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Mandal’s Pragati College of Arts and Commerce

Subject: HRM in Global Perspective
Topic: International Recruitment and Selection, HRM
Perspective in Training and Development, International
Performance Management

Under Guidance: Prof.Hema Ma’am

Recruitment and Selection
Meaning :-
International or global recruitment is simply the process
involved in the searching and hiring of talented
candidates from anywhere across the globe. The
recruitment and selection process has a long history with
man. We’ve always been involved in nominating and
selecting representatives for sports, politics,
associations, leadership, etc. Oftentimes, we always
desire and opt for the most capable, skilled, efficient, and
qualified individuals to champion the specific course as to
which we are selecting people. 
Global Staffing:-

Global staffing, defined as 'the critical

issues faced by multinational corporations
with regard to the employment of home,
host and third country nationals to fill key
positions in their headquarter and
subsidiary operations’.
Selection Criteria:-

1.Technical Ability
2.Cross-cultural Suitability
3.Family Requirements
4.Country/Cultural Requirements
6.Multi National Enterprise (MNE)
Managing Global Diverse Workforce:-
Rapid developments in science and technology; that are
essential ingredients of globalization, make diverse
workforce to become a reality in organizations nowadays.
In other words,globalization has given an upswing to a
number of factors which in its turn caused the diversity in
the labour market. These factors included demographical
changes, decreasing amount of manpower, increasing
request to manpower within organizations, growing
employment of women, greater inclusion of migrants and
people with disabilities into the workplace.
Benefits of Workplace Diversity:-
1.Increased Adaptability
2.Broader Service Range
3.Variety of viewpoints
4.More effective execution
Managers have to face several challenges due to the
diversity in the workplace like :-

2.Resistance to change
3.Implementation of Diversity in the workplace policies
4.Successful Management of Diversity in the workplace
Some of the way to Manage Global Diverse
Workforce are :-
1.Understand Discrimination
2.Equitable Treatment
3.Create an Empowered Atmosphere
4.Provide Orientation
5.Fairness in Hiring
6.Create Diverse work groups
7.Handle complaint effectively
8.Invest in Diversity Training
HRM Perspective in
Training and Development

Employee Training and Development in HRM is defined

as a system used by an organization to improve the skills
and performance of the employees.An effective training
& development initiative based on training needs
analysis helps the company to enhance the skills of
working manpower and improve productivity.
Expatriate Training:-
Expatriate training programs expedite the
transition process by cultivating your
employees' cultural sensitivity and equipping
them and their families with the tools, skills
and knowledge required to effectively interact
with people from other cultures.
Role/Advantages of Expatriate Training:-

Expatriate training enables your employees to:

Understand how their new culture factors into
both their social and business
relationships. Acquire essential information
about the host country. Nurture the skills needed
to adjust to their new living and working
Cross Cultural Training :-

Cross cultural training refers to the training

given to employees related to the cultural
differences between nations, the awareness of
which helps in running smooth business across
the nations. Cross cultural training is essential
for doing business in present scenario involving
multiple nations and cultures.
Following are the major types of Cross-cultural
training programmes:-

1.Environmental briefing
2.Cultural Orientation
3.Cultural Assimilators
4.Language training
5.Sensitivity training
6.Field Experience
International Performance
International performance management is the
evaluation of an individual who works in a
foreign subsidiary on a temporary basis to
transfer knowledge or develop global
leadership skills. At its best, international
performance management should feed into
the global goals of the business.
Variables Affecting Expatriate Performance
Management :-
1.Compensation Package
a)Chief executive officer
b)Structure reproducer
c)Trouble – Shooter
3.Headquarters Support
4.Host Environment
5.Cultural Adjustment
Factors Influencing Performance:-
1.Managerial Standards
4.Employee Evaluation
5.Job Security
6.Skills and Knowledge
7.Role Clarity
8.Work Environment and Culture
Criterion used for Performance Appraisal of
International Employees:-

• Who conduct the performance appraisal ?

• Standardized or Customised performance appraisal forms
• Frequency of appraisal
• Performance feedback
• Appraisal of HCN Employees
• HCN Role Conception
Thank You

- Manoj Chaudhari

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