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What are the

characteristics of a
good research and
how does the
research process
Characteristics of
a “Good”
1. Asks researchable questions
2. Not-trivial
3. Addresses problems in the
real world
4. Systematic
5. Logical
6. Verifiable or Testable
7. Truthful and Free from Bias
8. Authentic
9. Ethical
10. Unambiguous
11. Cyclical and iterative
12. Critical
Research Process

Present Answer

Gather and analyse


Pose a Question
General Level Expanded Process
Pose a Question Identify a research question

Make a prediction or working hypothesis

Review existing literature

Specify the purpose of research

Gather and Analyse data Collect data

Analyse and interpret the data gathered

Present the Answer Write the research

Present the result of the research

Evaluate the research for the future direction

•1. Identify a research question
• A n issue or problem that needs to be resolved or
studied further

General Level Expanded Process

Pose a Question Identify a research question

Make a prediction or working hypothesis

Review existing literature

Specify the purpose of research

•2. Make a prediction or working hypothesis
• Potential answer or solution to the problem
•3. Review existing literature
• Learn about present studied related to the
problem statement
•4. Specify the purpose of research
• States the object and intent of the study
•1. Collect data
• This includes questionnaires and surveys, quotes, field
notes, audio/video, recordings, and many others.
•2. Analyse and interpret the data gathered
• data are then processed, parsed and analysed.


Analyse and interpret the data gathered
•1. Write the research
Present the Write the research
• a research report is next written
in a formal, structures manner. Answer Present the result of
•2. Present the results of the research
• research can be reported to an
audience the research
•3. Evaluate the research for the
future direction
• the audience of the research may Evaluate the research
evaluate the research’s validity,
utility and importance. for the future direction

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