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Subject: English

Topic: King Porus - A Legend of Old

(an extract)
Grade: VII

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Period 1:
triumphant : having won a battle or contest; victorious

dreadful yell : fearful cry of pain/excitement

gory altar : altar covered with blood

rendered : presented or provided something

dauntlessly : not easily frightened

lofty : high

reeds : tall plants with hollow stems

scorched : burnt due to extreme heat

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Gist Questions:
1. Who was Alexander?
Alexander was a Macedonian King.
2. Who was King Porus?
King Porus was the king of Punjab (Paurava kingdom).
3. Where was the battle fought?
The battle was fought on the banks of the River Hydaspes (Jhelum).
4. How did King Porus and his warriors fight the battle?
King Porus and his warriors fought the battle bravely and

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Gist Questions:

5. What is King Porus compared to?

King Porus is compared to an immovable Himalayan peak, the oak and
an ocean rock as he stood firm.
6. How did the Macedonians react on seeing the elephants, when the
armies met?
When the armies met, the Macedonians saw the war elephants for the
first time and were shocked.
7. How was King Porus and his white elephant dressed?
King Porus was dressed like a king with his diadem sparkling on his
head. His white elephant was richly dressed with gems.

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IC/VII/1819 King Porus - A Legend of Old (an extract) 5 of 9
Period 2:

immortal : that lives for ever

heroic : great or courageous

billows : a large undulating mass of something, typically cloud,

smoke, or steam

gaping : wide open

haughty : arrogantly superior and disdainful

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Gist Questions:
1. What qualities of King Porus are highlighted in the poem?
King Porus was an inspiring leader who led his men bravely on the battlefield.
He fought valiantly along with his men. He was proud of his heritage and
refused to bow before Alexander. He behaved like a true king even after being
defeated. He lost the battle but won Alexander’s heart with his bravery.
2. What did Alexander do when he saw Porus fighting on with his gaping wounds?
When Alexander saw Porus fighting on with his gaping wounds he was
astonished and also very impressed with his valour and the way he fought
against the enemy soldiers.
3. Why did Alexander tell his soldiers to stop attacking Porus?
Alexander was upset when Porus started bleeding from his wounds. So, he
sent a message to his soldiers telling them to stop attacking him.

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4. What did Alexander admire King Porus for? What did he regard him as?
Alexander admired King Porus for his courage in the face of defeat and
regarded him as a worthy foe.

5. How does the poet describe the heroic King Porus in the battle field?
The poet has described the heroic King Porus as being as immovable as a
Himalayan peak. He was dressed like a king with his diadem sparkling on
his head. His white elephant was richly dressed with gems. Despite the
enemy closing in on him, he fought bravely and caused a lot of destruction
in the enemy camp. His face lit up with courage, it was clear that he did
not fear death but would fight till the very end to save his country from the
enemy. The poet compares him to strong gales that lay low the mighty
mountain pines.

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6. What quality of Alexander is also inherent in his act of forgiveness? Mention
some of his other traits.
In his act of forgiveness, Alexander was a true king and soldier who respected his
He was ambitious and a military genius who set about conquering the world. He
admired Porus’ courage on the battlefield and was also impressed with his answer
and released him. He had the heart to forgive his enemy. He was honourable
enough to recognize his opponent’s bravery.
7. Why does the poet say ‘Thus India’s crown was lost and won’ explain?
King Porus was defeated by the Macedonian king, yet he stood tall and erect in
front of Alexander. Alexander was impressed by King Porus’ valour. When asked
by Alexander how he would like to be treated, he gave a brilliant reply, ’like a king.’
Alexander who already respected him, was further impressed and made him satrap
and gave him dominion over other lands. Hence, the poet says ‘Thus India’s crown
was lost and won’.

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