikasan (Environment –Friendly).
A. Service, Courage, Integrity
B. Service, Honor, Justice
C. Bravery, Honor, Commitment
D. Bravery, Courage, Integrity
The Philippine National Police organization is guided by
the philosophy of and value the virtues of Maka- Diyos
(God-fearing), Makabayan (Nationalistic), Makatao
(Humane), and Makakalikasan (Environment –Friendly).
A. Service, Courage, Integrity
B. Service, Honor, Justice
C. Bravery, Honor, Commitment
D. Bravery, Courage, Integrity
Pursuant to Section 35, of RA No. 6975, the Chief of the
PNP shall be supported by the administrative
operational units with each unit headed by a
with the rank of
Director .
A. Inspector
B. Chief Superintendent
C. Senior Superintendent
D. Superintendent
Pursuant to Section 35, of RA No. 6975, the Chief of the
PNP shall be supported by the administrative
operational units with each unit headed by a
with the rank of
Director .
A. Inspector
B. Chief Superintendent
C. Senior Superintendent
D. Superintendent
The PNP is an organization that is national in scope.
National in scope simply means that the PNP is a
nationwide government organization whose jurisdiction
covers the entire breath of the Philippines archipelago.
This statement is –
A. Correct, even extends up to the municipality
of Kalayaan islands in the province of Palawan
B. Incorrect, because the police has limited territorial
C. Incorrect, because the PNP is a civilian organization
D. Correct, a policeman is always a policeman
The PNP is an organization that is national in scope.
National in scope simply means that the PNP is a
nationwide government organization whose jurisdiction
covers the entire breath of the Philippines archipelago.
This statement is –
A. Correct, even extends up to the municipality
of Kalayaan islands in the province of Palawan
B. Incorrect, because the police has limited territorial
C. Incorrect, because the PNP is a civilian organization
D. Correct, a policeman is always a policeman
A police officer is mirrored to have the “wisdom of
Solomon, the courage of David, the strength of Samson,
the patience of Job, the leadership of Moses, the faith
of Daniel, the diplomacy of Lincoln, the tolerance of
the carpenter of Nazareth, the kindness of the
Samaritan”. If he possesses all these qualities,
he might be a good policeman as popularized by
A. Sir Robert Peel
B. August Vollmer
C. James Q. Wilson
D. Henry Fielding
A police officer is mirrored to have the “wisdom of
Solomon, the courage of David, the strength of Samson,
the patience of Job, the leadership of Moses, the faith
of Daniel, the diplomacy of Lincoln, the tolerance of
the carpenter of Nazareth, the kindness of the
Samaritan”. If he possesses all these qualities,
he might be a good policeman as popularized by
A. Sir Robert Peel
B. August Vollmer
C. James Q. Wilson
D. Henry Fielding
The following are philosophies under which Community
Oriented Policing System (COPS) is founded,
A. Planning
B. Partnership
C. Problem Solving
D. Proactive
The following are philosophies under which Community
Oriented Policing System (COPS) is founded,
A. Planning
B. Partnership
C. Problem Solving
D. Proactive
The term police administration focuses on the policing
process or how police agencies are organized and managed
in order to achieve the goals of law enforcement
effectively, efficiently, and productively. This
A. True
B. False
C. Neither
D. Either
The term police administration focuses on the policing
process or how police agencies are organized and managed
in order to achieve the goals of law enforcement
effectively, efficiently, and productively. This
A. True
B. False
C. Neither
D. Either
The basic assumption in understanding administration is
the recognition that without well-structured and well-
managed institutions of public service, they would
be effective, efficient, and impartial. Formal
organizations are
A. Structured
B. not structured
C. complicated
D. simple and straight
The basic assumption in understanding administration is
the recognition that without well-structured and well-
managed institutions of public service, they would
be effective, efficient, and impartial. Formal
organizations are
A. Structured
B. not structured
C. complicated
D. simple and straight
The standard unit of comparison between militaries is
the division. A division consists of infantry, armor,
artillery, and support under one command and capable of
independent operation for extended periods of time.
