Academic Directions Academic Directions: KIC 2011 KIC 2011

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Academic Directions

KIC 2011
Key Points

 Our Web Site

 Grade Point Average (GPA)

 Accumulated GPA (AGPA)

 Academic Honesty

 Reference and Citation

 Q/A
Use Our KADS system
Use Our KADS system
Study System

• Grading System
Mark Grade Letter Point
90-100 A 4 out of 4
85 – 89 B+ 3.5 out of 4
80 – 84 B 3 out of 4
75 – 79 C+ 2.5 out of 4
70 – 74 C 2 out of 4
65 – 69 D+ 1.5 out of 4
60 – 64 D 1 out of 4
<60 RM 0 out of 4
RF 0 out of 4
RCW 0 out of 4
Study System

• Grading System
Mark Grade Letter Point
90-100 A 4 out of 4
85 – 89 B+ 3.5 out of 4
80 – 84 B 3 out of 4
75 – 79 C+ 2.5 out of 4
70 – 74 C 2 out of 4
65 – 69 D+ 1.5 out of 4
60 – 64 D 1 out of 4
<60 RM 0 out of 4
RF 0 out of 4
RCW 0 out of 4
Grade Point Average (GPA)

• How do we calculate GPA

Course Grade Letter Point
PC Opt & App A 4
Accounting B 3
Bus Math C+ 2.5
English 101 D+ 1.5
Average (4+3+2.5+1.5)/4=
Grade Point Average (GPA)

• How do we calculate GPA

– Example 2 Course Grade Letter Point
PC Opt & App D 1
Accounting D+ 1.5
Bus Math C 2
English 101 RM 0
Average (1+1.5+2+0)/4=
Grade Point Average (GPA)

• How do we calculate GPA

– Example 2 Course Grade Letter Point
PC Opt & App D 1
Accounting D+ 1.5
Bus Math C 2
English 101 RM 0
Average (1+1.5+2+0)/4=

Keep your GPA >2.0

Accumulated Grade Point Average (AGPA)

• How do we calculate AGPA

Semester Course Grade Letter Point
Fall 08/09
PC Opt & App B 3
Accounting D+ 1.5
Bus Math C+ 2.5
English 101 RM 0
GPA 1.75
Spring 09
Int. to Business C 2
English 101 C+ 2.5
Int. to Management B 3
GPA 2.5
AGPA =(3+1.5+2.5+2+2.5+3)/6= 2.42
Academic Honesty

• Plagiarism (General From )

• Copying or borrowing the work or ideas of another
author without acknowledgement. ( reports,
assignment, presentation , essays, etc )
• Cheating in exams
– Small paper ,Mobile, Whispering
Plagiarism in detail

• The representation of the work, written or otherwise, of any other

person, from any source whatsoever, as the candidate's own

• Examples of plagiarism may be as follows:

– the verbatim copying of another's work without clear identification and
acknowledgement including the downloading of materials from the
Internet without proper referencing of materials
– the paraphrasing of another's work by simply changing a few words or
altering the order of presentation, without clear identification and
– the unidentified and unacknowledged quotation of phrases from another's
– the deliberate and detailed presentation of another's concept as one's own


• The conscious collaboration, without official approval,

between two or more students in the preparation and
production of work which is ultimately submitted by each in
an identical or substantially similar form and/or is represented
by each to be the product of his or her individual efforts
• Collusion also occurs where there is unauthorized co-
operation between a student and another person in the
preparation and production of work which is presented as the
student's own

How do we detect Plagiarism and Collusion

• Using Turin-It-In Software

• Using Files Compare Software
• Viva
• Lecturer’s evaluation and judgment :
– Changes in writing style and format
– High-quality writing style
– Country specific spellings (US/UK) in the same document
– Out of date sources
– Copy-and paste images and drawing
Plagiarism Penalties

• The punishment to academic plagiarism may take the

following forms according to level of the academic breach
– Zero in the assignment and receive Academic Warning
– Zero in the assignment and receive Academic Warning with
recommendation to the program manger to take more action if the
action is repeated (as indicated in the student handbook section # 5).
‫‪Plagiarism Penalties‬‬

‫توضيح هام للطالب‬

‫ماهو االنتحال االكاديمى ‪Plagiarism‬‬
‫• تقديم عمل و مجهود شخص اخر على انه من عمل الطالب من غير توضيح مصدر العمل‬
‫‪ ‬‬
‫• كتابة و توضيح المراجع والمصادر بشكل دقيق وامين تعفى الطالب من االنتحال االكاديمى و‬
‫لكنها ال تضمن بالضروره الحصول على الدرجة الكامله‬
‫• ‪ ‬‬
‫عقوبات االنتحال االكاديمى‬
‫عقوبات االنتحال االكاديمى و حسب درجة االنتحال و تكراره قد تأخذ احد االشكال االتية ‪:‬‬
‫• اعطاء الطالب صفر فى درجة العمل مع انذار اكاديمى يحفظ فى ملف الطالب‬
‫• اعطاء الطالب صفر فى درجة العمل مع رفع توصية لمدير البرنامج بإتخاذ اجراء تادبيية اخرى‬
‫فى حالة تكرار الفعل (كما موضح فى دليل الطالب باب ‪)5‬‬
Reference and Citation

1- References in the Text (Citations)

• Carson (1970) argued that ... 
• A paper by Carson (1970) argues ...
• Jones (1980, 1983, 1987) has repeatedly argued that ... 
• This algorithm is taken from Jones (1980, pp. 32-3). 
• According to Jones (1998), “ the main …….” (p.87)
Reference and Citation

2- The List of References

A complete book.
•  Jones, P.J. (1980), Introduction to Algorithms, London: Methuen. 
•  Jones, P.J., Smith, R. & Watson, E.P. (eds) (1988), Artificial Intelligence
Reconsidered(2nd edition), New York: Wiley. ISBN 1899999994.
A chapter in an edited book.
•  Hamza, K.A. (1988), "Vision Systems", in Jones, P.J., Smith, R. & Watson, E.P.
(eds),Artificial Intelligence Reconsidered (2nd edition), New York: Wiley, pp. 12-34.
An article from a bound volume of conference proceedings.
•  Jones, P.J. (1983), "An Attempt to Construct a Knowledge-based Route
Planner",Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Transport
Planning, Budapest: Hungarian Transport Association, pp. 22-58.
Reference and Citation

An article in a journal.
• Carson, P.R. (1970), "An Approach to Intelligent Planning", Journal of
Applied Artificial Intelligence 38(3), 4-11.
Referencing Online Sources
• Coxhead, P. (2009), "A Referencing Style Guide", School of Computer
Science, University of Birmingham, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK [online at, accessed 12 Sep 2010].
• Wikipedia (2007), "Harvard referencing", [accessed 12
Oct 2009].
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