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Effects of
Promotes social solidarity
participation in rituals
together with basic
uniformity of beliefs
help to promote
social cohesiveness
Provides moral values
It provides a
system of reward
and punishment
that administer
and standardize
people’s behavior
in society
Explains the unknown
It provides
answers for
phenomena or
questions that
science or reason
cannot explain
Gives positive goal in life
People were inspired by
the stories of different
prophets from their own
religious affiliation, like
that of Moses, Sidharta
Gautama, and
Gives people a sense of belonging
It provides people
with personal
identity as part of a
group with similar
worldviews, beliefs,
values, practices,
and lifestyles.
Provides social change
It can be very effective
in lobbying and
campaigning for certain
social issues using its
own moral teachings as
the basis of argument.
Affirms social hierarchy
Some religions affirm
social hierarchy often
favoring men and as a
result, perpetuate the
notions of class or
gender discrimination
and oppression.
Triggers conflicts and fights
History witnessed
numerous lives sacrificed
and lost in the name of
religion. Wars have been
fought in the name of
religion, and this
phenomenon continues up
to the present time.
Causes discrimination
fanaticism can lead
to feelings of
hatred, which could
lead to racism, and
Impedes scientific success and developments
Religion has proven to
impede scientific
development. Some of the
moral teachings of other
religions are deemed by
secular communities to be
detrimental to development.
Obstructs the use of reasons
Ancient religious beliefs
and practices which
have proven to be
inhuman should be
replaced with sensible
Serves as economic tool for
controlling the masses
Karl Marx believed
that religion can be
effectively used by the
ruling class to
maintain a social order
that is more favorable
to them.

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