Which of the following has the biggest number of men?
A. Brigade
B. Battalion
C. Company
D. Platoon
The standard unit of comparison between militaries is
the division. A division consists of infantry, armor,
artillery, and support under one command and capable of
independent operation for extended periods of time.
Which of the following has the biggest number of men?
A. Brigade
B. Battalion
C. Company
D. Platoon
The PLEB is the central receiving body of all citizen’s
complaint against a member of the PNP. The PLEB
composed of – is
A. 5 members
B. 7 members
C. 9 members
D. None of these
The PLEB is the central receiving body of all citizen’s
complaint against a member of the PNP. The PLEB
composed of – is
A. 5 members
B. 7 members
C. 9 members
D. None of these
is the sum of the traits that serves as an index of
the essential intrinsic nature of a person. It is the
aggregate of distinctive mental and moral qualities that
have been impressed by nature, education and habit upon
the individual.
A. Moral
B. Integrity
C. Character
D. Loyalty
is the sum of the traits that serves as an index of
the essential intrinsic nature of a person. It is the
aggregate of distinctive mental and moral qualities that
have been impressed by nature, education and habit upon
the individual.
A. Moral
B. Integrity
C. Character
D. Loyalty
The head of the Internal Affairs Service of the PNP is

A. Senior Superintendent
B. Superintendent General
C. Senior Inspector
D. Inspector General
The head of the Internal Affairs Service of the PNP is

A. Senior Superintendent
B. Superintendent General
C. Senior Inspector
D. Inspector General
The classical philosophy of management that sought to
discover the best method of performing specific task.
This is based from the works of Frederick Taylor.
A. Scientific Management
B. Bureaucratic Model
C. Theory X and Y
D. The Hawthorne Effect
The classical philosophy of management that sought to
discover the best method of performing specific task.
This is based from the works of Frederick Taylor.
A. Scientific Management
B. Bureaucratic Model
C. Theory X and Y
D. The Hawthorne Effect
Every organization, to be effective, must have a
structure. What best describe a structure from the
A. Set up
B. Hierarchy
C. Design
D. Drawing
Every organization, to be effective, must have a
structure. What best describe a structure from the
A. Set up
B. Hierarchy
C. Design
D. Drawing
The organizational structure determines the hierarchy
and flow of reporting in an organization. Hierarchy
is to the concept of –
A. Chain of command
B. Ranking system
C. Chart
D. Leadership style
The organizational structure determines the hierarchy
and flow of reporting in an organization. Hierarchy
is to the concept of –
A. Chain of command
B. Ranking system
C. Chart
D. Leadership style
The different types of organizational structures that an
organization follow depends on a variety of factors
like the following, except –
A. Leadership style
B. Type of Organization
C. Gender of Personnel
D. Work Flow
The different types of organizational structures that an
organization follow depends on a variety of factors
like the following, except –
A. Leadership style
B. Type of Organization
C. Gender of Personnel
D. Work Flow
What is the kind of structure that has a specific line
of command where approvals and orders in this kind of
structure come from top to bottom in a line?
A. Line type
B. Functional type
C. Informal type
D. Staff type
What is the kind of structure that has a specific line
of command where approvals and orders in this kind of
structure come from top to bottom in a line?
A. Line type
B. Functional type
C. Informal type
D. Staff type
Among the following, what kind of organizational
structure is suitable for smaller organizations since it
is simple and direct?
A. Functional type
B. Matrix type
C. Line type
D. All of the above
Among the following, what kind of organizational
structure is suitable for smaller organizations since it
is simple and direct?
A. Functional type
B. Matrix type
C. Line type
D. All of the above
Which of these best describe the most advantage of
a line type of organization?
A. Simplest kind of organizational structure
B. Strict authority which results in stronger discipline
C. Prompt decision which result to quick and effective
D. All of the above
Which of these best describe the most advantage of
a line type of organization?
