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Advertising & Packaging of Services

Module III Faculty: J.Rai Advertising/Pac
kaging of service

Faculty: J.Rai Advertising/Pac

kaging of service

Conceptualization of Advertising-
• Kotler defines advertising as “ Any paid form of non personal
presentation of ideas, goods and services by an identified sponsor”.

• Thus basic characteristics of advertising are:-

▫ It is paid
▫ It is non personal
▫ It is presentation of ideas/goods/services.
▫ And done by some authorized agency.

• Role of Advertising ……?


Faculty: J.Rai Advertising/Pac

kaging of service

Models of Marketing Communication

The various models of marketing communication are as

▫ AIDA Model: Attention- Interest- Desire- Acquire.

▫ Lavidge & Steiner Model- Awareness- Knowledge-

Liking- Preference- Conviction- Purchase.

▫ Innovation Adoption Model- Awareness- Interest-

Trail- Purchase.

Faculty: J.Rai Advertising/Pac

kaging of service

Elements of Service Advertising

a) Clear focus on tangible factors.
b) Focus on benefits/ values.
c) More focusing on WOM communication.
d) Stress on standardization of service quality (SERVQUAL).
e) Right selection of media for advertising.
f) Right endorsement.
g) Focus on ethical business practices.

Faculty: J.Rai Advertising/Pac

kaging of service

Packaging of Services
Service package is defined as a bundle of goods and services that
is provided in some environment. This bundle consists of the
following five features- 

1. Supporting Facility –
2.Facilitating Goods-
3.Explicit Services-
4.Implicit Service-

Faculty: J.Rai Advertising/Pac

kaging of service

Criteria for evaluating the service package-

1. Supporting Facility –

▫ Location- Is it accessibility by public transportation? Is it centrally

▫ Interior decoration - Is the proper mood established? Quality and
coordination of furniture.
▫ Supporting equipments- Does the dentists use a mechanical or air drill?
What type and age of aircraft does the aircraft does the charter airline use?
▫ Architectural appropriateness- Like unique recognizable features of a
blue title roof.

Faculty: J.Rai Advertising/Pac

kaging of service

2. Facilitating Goods-
▫ Consistency- Like Crispiness of French fries, Food delivery on time,
airlines on time record
▫ Quantity- Small, medium, large drink.
▫ Selection- Number of menu items, catering services available

3. Explicit Services-
▫ Training of service personnel- Is the chef a trained from good
▫ Comprehensiveness- General Hospital compared with clinic.
▫ Availability- 24hrs ATM service, Is there a website, Is there a toll free

Faculty: J.Rai Advertising/Pac

kaging of service

4. Implicit Service-
▫ Attitude of service- Cheerful flight attendant, Surly, service person in
▫ Atmosphere- Restaurant décor. Music in a bar.
▫ Waiting- being placed on hold, banks queue.
▫ Status- Box seat at sports event, Dinner at Mayfair Lagoon
▫ Sense of well being- Large commercial aircraft, well lighted parking
▫ Privacy and security- Magnetic card for hotel room, eye recognizing
▫ Convenience- Use of appointment , free parking
5. Information-
▫ Menu
▫ Seat reservation details

Faculty: J.Rai Advertising/Pac

kaging of service

Branding of Services
• Discussed in Module II (Product)

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