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Writing Task 2

Essay Planning
• Writing task 2 will be the last task which you'll
do (if you decide to do it last)
• To ensure that you write a good essay, you
need to plan it
• Out of 40 minutes, use at least 5 minutes to
plan your essay
Writing Task 2

What you can do before taking

your IELTS test
• Look for IELTS Writing model
questions for topics
• Watch a debate video
Writing Task 2
Essay Planning
• Identifying the issues
• Brainstorming ideas
• Choosing the best main points
• Planning supporting details
• Organising paragraph
Writing Task 2
Identifying the issues

In many countries schools have severe

problems with student behaviour.
What do you think are the causes of this?
What solutions can you suggest?
Writing Task 2
Brainstorming ideas and choose the best one
Cause Solution
• Classroom • Better seating
Environment arrangement
• More groupwork
• Desire for Power
• Poor Parenting • Public awareness
Writing Task 2
Planning supporting details
Poor Parenting Public awareness campaign
• Many parents either do not teach • warn of the dangers of
their youngsters the value
respecting authority
• Many young people will not listen • In UK recently, citizens teach
to their teachers their children about the
• In recent study, 1 in 3 teenagers importance of respecting
would refuse to comply with a rule teachers and resulted in a
if they didn’t agree with it dramatic improvement.
Matching information/ Matching feature
Matching information
• Usually, the passage will be labelled by letters/numbers
• All information in the questions are available in the
• Information in the questions will not be in order

Matching feature
• The references will only consist of one particular feature
(e.g. name of a person, year, nationalities)
Matching information/ Matching feature
Write the correct letter A-C, in Match the features >>
boxes 11-13 on your answer • WHO and UNICEF
sheet. • Bandana Das
• Health workers
A. leads the way in good hygiene
11. A description of the way practices in India
society views the elderly. B. wrote a report about the shortage
12. A reaction to the rights for of midwives in India
the elderly living in our society. C. communicated information about
13. The effect of our some places having no water
surroundings partnered with our D. often do not clean their hands
own personality traits, which E. Performed tests on the water in
Matching information/ Matching feature

• Skimming and scanning
• Look for particular reference such as year,
name of a researcher, name of a
company, etc.
• Paraphrase the questions
Matching sentence endings
Combination between sentence completion and matching information
1. Weight issues are created when
2. Having a job where you are sitting for long periods of time or no exercise in
your regular routine can
3. The situation around you can affect your

A. the number of calories burned are not the same as the calories that have
been eaten
B. lead to weight gain, because of less movement
C. make a person gain weight and go out less
D. outlook on life, which affects your daily diet and exercise routine
Matching sentence endings
• Skimming and scanning
• Paraphrase the questions
• Choose your answers through an elimination
process. Which ones do not fit? Which ones
can you dismiss?

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