A. Simplest kind of organizational structure
B. Strict authority which results in stronger discipline
C. Prompt decision which result to quick and effective
D. All of the above
Which of these best describe the disadvantage of a line
type of organization?
A. Lack of specialization
B. Superiors can misuse authority for their benefit
C. Two heads is better than one
D. A and B are correct
Which of these best describe the disadvantage of a line
type of organization?
A. Lack of specialization
B. Superiors can misuse authority for their benefit
C. Two heads is better than one
D. A and B are correct
What organizational structure characterized by
come approvals
from top to bottom at the same time staff
departments are utilized for support and
A. Line Type
B. Functional Type
C. Line and Staff Type
D. Mixed Type
What organizational structure characterized by
come approvals
from top to bottom at the same time staff
departments are utilized for support and
A. Line Type
B. Functional Type
C. Line and Staff Type
D. Mixed Type
This kind of organizational structure classifies people
according to the function they perform in their
professional life or according to the functions
performed by them in the organization. Which one of the
following is described?
A. Functional type
B. Line type
C. Line and staff type
D. All of these
This kind of organizational structure classifies people
according to the function they perform in their
professional life or according to the functions
performed by them in the organization. Which one of the
following is described?
A. Functional type
B. Line type
C. Line and staff type
D. All of these
Large organizations have offices at different places,
for example, there could be a north, south, west and
east zones. The organizational structure, in such a
case, follows a zonal structure which are based on
A. Matrix structure
B. Geographical structure
C. Bureaucratic structure
D. Product structures
Large organizations have offices at different places,
for example, there could be a north, south, west and
east zones. The organizational structure, in such a
case, follows a zonal structure which are based on
A. Matrix structure
B. Geographical structure
C. Bureaucratic structure
D. Product structures
A matrix structure of organization is a combination of
function and product structures thus a complex
structure. It uses teams of employees to accomplish
by capitalizing on
work their strengthswhile creating
weaknesses which are of functional form. This
is statement
A. True
B. False
C. Unknown
D. Depend on leadership
A matrix structure of organization is a combination of
function and product structures thus a complex
structure. It uses teams of employees to accomplish
by capitalizing on
work their strengthswhile creating
weaknesses which are of functional form. This
is statement
A. True
B. False
C. Unknown
D. Depend on leadership
What characterizes a Bureaucratic Structure
of organization?
A. The structure can be seen in tall organizations where
tasks, processes and procedures are all
B. standardized.
This type is suitable for huge enterprises that
involve complex and require smooth
operations of the same.
C. There is strict hierarchies ensure timely completion
of tasks and quality.
D. All of the
What characterizes a Bureaucratic Structure
of organization?
A. The structure can be seen in tall organizations where
tasks, processes and procedures are all
B. standardized.
This type is suitable for huge enterprises that
involve complex and require smooth
operations of the same.
C. There is strict hierarchies ensure timely completion
of tasks and quality.
D. All of the
In developments, what is known as the
Horizontal Organization Structure
A. Flat structure type
B. Vertical structure type
C. Lateral structure type
D. Organic structure type
In developments, what is known as the
Horizontal Organization Structure
A. Flat structure type
B. Vertical structure type
C. Lateral structure type
D. Organic structure type
Patrol officers run the greatest risk in performing this
role, which is due in part to the nature of the laws
which they are expected to enforce. Which one is
described by the statement?
A. Crime prevention
B. Order maintenance
C. Law enforcement
D. Protection of lives and properties
Patrol officers run the greatest risk in performing this
role, which is due in part to the nature of the laws
which they are expected to enforce. Which one is
described by the statement?
A. Crime prevention
B. Order maintenance
C. Law enforcement
D. Protection of lives and properties
The police system in the Philippines is constitutionally
mandated. A constitution is a system for government,
codified as a written document, which contains
A. fundamental laws and principles of the land
B. a preamble and body
C. the whole archipelago
D. strict rules of politics and governance
The police system in the Philippines is constitutionally
mandated. A constitution is a system for government,
codified as a written document, which contains
A. fundamental laws and principles of the land
B. a preamble and body
C. the whole archipelago
D. strict rules of politics and governance
The PNP was born during the time of theso called
“Freedom Constitution”. Which one is called the Freedom
Constitution of the Philippines?
