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Model Question

Aptitude Test
Manoj Kumar Rout
Time and Work (Formulas)
Time and Work (Formulas)
• 4. ‘Work Done’ is always proportional to the
‘Number of People’ doing the work, if the
‘Time’ is constant-
Time and Work (Formulas)
5. ‘Work Done’ is always proportional to the
‘Time taken to do the Work’, if the ‘Number of
People’ is constant.
Time and Work (Formulas)
6. To complete more work more time is needed
and to complete less work less time is needed.
Hence we can also say the same thing for the
‘Number of Hours’, hence-
Time and Work (Formulas)
7. In this case, the number of people and the
number of days all of them worked for is
constant. Similarly, we can also say that-
Time and Work (Formulas)

8. From the above proportionality equations, we

can say-
Time and Work (Formulas)

• 9. So, any change in any of these three

parameters will affect Work Done.
•  If M1 men can do W1 work in D1 days working
H1 hours per day and M2 men can do W2 work in
D2 days working H2 hours per day (where all men
work at the same rate of work),
Time and Work (Formulas)
10. If A can do a piece of work in p days and B
can do the same in q days,
Time and Work (Formulas)
• W= Work
• P = Person/ People
• T = Time  
• D = number of days
• H = number of hours
• R = Rate of Work
Time and Work
1. Ronald and Elan are working on an assignment.
Ronald takes 6 hours to type 32 pages on a computer,
while Elan takes 5 hours to type 40 pages. How much
time will they take, working together on two different
computers to type an assignment of 110 pages?
• A. 7 hours 30 minutes
• B. 8 hours
• C. 8 hours 15 minutes
• D. 8 hours 25 minutes
Time and Work
• Number of pages typed by ronald in 1 hour
• = 32/6= 16/3.
• Number of pages typed by elan in 1 hour
• = 40/5= 8.
• Number of pages typed by both in 1 hour
• = (16/3+8)=40/3.
• Time taken by both to type 110 pages =
• = 8×1/4hrs = 8 hrs 15 min.
Time and Work
2. ‘A’ can finish a work in 18 days and ‘B’ can do
the same in half the time taken by A. Then
working together, what part of the same work
they can finish in a day?
• A. 1/6
• B. 1/9
• C. 2/5
• D. 2/7
Time and Work
• A's 1 day's work = 1/18
• and B's 1 day's work = 1/9
• (A+B)'s 1 day's work
• = (1/18+1/9)
• = 1/6
Time and Work
3. P can complete a work in 12 days working 8
hours a day, Q can complete the same work in 8
days working 10 hours a day. If both P and Q work
together, working 8 hours a day. In how many days
can they complete the work?
• A. 5x5/11
• B. 5x6/11
• C. 6x5/11
• D. 6x6/11
Time and Work
• P can complete the work in (12x 8) hrs = 96 hrs.
• Q can complete the work in (8x 10) hrs = 80 hrs.
• P's 1 hour's work = 1/96
• Q's 1 hrs work = 1/80
• (P+Q)'s 1 hour's work
• = (1/96+1/80)= 11/480.
• So, both P and Q will finish the work in =(480/11) hrs.
• Number of days of 8 hours each
• =(480/11x1/8) hrs.= 60/11 days
• =5x5/11 days
Time and Work
4. A, B and C can complete a piece of work in
24, 6 and 12 days respectively. Working
together, they will complete the same work in
• A. 1/24 day
• B. 7/24 day
• C. 3x3/7 days
• D. 4 days
Time and Work
• (A+B+C)'s 1 day's work = (1/24+1/6+1/12)
• = 7/24.
• So, A,B and C together will complete the job in
24/7= 3x3/7 days.
Time and Work
5. A can lay railway track between two given
stations in 16 days and B can do the same job in
12 days. With the help of C, they did the job in
4 days only. Then, C alone can do the job in
• A. 9x1/5 days
• B. 9x2/5 days
• C. 9x3/5 days
• D. 10 days
Time and Work
• (A+B+C)'s 1 day's work = 1/4
• A's 1 day's work = 1/16
• B's 1 day's work = 1/12
• C's 1 day's work
• = 1/4-(1/16+1/12)
• = (1/4 - 7/48)
• = 5/48.
• So,C alone can do the work in 48/5 =9x3/5 days.
Time and Work
Time and Work
Time and Work
Time and Work
Time and Work
Time and Work
Time and Work
Time and Work
Time and Work
Time and Work
Time and Work
Time and Work
Time and Work
Time and Work

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