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Hydrodynamic Lubrication

Theory and Definition

• Hydrodynamic Lubrication.
Hydrodynamic Lubrication
Hydrodynamic lubrication is a way that is used to reduce friction and/or
wear of rubbing solids with the aid of liquid (or semi-solid) lubricant. For a
vast majority of the surfaces encountered in nature and used in industry,
the source of friction is the imperfections of the surfaces. Even mirror
shining surfaces are composed of hills and valleys – surface roughness.

The goal of hydrodynamic lubrication is to add a proper

lubricant, so that it penetrates into the contact zone between
rubbing solids and creates a thin liquid film. This film separates
the surfaces from direct contact and it in general reduces friction
and consequently wear (but not always), since friction within the
lubricant is less than between the directly contacting solids.
Hydrodynamic Lubrication
Hydrodynamic Lubrication
Hydrodynamic Lubrication
Hydrodynamic Lubrication
Hydrodynamic Lubrication
 Hydrostatic Lubrication
. In hydrostatic lubrication the bearing surfaces are separated by a
lubricating film of liquid or gas forced between the surfaces by an
external pressure. The pressure is generated by an external pump
instead of by viscous drag as is the case with hydrodynamic
lubrication. As long as a continuous supply of pressurized
lubricant is maintained, a complete film is present even at zero
sliding speed. Hydrostatic films usually have a considerable
thickness reaching 100 μm and therefore, prevent contact between
the asperities of even the roughest surfaces. This ensures a
complete absence of sticking friction. The friction generated by
viscous shear of the lubricant decreases to zero at zero sliding
speed. Hydrostatic bearings can support very large masses and
allow them to be moved from their stationary positions with the
use of minimal force. In hydrostatic bearing analysis, load and
flow are frequently expressed
Boundary and Extreme Pressure
. The lubrication mechanisms involved can be classified in terms of—
relative load capacity and limiting frictional temperature. These
lubrication mechanisms are usually controlled by additives present in
the oil. As, the cost of a lubricant additive is usually negligible
compared to the value of the mechanical equipment, the commercial
benefits involved in this type of lubrication can be quite large. In
general, boundary and EP. lubrication involves the formation of low
friction, protective layers on the wearing surfaces. One exception is
when the surface-localized viscosity enhancement takes place. The
occurrence of surface-localized viscosity enhancement is extremely
limited. The operating principle of the boundary lubrication regime is
illustrated by considering the coefficient of friction. Lubrication by
chemical and physical interaction between an oil-based lubricant and a
surface (usually metal) is essential to the operation of most practical
machinery. Four basic forms of this lubrication are identified: (1) the
formation of an ultra-viscous layer close to the worn surface, (2) the
shielding of an oxidized metal surface by a mono-molecular layer of
asorbed linear surfactants, (3) the separation of contacting surfaces by
entrapped layers of finely divided and perhaps amorphous debris, and
(4) the suppression of metal to metal contact at extreme pressures by
the temperature dependent formation of sacrificial films of corrosion
product on worn metallic surfaces.
◦ Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication
The elastohydrodynamic lubrication can be
defined as a form of hydrodynamic lubrication,
where the elastic deformation of the contacting
bodies and the changes of viscosity with
pressure, play fundamental roles. From
elementary mechanics it is known that two
contacting surfaces under load will deform. The
deformation may be either plastic or elastic
depending on the magnitude of the applied load
and the material's hardness. In many engineering
applications—for example, rolling contact
bearings, gears, cams, seals, etc., the contacting
surfaces are nonconformal; hence, the resulting
areas are very small and the resulting pressures
are very high. From the view point of machine
design it is essential to know the values of
stresses acting in such contacts. Some particular
characteristics of elastohydrodynamic contacts
such as traction and flash temperature are
discussed, along with the methods of their

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