Reinforcement Learning - Open AI Gym

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Reinforcement learning–

Open AI gym
Jakub Senčák, Pavel Podlužanský, Martin Pospísil,
Viet Anh Phan, Dinh Thao Le

• Assignment
• Motivation
• Reinforcement learning
• The chosen problem
• Approach to the problem
• Created solution to the problem
• Results
• Conclusion

• Get acquainted with the issue of reinforcement learning.

• Choose any environment from
• Create a model that will be able to play the game.

• Gaming
• Resouce management
• Personalized recommendations
• Robotics
Reinforcement learning

• Learning from interaction with an

environment to achieve some long-term
goal that is related to the state of the
• The goal is defined by reward signal,
which must be maximized
• Agent must be able to partially/fully
sense the environment state and take
actions to influence the environment
The chosen problem

• Lunar Lander – The goal is to get the

lander to land on the landing pad.
• If the lander lands on the pad =>
+ 100 to +140 points.
• If the lander lands outside of the
pad => -100 to -140 points.
• Episode finishes if the lander
crashes or comes to rest (-100 or
+100 points).
• The problem is solved if we get at
least 200 points.
• Four discrete actions available: do
nothing, fire left orientation engine,
fire main engine, fire right orientation
Approach to the problem

• Chosen method of RL:

• Deep Q-learning
• Used libraries:
• Numpy
• Tensorflow
• Keras
• The code is executed on the Google Colab notebook.

• The AI agent attempts to construct an optimal policy directly by interacting with the environment.
• It uses a trial-and-error-based approach - The AI agent repeatedly tries to solve the problem using
varied approach, and continuously updates its policy as it learns more and more about the
Deep Q-learning

• Q-Learning: A table maps each state-

action pair to its corresponding Q-value
• Deep Q-Learning: A Neural Network
maps input states to (action, Q-value)
Created solution to the problem

• Some codes and explanation here guys


• Screenshot of the scores

• Maybe one or two GIFs or videos
• We get acquainted to Reinforcement learning, Q-learning, Deep Q-
• We created a model that can play the Lunar Lander game.
• The result of the game is xxxxx after xxxxx episodes. Based on that,
we consider the model a success 
Thank you for your attention

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