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George Orwell

"Nineteen Eighty-Four"
Doskoch Sofiia
Part III. Chapter 2

• Winston «treatment»

• Honest conversation with O'Brien

Part III. Chapter 3
• Discussions with O’Brien

• Betrayal of Julia

• Imminent death?
Truncheons дубінка
Embezzlement розкрадання
Eradicated викорінений
Dreadful лячний
Elbows локті
Injury травма
Forsook залишитися
Vertebrae хребет
Feebly слабо
Ashes попіл
Ruffian хуліган
Abruptly несподівано
Hesitation вагання
Treachery зрада
Sorrowfully на жаль
Shrivelled зморщений
Fatigue втома
Obey підкорятися
Pamphlet проспект
Winston's horrors and fear are brought to light in these chapters: He is
betrayed by Julia and O'Brien, he is tortured and ruined, and every hope he
had for a future without the Party is destroyed. In fact I feel sorry for Winston
and I hope he doesn't die, because people do not deserve such
torment.Winston learns that Goldstein's book was written partially by O'Brien
and that Big Brother exists just as the Party exists, eternal and omnipotent.

Thanks for attention

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