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Conservation of Plants and

Important Terms:-
Ecosystem- a biological community of interacting
organisms and their physical environment.
Biodiversity- the variety of living organisms in an
Flora- plants found in a particular area.
Fauna- animals found in a particular area.
Importance of Biodiversity :-
Biodiversity is important for the balancing of an
ecosystem. It provides a wide range of materials and
food for survival, prevents extinction of species, and
allows organism to adapt to changes in the
environment. The flora and fauna of a country are
very important renewable resources. The management
of forests and wildlife is very important.
Threats to Biodiversity:-
There are various threats to biodiversity such as-
• Deforestation- The cutting of trees and using the area
for other reasons .
• Wildlife Trade –Trading of animals for their unique
features .
• Pollution and climate change- Human activities can
produce pollution and cause climate change.
• New Species-Sometimes, the introduction of new
species may also cause misbalance in the ecosystem.
Endangered Species
A species of animal or plant that is seriously at risk of
extinction is called endangered species.
Such as- Javan Rhinoceros
Extinct Species
A species of animals or plant that is no longer in
existence is called extinct species.
Such as- Sabre Tooth Tiger
Endemic Species
A species of plant or animal that is restricted to a
particular area or region is called endemic species.
Such as-Koala of Australia
Conservation of Plants:-
The following ways are some methods by which we
can conserve plants and forests.
Planned Harvesting
Protection from Forest Fires
Protection from Insects and Pests
Protection from Overgrazing
Conservation of Animals:-
The following ways are some methods by which we can
conserve animals.
Habitat Preservation
Hunting Regulations
Creating protected areas
Red Data Book
The International Union for Conservation of Nature and
Natural Resources (IUCN) assesses the conservation
status of species around the world. This done to
highlight those threatened with extinction, with the
aim of promoting their conservation . The IUCN
maintains a Red List , which is compilation of
endangered wildlife species . It also maintains a Red
Data Book, which provides data on population status
of the species included in the Red List.
Thank You!
Prepared By- Akshita Tejpal
Class- 8A

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