A. Malolos Constitution
B. 1935 Constitution
C. 1973 Constitution
D. 1987 Constitution
The PNP was born during the time of theso called
“Freedom Constitution”. Which one is called the Freedom
Constitution of the Philippines?
A. Malolos Constitution
B. 1935 Constitution
C. 1973 Constitution
D. 1987 Constitution
Which of the following is not one among the nature or
purpose of the Philippine Constitution?
A. It serves as the supreme or fundamental law
B. It establishes basic framework and underlying
principles of government
C. It must contain a preamble and a transitory provision
D. It lays down and guides the duties and powers of the
government, and the duties and rights of its citizens
and residents
Which of the following is not one among the nature or
purpose of the Philippine Constitution?
A. It serves as the supreme or fundamental law
B. It establishes basic framework and underlying
principles of government
C. It must contain a preamble and a transitory provision
D. It lays down and guides the duties and powers of the
government, and the duties and rights of its citizens
and residents
The Police in the Philippines should enforce the law to
protect the rights of the people especially those in the
Bill of Rights of the Philippine Constitution. What
article in the constitution enumerates the Bill of
A. Article II
B. Article III
C. Article IV
D. Article V
The Police in the Philippines should enforce the law to
protect the rights of the people especially those in the
Bill of Rights of the Philippine Constitution. What
article in the constitution enumerates the Bill of
A. Article II
B. Article III
C. Article IV
D. Article V
The meaning of the Lapu-Lapu image in the PNP logo
A. Courage
B. Bravery
C. Integrity
D. Wariorship
The meaning of the Lapu-Lapu image in the PNP logo
A. Courage
B. Bravery
C. Integrity
D. Wariorship
The meaning of the three stars in the PNP logo is
A. Reflection of Honor, Service, Justice
B. Reflection of Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao
C. That police is a star ranking organization
D. Policing embodies discipline, action,
The meaning of the three stars in the PNP logo is
A. Reflection of Honor, Service, Justice
B. Reflection of Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao
C. That police is a star ranking organization
D. Policing embodies discipline, action,
Law enforcement in the Philippines is premiered by the
PNP under the core value of
A. Service and Protection of the people
B. The People are the Police
C. Humanity and policy
D. Training and discipline
Law enforcement in the Philippines is premiered by the
PNP under the core value of
A. Service and Protection of the
B. The People are the Police
C. Humanity and policy
D. Training and discipline
The PNPs transformation program is aligned with the
provisions of RA 8551 which is
A. The DILG act of 1990
B. The Reformation and Transformation of the PNP
C. The NAPOLCOMs battle cry
D. The Modernization law
The PNPs transformation program is aligned with the
provisions of RA 8551 which is
A. The DILG act of 1990
B. The Reformation and Transformation of the PNP
C. The NAPOLCOMs battle cry
D. The Modernization law
Police management today is anchored on what modern
policing approach?
A. Problem solving policing
B. Participative law enforcement
C. Contingency and systems theory
D. Classical theory
Police management today is anchored on what modern
policing approach?
A. Problem solving policing
B. Participative law enforcement
C. Contingency and systems theory
D. Classical theory
On police perspective, an increase in rank carries with
it an increase in –
A. Level of discipline
B. Authority and Responsibility
C. Salary or compensation
D. Position and power
On police perspective, an increase in rank carries with
it an increase in –
A. Level of discipline
B. Authority and Responsibility
C. Salary or compensation
D. Position and power
What agency of the government is responsible as the
implementing arm on police standards upon their release
from the appropriate office?
A. Civil Service Commission
B. Security and Exchange Commission
C. National Police Commission
D. Philippine National Police
What agency of the government is responsible as the
implementing arm on police standards upon their release
from the appropriate office?
