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Female Reproductive System

 The Ovaries produce secondary oocytes and hormones, including estrogen,
progestrone, Inhibin and relaxin.

 The Uterine Tubes transport a secondary oocyte to the uterus and normally are
the sites where fertilization occurs.

 The Uterus is the site of implantation of a fertilized ovum, development of the

fetus during pregnancy and labor.

 The Vagina receives the penis during sexual intercourse and is a passageway
for child birth.

 The Mammary Glands synthesize, secretes, and eject milk for nourishment of
Ovaries Uterine Tubes
 paired organs tht produces secondary Known also as fallopian tubes.
oocytes and hormones such as  Site of fertilisation by male sperms.
progestrone and estrogens,inhibin and  Often reffered as oviducts or uterine
relaxin. tubes.
These hormones prepare the uterus for  Fertilized egg takes approximately 6
implantation of the fertilized egg. to 10 days to travel through the
 they are female gonads/sex
fallopian tube to implant in the uterine
glands.One ovary lies on each side of lining.
the pelvic cavity,held in place of
 germinal epithelium is a layer of
simple epithelium that covers the surface
of the ovary.
They develop and expel one ovim each
 A woman is born with approximately
400,000 immature eggs called follicles
 During a lifetime a woman release @
400 to 500 fully matured eggs for
Uterus Vagina
 Commonly referred to as the womb
Serves as part of the pathway for sperm
The vagina connects the cervix to the
deposited in the vagina to reach the uterine
It is located between the bladder and

 Site of implantation of fertilized ovum,

This muscular layer is composed of
development of the fetus during pregnancy, muscle that can stretch to
and labor. receive the penis during sexual
 Situated between urinary bladder and
intercourse and allow for childbirth.
the rectum and is shaped like an inverted
pear. • there maybe a thinfold of mucuos
membrane called the bymen partially
 Made up of 3layers:
covering the vaginal orifice (the vaginal
1.myometrium:middle muscular layer-
consists of smooth muscle and forms the opening).
bulk of the uterine wall. During child birth,
coordinated contractions of uterine Functions :
muscles help expel the fetus • Outlet for menstrual flow.
2.endometrium:innermost part (mucous
membrane).It nourishes a growing fetus or
• Receptacle for the penis during
sexual intercourse.
is shed each month during menstruation if
fertilization does not occur. Also contains
• Passageway during childbirth.

many endometrial glands whose secretions

nourish sperm and the zygote.
3.Perimetrium:outermost layer
Mammary Glands
located in the breasts, modified sudified (sweat)glands that produce milk.
breast lie over the pectoralis major and serratus anterior muscles are attached to them
by a layer of connective tissue.
Each breast has one pigmented projection, the nipple, with a series of closely spaced
openings of ducts where milk emerges.
The circular pigmented area of skin surrounding the nipple is called the areola-appears
rough because it contains modified sebaceous (oil)glands.
Internally each mammary glands consists of 15-20 lobes arranged radially and
separated by adipose tissue and strands of connective tissue called suspensory
ligaments of the breast (Cooper’s Ligaments),which support the breast.
In each lobe are smaller lobules,in which milk-secreting glands called alveoli are
found.when milk is produced,it passes from the alveoli into series of tubules that drain
toward the nipple.
At birth,mammary glands are undeveloped and appear as slight elevations on the
chest.With the onset of puberty,under influence of estrogens and progestrone,the female
breast begins to develop.The dust system matures and fat is deposited,which increases
breast size.The areola and nipple also enlarge and become more darkly pigmented.
Functions: synthesis,secretion and ejection of milk;these functions called lactation,are
associated with pregnancyand childbirth.Milk production is stimulated largely by the
hormones prolactin from the anterior pituitory,with contributions from progestrone and
The ejection of milk is stimulated by oxytocin,which is released from the posterior
pituitory in response to the sucking of an infant on the mother’s nipple (suckling).

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