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Sri nikitha
All pilots must learn how to understand and interpret
aircraft instruments in order to fly safely. These
instruments are vital to the operation of the aircraft,
helping the pilot maintain control and identify any
potential issues at a glance.

Understanding the way these instruments work means

the pilot is able to recognise when the equipment is
malfunctioning, avoiding unnecessary mistakes during
flight and on take-off and landing. Read on for more
information on aircraft flight instruments and how they
What Are Aircraft Instruments?
Aircraft instruments are the sometimes confronting array of dials, gauges and
gadgets located in the cockpit of an aircraft. Pilots rely on these instruments to
understand where the plane is, how fast it is travelling and what it is doing as well
as a large amount of other information.
. are four basic kinds of aircraft instruments
grouped according to the job they perform.
These are:
Flight instruments,
Engine instruments,
Navigation instruments and
Miscellaneous position/condition instruments.
Flight Instruments
These are the instruments that give information on the
aircraft’s flight attitude (orientation relative to the
horizontal plane). Examples are the Altimeter, the
Airspeed Indicator, and the Heading Indicator, the
Attitude Indicator (artificial horizon), Turn Coordinator,
and Vertical Speed Indicator.
Engine Instruments
These are instruments designed to constantly measure
operating parameters relating to the aircraft’s engine(s).
Examples are tachometers, temperature gauges, fuel
and oil quantity displays, and engine pressure gauges.
Navigation Instruments
These instruments provide guidance information to
enable the aircraft to follow its intended path. Examples
include various kinds of navigational devices ranging
from the simple compass and radiolocation to GPS
location devices.
Miscellaneous Position/Condition Instruments
This category covers a range of miscellaneous gauges and indicators not included in
the first three groups that provide data on positions of moveable components on the
aircraft, and the condition of various aircraft components or systems. Examples
include cabin environment (pressure, temperatures etc.) flight control position, and
auxiliary power units etc.
The Original Aviation 6 Pack
Sometimes referred to as the ‘aviation six pack’, these
are the basic 6 ‘Flight Instruments’ that are found in
almost every aircraft in some way, shape or form –
whether as individual instruments or merged together as
part of the newer ‘glass cockpit’ technology. For more
in-depth information on the altimeter and the airspeed
indicator see below.

2.Airspeed Indicator
3.Vertical Speed Indicator
4.Attitude Indicator
5.Heading Indicator
6.Turn Coordinator
airspeed indicator, instrument that measures the speed of an aircraft relative to the
surrounding air, using the differential between the pressure of still air (static
pressure) and that of moving air compressed by the craft's forward motion (ram
pressure); as speed increases, the difference between these pressures ...
4 Types Of Airspeeds

Indicated Airspeed (IAS). The Airspeed Indicator reading without any consideration
for atmospheric conditions or potential installation and instrument errors.

Calibrated Airspeed (CAS). The Indicated Airspeed corrected for installation error
and instrument error.

True Airspeed (TAS). The Calibrated Airspeed corrected for altitude related
atmospheric conditions such as temperature variations and air density. The True
Airspeed is used for flight planning calculations.

Groundspeed (GS). The aircraft’s actual speed over the ground, or the True
Airspeed adjusted for wind resistance factors (headwind, tailwind etc.).
How Does An Airspeed Indicator Work?
Utilising both the static and pitot systems on an aircraft,
the ASI takes into account the airflow and equalising
pressure differences from an external pitot tube and
static port to provide speed indications during flight.

While on the ground the Airspeed Indicator will show a

reading of zero as the pressures are equal, when
airborne, air entering the external pitot tube places
pressure on an internal diaphragm causing the Airspeed
Indicator to move upwards.
Airspeed Indicator Function:
Airspeed is a measure of differential pressure between
the pitot (impact/dynamic pressure) and static pressures
Simply stated, ram air is pushed against a diaphragm,
which is compared to the static pressure

The static pressure is captured through the static port(s)

located on the side of the fuselage

The location is chosen at a location to most accurately

detect prevailing atmospheric pressure (parallel to air
stream) and avoid dynamic (ram) air pressure
Some aircraft will have more than one port to more
accurately measure pressure during slips and skids

"Ram air" is the air captured through the opening of the

Pitot tube by the passage of the aircraft through the air
Instrument Errors:
Airspeed Indicator Failures
Pitot Tube Icing
The pitot-static systems in modern aircraft are reliable,
that we are always taught to "believe our instruments"
However, when they do fail, the failure may be so
insidious that it goes unnoticed until it's too late

Pitot-static failures typically come in three varieties:

1.Icing over the Pitot or static ports

2.Trapped water in the lines

3.Compromise of system integrity:

Leaks due to holes or loose fittings
Blockages in the system can cause a variety of errors
The airspeed indicator is critically important for ensuring
that structural speeds are not exceeded
Exceeding those limits may cause over-stress and damage
to the aircraft
always keep in mind the effects of parallax error
Beyond the direct indications from the instrument, think
of what else it might be telling you such as Nautical Miles
per hour
Since Knots = Nautical Miles per Hour, 60 knots (TAS, not
IAS!) is 60 NM in an hour, and a NM per minute
Note that while an approach or landing speed may be
specified, the speeds held on approach will differ from
final to roundout to flare

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