Lecture 2-3 Hawthorne Case Studies - Design

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Lectures 2-3
Hawthorne Case Studies
Session Objectives

By the end of this session, we will be able to

Relationship between
Productivity, Supervision and
Work environments
Hawthorne Case Studies - History

 The Hawthorne effect was first described in the 1950s by

researcher Henry A. Landsberger during his analysis of
experiments conducted during the 1920s and 1930s

 The phenomenon is named after the location where the

experiments took place, Western Electric’s Hawthorne Works
electric company just outside of Hawthorne, Illinois

 The electric company had commissioned research to determine

if there was a relationship between productivity and work

 The original purpose of the Hawthorne studies was to examine

how different aspects of the work environment, such as
lighting, the timing of breaks, and the length of the workday,
had on worker productivity
Hawthorne Case Studies

 Illumination Experiment

 Relay Assembly Test Room Experiment

 Interviewing Programme

 Bank Wiring Test Room Experiment

Hawthorne Case Studies : Illumination Experiment

The researchers found that as they increased the illumination in the

experimental group, both groups increased production

When the intensity of illumination decreased, the production continued

to increase in both the groups

The production in the experimental group decreased only when the

illumination was decreased to the level of moonlight

The decrease was due to light falling much below the normal level

Thus, it was concluded that illumination did not have any effect on
productivity but something else was interfering with the

At that time, it was concluded that human factor was important in

determining productivity
Hawthorne Case Studies : Illumination Experiment

Illumination experiments were undertaken to find

out how varying levels of illumination (amount of
light at the workplace, a physical factor) affected the

The hypothesis was that with higher illumination,

productivity will increase

In the first series of experiments, a group of workers

was chosen and placed in two separate groups

One group was exposed to varying intensities of

illumination, since this group was subjected to
experimental changes, it was termed as experimental
Hawthorne Case Studies :
Illumination Experiment
 Do you think illumination was critical
component in productivity ?

 Where there any other factors that impacted

productivity ?
Hawthorne Case Studies: This phase aimed at knowing not only the impact of
Relay Assembly Test Room illumination on production but also other factors
like length of the working day, rest hours, and
other physical conditions

Task –

 The work related to the assembly of telephone

 Each relay consisted of a number of parts which
girls assembled into finished products
 Output depended on the speed and continuity with
which girls worked

− An observer was associated with girls to

supervise their work. Before each change was
introduced, the girls were consulted
− They were given opportunity to express their
viewpoints and concerns to the supervisor
− In some cases, they were allowed to take
decisions on matters concerning them
Hawthorne Case Studies : Relay Assembly Test Room Experiment

 The incentive system was changed so that each girl’s
extra pay was based on the other five rather than output
of larger group, say, 100 workers or so. The
productivity increased
 Two five- minute rests one in the morning session and
other in evening session were introduced which were
increased to ten minutes. The productivity increased
 The rest period was reduced to five minutes but
frequency was increased. The productivity decreased
slightly and the girls complained that frequent rest
intervals affected the rhythm of the work
Hawthorne Case Studies : Relay Assembly Test Room Experiment

 The number of rest was reduced to two of ten minutes of
each, but in the morning, coffee or soup was served
along with the sandwich and in the evening, snack was
provided. The productivity increased

 Changes in working hours and workday were

introduced, such as cutting an hour off the end of the day
and eliminating Saturday work

 The girls were allowed to leave at 4.30 p.m. instead of

usual 5.00 p.m. and later at 4.00 p.m. productivity
Hawthorne Case Studies : Relay
Assembly Test Room Experiment

Discussion Point

 Do you think the productivity increased or

 Your reasons ?
Hawthorne Case Studies : Relay Assembly Test Room Experiment

As each change was introduced,

 Absenteeism decreased,
 Morale increased,
 Less supervision was required

It was assumed that these positive factors were there because of the various
factors being adjusted and making them more positive. At this time, the
researchers decided to revert back to original position, that is, no rest and
other benefits. Surprisingly, productivity increased further instead of going

That productivity increased not because of positive changes in physical

factors but because of the change in girls’ attitudes towards work and their
work group

They developed a feeling of stability and a sense of belongings. Since there

was more freedom of work, they developed a sense of responsibility and
self-discipline. The relationship between supervisor and workers became
close and friendly
Hawthorne Case Studies : Mass
Interview Programme
 The objective of this programme was to make a
systematic study of the employees’ attitudes which
would reveal the meaning which their “working
situation” has for them

 The researchers interviewed a large number of

workers with regard to their opinions on work,
working conditions and supervision

 Initially, a direct approach was used whereby

interviews asked questions considered important by
managers and researchers

 The researchers observed that the replies of the

workmen were guarded. Therefore, this approach was
replaced by an indirect technique, where the
interviewer simply listened to what the workmen had
to say

 The findings confirmed the importance of social

factors at work in the total work environment
Hawthorne Case Studies : Bank Wiring Test Room Experiment

 This experiment was conducted by Dickson with a view to develop a new

method of observation and obtaining more exact information about social
groups within a company and also finding out the causes which restrict output

 The experiment was conducted to study a group of workers under

conditions which were as close as possible to normal

 This group comprised of 14 workers

 After the experiment, the production records of this group were compared with
their earlier production records

 It was observed that the group evolved its own production norms for each
individual worker, which was made lower than those set by the management

 Because of this, workers would produce only that much, thereby defeating the
incentive system

 Those workers who tried to produce more than the group norms were isolated,
harassed or punished by the group
Hawthorne Case Studies : The findings of the study

Group Influence:
Social Unit
 The workers in a group develop a common
 This social characteristic at work
psychological bond uniting them
plays an important role in
 Their behaviour is influenced by these
motivating people
groups. Pressure of a group, rather than
 Human are social beings
management demands, frequently has the
strongest influence on how productive
workers would be
Hawthorne Case Studies : The findings of the study

 The style of supervision affects worker’s
 Human and social motivation can
attitude to work and his productivity. A
play even a greater role than mere
supervisor who is friendly with his workers
monetary incentives in moving or
and takes interest in their social problems
motivating and managing
can get co-operation and better results from
employee group
the subordinates
Hawthorne Case Studies : The findings of the study

Employee Morale
Working Conditions
 Mayo pointed out that workers were not
 Productivity increases as a result
simply cogs, in the machinery, instead the
of improved working conditions
employee morale (both individual and in
in the organisation
groups) can have profound effects on
Hawthorne Case Studies : Is it still
relevant ?


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