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“A Persons name, honor and
reputation is sacred to him
as his very life”
• There must be a defamatory imputation
-this means that the matter claimed to be
libelous must impute a crime, vice,
defect, or any act, or omission, condition,
status or circumstance, tending to cause
the dishonor, discredit or contempt to a
natural or juridical person, or to blacken
the memory of one who is dead.
• Publicity of the Libelous Matter

-This means the accused caused the

libelous material to be known or read
or seen or heard by a third person,
other than the person to whom it has
been written i.e. the victim
Posting the material in the internet or
posting in a bulletin board
Showing the caricature, or naked picture, of the victim to
Posting the material in the internet or posting in a bulletin board

•The Person libeled must be

identified.Identity of victim
•That there be malice on the
part of the accused.
-Malice is the legal term to denote that the
accused is motivated by personal ill-will,
spite, hatred, jealousy, anger, and speaks
not in response to duty but to do ulterior
and unjustifiable harm. The purpose is
really to destroy, to injure, to inflict harm.
Art 353. LIBEL
- Is a public and malicious imputation
of crime, or of a vice of defect, real or
imaginary, or any act, ommission,
condition, status or circumstance
tending to cause the dishonor,
discredit, or contempt of a natural or
juridical person, or to blacken the
memory of of one who is dead
- Which is by making use of the mass
media and literary forms of literary
1.Writing 6.printing
2.Painting 7.theatrical exhibition
3.Engraving 8.cinematographic exhibit
4.Radio 9.any similar means
Who are liable for LIBEL?
- any person who shall publish, exhibit
or cause the publication or exhibition
of any defamation in writing or by
similar means;
- the author
- editor of book or pamphlet
- the editor or publishing manager of
daily newspaper, magazine or serial
- other person or persons who have
something to do with the
publication or exhibition of a
libelous matter.

*shall be punished by prision

correccional in its min and med
period(6mos 1day to 2yrs and
4mos)or a fine ranging from
P200.00 to P6,000.00)
Threatening to publish and
offer to present such
publication for compensation
-by threatening to publish a libel
concerning him or his
parents,spouse,child or other member
of his family;
-by offering to prevent the publication
of such libel for compensation of
money consideration.
Example: Blackmail
-any unlawful extortion of money
by threats of accusation or

*shall be punished by arresto

mayor (1month 1day to 6mos) or
a fine ranging from P200.00 to
Prohibited publications of
acts referred to in course of
official proceedings
Shall be imposed upon any
reporter,daily magazine who shall
publish facts connected with the
private life of another and offensive
to the honor and reputation of said
Example: adultery,costudy of a

Any person who shall published a

private life of another shall be
punished by arresto mayor (1mo and
1day to 6mos) or a fine ranging from
P200.00 to P2,000.00)
Art 358. SLANDER
oral defamation which is by the use of oral utterances
are statement meant to do harm
done by the spoken/ verbal word

 Common expression in the dialect that is often employed

to express anger or displeasure is not slander.
 Shall be punished by arresto
mayor in max period (4mos 1day
to 6mos) or a fine ranging from
P200.00 to P2,000.00) to prison
correccional in its min period
(6mos 1day to 2yrs and 4mos).
- which is by performing an act intended to
cast dishonor, disrespect or contempt
upon a person
   that the offender performs any act
 That such act is performed in the presence
of other person
 That such acts casts dishonor, discredit or
contempt upon the offended party.
Art 363. Incriminating
innocent person
- this refers to acts not constituting
perjury but directly tending to cause
the false prosecution of another and
is limited to “planting evidence”
shall be punished by arresto mayor
(1mo 1day to 6mos) or a fine ranging
from P200.00 to P2,000.00)
Art 364. Intriguing against
- this refers to any scheme or plot
designed to blemish the reputation
of a person by means of which
consists of some trickery. The
accused does not avail directly of
spoken or written words, pictures or
caricatures, but of some ingenious,
crafty or secret plot.
- circulating gossips, stories or rumors
highly offensive to a lady, that she is 
“a saint by day but not at night”.

• Shall punished by arresto menor (1

day to 30 days) or a fine not
exceeding 200 pesos.
Thank you and
God Bless

PO1 Madel Ronda Osial


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