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Business Law for Accountants

Lecture 4 2021/2
Recap of Lecture 3
• Rights and duties of agents
• Negligence/Duty of care
• Breach of duty of care
• A set of principles that guide behaviour
• Not the same thing as law or regulations
• Ethical behaviour is seen as the highest level of behaviour that
society expects – goes beyond the law
• Morals (personal beliefs)differ from ethics (views of an
organisation that you belong to)
• Honesty, integrity and openness (Aristotle)

• Are the following people behaving ethically?
– 1. Mr A claims unemployment benefit but also works part time
– 2. An airline pilot risks an emergency landing in severe bad
weather for a passenger who is gravely ill and will die if not treated
very soon
– 3. Mrs B wins the lottery and decides to keep all of the winnings
for herself and not share them with her family

Ethics in business
• The application of ethical values to business behaviour
• Based on norms and standards of behaviour
• Implied and explicit
• Many “dilemmas” due to profit motive

An issue of trust
• Can we trust companies?
• Especially since the 1980’s trust has been disintegrating –
(Barings Bank, Polly Peck, Maxwell, Worldcom, Enron etc)
• Development of ethical strategies and policies
• Professional employees have a responsibility to consider the
public interest. Personal self interest must not prevail over
these duties.

Accountants and Ethics
• The accountancy profession has developed a code of ethics
that all accountants are bound by.
• Ethical matters may be a matter of law or regulation
• Upholding standards protects the reputation of the profession
• An accountant’s ethical behaviour serves to protect public
interest (the collective wellbeing of the community)
• Need to keep up to date!

IFAC fundamental principles
• Integrity
• Objectivity
• Professional competence and due care
• Confidentiality
• Professional behaviour

• Independence of mind
• Independence in appearance
• Threats
• Safegaurds

Codes of conduct
• Compliance based
• Ethics based

Compliance based approach
Advantages Disadvantages
• Rules are specific to each • Lengthy rule books
circumstance • Members cannot learn every
• Encourages a consistent rule
application of the rules • Members act like robots just
• Rule breaches are clearly following a set of rules

Ethics based approach
Advantages Disadvantages
• Encourages members to be • Can be a matter of
proactive interpretation leading to
• Treats members as lengthy, complex hearings
professionals • Potential for inconsistency
• Suitable for all complex • Ambiguity can lead to
situations – rules may not confusion
cover all cases • General guidelines may
• Harder for members to find a become detailed rules over
way round the rules time

Differences in approach
Enforceability Mandatory Discretionary
Choices Obey/Disobey Judgement
Standards Explicit Implicit
Motivation Fear Driven Values driven
Approach Law based Principles based
Objective Detection Prevention
Measure Rules Principles (values)

Developing an ethical code
• Communication
• Consistency
• Risk reduction
• Compliance with corporate governance rules

Key terms
• Integrity
• Objectivity
• Professional competence and due care
• Confidentiality
• Professional behaviour

Qualities of an accountant
Personal Professional
• Reliability • Independence
• Responsibility • Professional scepticism
• Timeliness • Accountability
• Courtesy • Social responsibility
• Respect

Consequences of unethical behaviour
• Job
• Profession
• Society

Ethical dilemmas
• Where two ethical values seem to be incompatible
• Not same as a conflict of interest
• Statutory obligations
• Contractual obligations

Resolving ethical conflict
• Transparency
• Effect
• Fairness


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