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1ST Year
Writing I – Evening class

The Expository Paragraph: This type of paragraph explains something or

provides instruction. It could also describe a process and move the reader
step by step through a method. This type of paragraph often requires
research, but it's possible that the writer is able to rely on his or her own
knowledge and expertise.

• Explains how to make or do something

• Should be clear, complete, and easy to follow

• Steps should be written in the correct order


• Choose an activity or skill

• Outline each step
• Topic sentence – describe activity or skill to be taught
• Explain each step in detail
• Use sequence words

There are four keys to writing clear "how to" paragraphs.

1. Begin with a topic sentence that names the topic and says the paragraph will give instructions
about it.
2. Divide the instructions into a series of steps. For some topics, you will put the steps in order
by time and use time-order transition signals to show the order. First, do this. Next, do that.
For other topics, you can use listing order.
3. Explain each step one by one.
4. Use transition signals to introduce each new step.
Keep these four keys in your mind as you read the model paragraph.

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