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<Company Name & Logo>

Project Title

Template for Pitching

Introduction about the Company

• Company Name (As per Incorporation only)

• Company Website/URL
• Date (DD/MM/YYYY) of Incorporation (CIN)/ Registration
• Name of the Director(s)/ Partner (s)

# Name DIN Number No of Shares

(As per the RoC or Partnership Deed) (In case of RoC Company)

• Please add more rows if there are more Directors/ Partners

Problem Statement

• What problem your innovation is trying to solve?

Product/ Solution - Innovation

• Clearly explain about your innovation, and it will solve the problems
or issues.
• Is your innovation 1st of its kind or is it an improvement/ incremental
to existing product/ solutions?
• How your innovation is unique when compared to others?
Product/ Solution - Readiness Level

What stage is your product/ solution in?

• Ideation/ Wireframe Design/ Idea Validation
• Proof of Concept
• Early Traction

Post the images of your product/ solution.

Socio-Economic Impact of the Project 

How your innovation is trying to impact the society/ environment

• Does it have huge employment generation, empower any section of

the society, improve lives of people, reduce carbon footprint, reduce
power consumption etc.
Team Size, Background, Strength /Capability and

Director(s)/ Partner(s)
• Name
• Designation
• Exp/ Qualification
• Previous Co worked

Team Photos
• Name
• Designation
• Exp/ Qualification
• Previous Co worked
Market Landscape - Market Potential, Competitors

• Size (Revenue) of the market which you are addressing

• Market Potential in terms of customer size based on demographics
• Competitors
• Uniqueness compared to competition
Business Model & Strategy

Revenue Model - Pricing and Revenue Forecast across years and how it
will grow.

Business Model
• Channel (Retailing, Franchising, B2B, B2C etc)
• Sharing between different players
Project Milestones

• What will be done at the end of the project?

• Break it up into 2 milestones

Total Budget, Required Support and Regulation

• The slide SHOULD indicate the total budget of the project & costing
under different heads like Hardware/Infrastructure, Resources &
Salaries, Outsourcing, Marketing, Admin costs etc.

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