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- Group 17
Please click on the below icons to view the materials
1. Training Manual: Day 1

Group 17_Training Manual.pdf

2. Individual “Critical Thinking” Exercise: Day 2

Group 17_Individual Exercise.pdf

3. Case Study:

Thursday Night Dilemmas.pdf

4. Article:

The Dandelion Principle- Redesigning Work for the Innovation Economy.pdf

5. Videos :
 Critical Thinking Skills: A Process for Better Problem Solving and Decision Making – 60 minutes

 How To Improve Communication Skills In The Workplace – 10 minutes

 Critical Thinking and Asking the Right Questions – 30 minutes

 Webinar: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving – 45 minutes

Invite Trainees To Share With At Least Three Other Persons:
Use starting letter of your name and make an adjective using that letter to introduce themselves.
For example – I can start my introduction as I am “Sensible Sanjana” & share one strength that we do not know about
Share work experience if they have?
The reason why they are attending this training session?


Form into a circle and give everyone a unique picture of a person, place, object, or animal. One person begins
a story that uses whatever happens to be on their photo as the focus. The next person continues the story by
adding something related to their photo. This exercise gets funny and challenging!
OBJECTIVE – decision-making, innovative & problem solving skills
Imagine you live in a world where there are only 10 words you can ever use. You can repeat them as much as you want, but you
can’t ever use any other words. Write down the 10 words you’d choose. Next, make sentences with them in order to
communicate something to your group. Work on some skills using metaphor and choosing words carefully with this fun,
challenging exercise. Use feeling and gesture to help them understand you. You can measure their understanding by writing
your actual intended meaning below the sentence. Remember, you’ve only got 10 words to use, so choose them well!!

OBJECTIVE – Able to comprehend the problem with few information & making the audience understand the “big picture”
Helpful in acing the corporate life
Time Wasters
Great for: Learning how best to deal with time wasters
How it’s played:
Divide the 20 trainees into 4 teams
Provide each team with an envelope. Inside the envelope, they’ll find 4 index cards. At the back of the envelope, they’ll find a
specific time-waster
Each group needs to write down solutions for the assigned time-wasters, and write them down on the first index card
the envelopes are then passed over to the other groups — the second group needs to write their solutions to the given time-waster
on the second index card, and the other three groups need to write their solutions on their respective index cards
in the end, you read everyone’s solutions and discuss the best ones
OBJECTIVE: You’ll be in the position to better understand how you can overcome specific time-wasters, and save more time
for priority tasks in the future.

 Role Play – 90 minutes

The name of this role play is “Coffee House Chat”, there will be 4 groups of 5 members each.
A character sheet will be given to create a persona, like character name, age, gender, hobbies, education and create a
background of your character.
Then, they will be given a historical or a current issue. Trainees will be given 20 minutes to do some research and to think
about how they want to represent their character’s views.
What follows will be 10 minutes for each group, a cafe-style conversation about the given event. You can practice things like
being open-minded and disagreeing respectfully.

Objectives – team-work, negotiation and problem-solving skills


Barter Puzzle
Great for: Learning how to think strategically
How it’s played:
Divide the 20 trainees into 4 teams
Trainees need reach an agreement when they’re under pressure, key is to negotiate. Each team is given a different jigsaw puzzle
equal in complexity. The puzzles are scrambled, containing parts from the other ones. The goal is to be the first ones to complete
their puzzle while engaging in negotiation activities like bartering, exchanging team members, assigning leader roles, etc. These
actions need to be taken by the whole team, not individually .
What you’ll learn: This activity brings up the best negotiators in each person and gives you a sneak peek into how they
strategize decisions.

What would you do?

Great for: Thinking quickly and out-of-the box
How it’s played:
The trainees are asked questions based on fun and intriguing questions, they have to answer in a minute. This game is played
Eg: If you were a millionaire for a day, If the town was attacked by aliens, etc
What you’ll learn: This activity brings up creative side of the individual and get to know others perspectives.

Game of possibilities
How it’s played:
Number of Participants: 4-25
Items Needed: Various random objects, one per each participant
Goal: Come up with alternative uses for everyday objects and have team members guess its said uses.
Each participant is given an object and must demonstrate an alternative use for it. You can use anything from a basketball or
plastic bag to a hula hoop or stapler.
Give the participant one-minute to silently act out their alternative use for the object; for example, a stapler could be used as a
fork or a trumpet. While they're acting, others in the group try to guess what they're mimeing. Every person who correctly
guesses the alternative use gets a point. Once the minute is over, the next person will do the same and so on.
What you’ll learn:  The Game of Possibilities is a great way to bring out your team's creativity and quick thinking as well as a
fun way to boost team creativity and innovation

Stranded- the survivors

How it’s played:
A hypothetical scenario in which participants would need to work together and solve problems to succeed, like being stranded
on a deserted island or getting lost at sea. They are asked to work together to devise a solution that ensures everyone arrives
safely. They can come up with a list of 10 must-have items that would help them most, or a creative passage to safety.
Encouraged to vote — everyone must agree to the final solution

What you’ll learn: This activity develops problem solving skills and communication.

Spectrum Mapping
How it’s played:
Divide the 20 trainees into 4 teams
To begin the game of spectrum mapping, we start by proposing a problem on the whiteboard. Now the participants must write
down their solutions in the sticky notes provided to them. Map each solution in the whiteboard as a spectrum or with the help of
different factors like soft to aggressive, safe to risky, etc.
Use the sticky notes and mark the position on the whiteboard based on the answers, then group similar solutions together. This
will help to identify the solutions that the members of the group find ideal.
What you’ll learn: This activity allows the team members to understand different perspectives, and to think beyond the box in
order to achieve long-term success.
All Adrift
How it’s played:
Divide the 20 trainees into 4 teams
Set up a hypothetical scenario, in which an accident strands the group in a body of water.  This activity brings up the best
negotiators in each person and gives you a sneak peek into how they strategize decisions. The traditional team brief in all adrift is
that your boat catches on fire and you have to abandon it. You only have a few minutes to gather your belongings. First-aid kits,
rope, canned food, bottled water, and other items.
Step 1: Each team should write down the items they would grab from 1-10 in the order of importance for survival.
Step 2: They must then decide and agree on the top ten priorities as a group and fill out the worksheet.
Step 3: Finally, cross-check each team's list against the scoring sheet (readily available online). The team with the most points is
the winner.
Total activity provided in document attached -

Escape room
How it’s played:
Divide the 20 trainees into 4 teams
Escape rooms are games that require groups working together to solve puzzles. Players enter a locked room and must complete
all puzzles in an hour or two to unlock the door. Groups can also play escape rooms online.
This online escape room draws on Greek mythology to form a challenging experience. The teams need to crack codes and solve
other riddles while learning about ancient myths.
Link: Minotaur’s Labyrinth Escape Room-

What you’ll learn:  The Minatour’s Labyrinth Escape Room is a game to develop group’s collective brain power and brings
out teammates’ inner hero.

All the news

How it’s played:
Divide the 20 trainees into 4 teams
Come up with newspaper headlines that describe company or department achievements in the future.
To do All the News, a few newspapers, whiteboards, markers, pens and paper are required. Each team is given a newspaper and
asked to come up with different headlines that cover what the company or department will be doing in the near future. They can
create as many as they want and as far in the future as they want.
Groups share their headline ideas with the rest of the team and get feedback. All the News is useful to get an idea of the
company's future direction and can start setting some new goals.
Follow Up Questions:
• Did you all agree on the headline?
• Did anyone have a conflicting view of the future?

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