A. Civil Service Commission
B. Security and Exchange Commission
C. National Police Commission
D. Philippine National Police
Under the law, the Provincial Governor choose the PNP
Provincial Director from a list of five eligible
recommended by the PNP Director and
A. preferably coming from the same city,
province, municipality
B. preferably the most senior officers
C. preferably a star rank officer
D. preferably upon consultation with the DILG
Under the law, the Provincial Governor choose the PNP
Provincial Director from a list of five eligible
recommended by the PNP Director and
A. preferably coming from the same city,
province, municipality
B. preferably the most senior officers
C. preferably a star rank officer
D. preferably upon consultation with the DILG
To improve police the most
delegation, to be done is primordial
A. determine the mission of the department
B. count the number of supervisor
C. require completed work
D. define authority and responsibility
To improve police the most
delegation, to be done is primordial
A. determine the mission of the department
B. count the number of supervisor
C. require completed work
D. define authority and responsibility
Those who are charged with the actual fulfillment of the
police agency’s mission are
A. Staff members
B. Supervisors
C. Liason Officers
D. Line unit members
Those who are charged with the actual fulfillment of the
police agency’s mission are
A. Staff members
B. Supervisors
C. Liason Officers
D. Line unit members
The PNP in-service training programs are under the
responsibility of the
A. Directorate for Plans
B. Directorate for Human Resource and
Doctrine Development
C. Directorate for Personnel and Records Management
D. Directorate for Comptrollership
The PNP in-service training programs are under the
responsibility of the
A. Directorate for Plans
B. Directorate for Human Resource and
Doctrine Development
C. Directorate for Personnel and Records Management
D. Directorate for Comptrollership
What is the so called mother principle of police
organizational structures?
A. Chain of Command
B. Span of Control
C. Unity of Command
D. Delegation of Authority
What is the so called mother principle of police
organizational structures?
A. Chain of Command
B. Span of Control
C. Unity of Command
D. Delegation of Authority
Governors and mayors, upon having been elected and
having qualified as such, are empowered to employ and
deploy members of the PNP. Employ here means
A. Utilization of the PNP elements
B. Assigning PNP members to any point of the country
C. Proper movements of troops
D. Activation as body guards
Governors and mayors, upon having been elected and
having qualified as such, are empowered to employ and
deploy members of the PNP. Employ here means
A. Utilization of the PNP elements
B. Assigning PNP members to any point of the country
C. Proper movements of troops
D. Activation as body guards
When we say that a commander is directly responsible for
any act or omission of his subordinates in relation to
the performance of their official duties, we are
referring to
A. Chain of command
B. Delegation of responsibility
C. Command responsibility
D. Span of control
When we say that a commander is directly responsible for
any act or omission of his subordinates in relation to
the performance of their official duties, we are
referring to
A. Chain of command
B. Delegation of responsibility
C. Command responsibility
D. Span of control
The act of increasing the rank of an officer is called
promotion; is reducing his level of authority and
privilege of performing police duties as a consequence
of an offense and violation of rules and regulations.
A. Dismissal
B. Restriction
C. Suspension
D. Demotion
The act of increasing the rank of an officer is called
promotion; is reducing his level of authority and
privilege of performing police duties as a consequence
of an offense and violation of rules and regulations.
A. Dismissal
B. Restriction
C. Suspension
D. Demotion
Malingering is a case of
A. Malfeasance
B. Misfeasance
C. Non-feasance
D. Grave coercion
Malingering is a case of
A. Malfeasance
B. Misfeasance
C. Non-feasance
D. Grave coercion
Moonlighting is a case of
A. Malfeasance
B. Misfeasance
C. Non-feasance
D. Extortion
Moonlighting is a case of
A. Malfeasance
B. Misfeasance
C. Non-feasance
D. Extortion
This term refers to the period when a police officer is
actively engaged in the performance of his duty.
A. off duty
B. off limits
C. on call
D. on duty
This term refers to the period when a police officer is
actively engaged in the performance of his duty.
A. off duty
B. off limits
C. on call
D. on duty

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