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Employability Skill Training

February 2021
Welcome and Introductions

Workshop Objective

At the conclusion of this workshop

You will get the basic You will get the basic
skills necessary for skills necessary for
getting, keeping and getting, keeping and
doing well on a doing well in
employment world. business world.
Day One – Employability Skill

Before Tea Break Employment Vs. Business/ Entrepreneurship

Before Lunch Employability Skill Introduction

Before Tea Break Employability Skill Deep Dive

Before Closure Employability Skill Deep Dive

Module 1: Employability Skill


Employment Vs. Entrepreneurship

Success into a Habit
STEP 1: Write the following statement once with your dominant hand
on blank page in the last page of your note book.

“Rather than permitting my paradigm to employ all of my spiritual

power to hold me back, or keep me where I am, I make this
committed decision: Regardless of how difficult it may be for a period
of time, my paradigm shift is constant and certain.”
Success into a Habit
STEP 2: After writing this statement once with your dominant hand,
the hand you usually write with, write it again with your non-dominant
hand at the end of you notepad.

“Rather than permitting my paradigm to employ all of my spiritual

power to hold me back, or keep me where I am, I make this
committed decision: Regardless of how difficult it may be for a period
of time, my paradigm shift is constant and certain.”
Success into a Habit
You will re-write the above quote with your non-dominant hand. Write it out at
least EIGHT times per day for the next 5 days and you will be amazed with the
paradigms shift when we complete the training session on Friday . We will
analyze it at the end!!!

Each time;

• Morning when you enter into training hall

• When we leave for morning tea break Facilitators

will remind
• When we return from tea break
this every
• When we leave for lunch break time!!!
• We return from lunch break

• When we leave for afternoon tea break

• When we return from afternoon tea break

• When we leave at the end of the day

What is Employment?

Employment most generally
means the state of having a paid
job—of being employed.

What is Entrepreneurship?

An entrepreneur is a person who

sets up a business with the aim
to make a profit.
Exercise: Debate

Entrepreneurship or Employment, which one is better.

– Divide the class in to 10 – 15 groups
– Assign half of Groups to Entrepreneurship and the other half to
– Pair groups for debate
– Assign 2 judges for each paired group

– Let each group build their argument for 15 minutes

– Let them debate for 15 minutes
– The judges will announce the winner by summarizing the outcome of
the debate

Employability Skill
What is Employability Skill?

When you hear the term employability skills, what are some of
the terms that come to mind (Plenary session)?
Employability skills are . . .

Employability skills are the

general skills and knowledge
that are necessary for
success in the labor market
at all employment levels and
in all sectors.

Can be divided into three categories:

• Applied Knowledge;
• Workplace skills
• Effective Relationships
Activity: Identifying Employability Skills

Brainstorm activity:
1. On your own, generate a list of your top five most
important employability skills.
2. Record each skill on a sticky note.
3. Discuss your list with your group.
4. Remove duplicate skills.

Employability Skills

The skills that enable

individuals to interact
The thoughtful effectively with
integration of clients, coworkers,
academic and supervisors
knowledge and
technical skills,
put to practical
use in the
workplace The skills employees
need to successfully
perform work tasks

Activity: Categorizing Employability
1. Referencing your table’s sticky notes, where would you
place your employability skills?
– Effective relationships
– Workplace skills
– Applied knowledge
2. Discuss with your table.
3. Place your sticky notes on the appropriate flip chart
Recategorized Skills
Effective Relationships Workplace Skills Applied Knowledge

Activity: Make a Gallery walk

• Let each groups outcome is posted on the wall from

Group 1 to Group n.
• Make sure there is enough space between flip charts

• Let participants go around and look other groups

• let them reflect, if they have reflection
Employability Skills
Effective Relationships

• Understands teamwork and

works with others
• Responds to customer needs
• Negotiates to resolve conflicts
• Respects individual differences

Effective Relationships

• Demonstrates responsibility
and self-discipline
• Adapts and shows flexibility
• Works independently
• Demonstrates a willingness to
• Demonstrates integrity
• Demonstrates professionalism
• Displays positive attitude and
sense of self-worth

Workplace Skills

• Manages time
• Manages money
• Manages materials

Workplace Skills

• Organizes information
• Uses information
• Analyzes information
• Communicates

Workplace Skills

• Communicates verbally
• Listens actively
• Comprehends written material
• Conveys information in
• Observes carefully
Workplace Skills
Pair discussion
Who would you hire?

Mr X has a 4.0 CGPA and likes Mr Y has a 2.5 CGPA. He is

reading always. He thinks personable—well liked—
knowledge is what matters outgoing—a good listener—
most. He believes in having enjoys working with others—
limited but productive and grooming is his habit.
conversations yet his grades
are on top of all.

Whom do you hire for sales task and why?

Workplace Skills

• Understands and uses systems

Workplace Skills

• Understands and
uses technology

Applied Knowledge

• Uses reading skills

• Uses writing skills
• Uses scientific principles
and procedures

Applied Knowledge

• Thinks critically
• Thinks creatively
• Makes sound decisions
• Solves problems
• Reasons
• Plans and organizes
Activity: Identifying Employability
Once again revise your categorization of employability skills
based on this additional information.
Recategorized Skills

Effective Relationships Workplace Skills Applied Knowledge

Is there any change you did? Reflect.

Case Analysis
Senay is a recent graduate with a CGP of 3.5. Senay has the following
believes when he thinks joining the employment world
1. What matters most in the job world is accomplishing the tasks
assigned to him by an employer and he feels like he is academically
well equipped and no need to worry about that.
2. Spending time with colleagues is a waste of time except for work
related issues, he rather spends his time surfing on social media,
where he can talk with best friends.
3. Employers are the one who should play a role in training and
developing his capacity once he joined their company. If they
arrange a training, he is willing to attend, unless he thinks there is
nothing he can do to uplift his current skills and knowledge. He
thinks it is a waste of time to develop himself for the benefit of the
4. Managers and supervisors should always give him a guidance while
doing routine tasks, it is their business.
5. He is always puzzled why the employers demand some sort of
dressing, hair cutting and so on, which is personal issue to him. What
matters is doing his job.
Case Analysis
In your group :
1. Discuss for 15 minutes about Senay’s believes
2. How do you assess Senay’s believe
3. Do you agree in his stand? Explain
4. Do you have any advice for Senay and the likes of him? What
The Good News!

Most job-seekers possess these

skills to some extent.

JTCC 2010 On-Ramp Program

The better news!!

Job-seekers with weaknesses in

these areas can improve their
skills through training and
personal development.

JTCC 2010 On-Ramp Program

The best news!!!

Once you understand the skills and

characteristics that most employers
seek, you can tailor your job search
communications (your resume,
cover letter, etc) to showcase how
well your background aligns with
their requirements.

JTCC 2010 On-Ramp Program

Numbers matter
Of employers said "soft skills or employability skill" were
as or more important than technical skills (
Wall Street Journal survey).

Of employers say that they value most life skills or

employability skill and it’s the hardest to find and worry
that shortages could impair their company's growth (
PwC's 20th CEO Survey, 2017).

Return on investment from teaching employees

soft skills (University of Michigan).
End of Day 1

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