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Subtopic: Salts

Objective: Write the general word equations for

preparing salt.
What is common thing in all these samples?
These are all salt samples 

Give me at least two reasons why salts are so important to us?

Different types of salts are widely used in different types of industries like textile, agriculture,
food, paints etc.

Describe one of the methods to make a salt that you have studied in earlier grade?
Salts can be made by reacting acid and alkali/neutralisation reaction.

What do you call the reaction in which an acid reacts with a base?
Neutralisation reaction

What is the word equation for neutralization reaction?

acid + base salt + water

If the base is a metal carbonate or metal hydrogen carbonate we get one more product along
with salt and water that is carbon dioxide. 

General word equation for these reactions can be written as: 

Acid + metal carbonate (base) salt + carbon dioxide + water

For example:

nitric acid + sodium carbonate sodium nitrate + carbon dioxide + water

Neutralisation is one of the methods of preparing salts

General word equation for these reactions can be written as: 

Acid + Base Salt + water

Example: Sodium hydroxide + hydrochloric acid    sodium chloride + water

Another method of preparing salt involves a metal reacting with an acid. When a metal reacts
with an acid it forms the corresponding salt and hydrogen gas is released.

A general word equation for this reaction can be written as:

metal + acid salt + hydrogen

For example:

zinc + hydrochloric acid zinc chloride + hydrogen

E.g. hydrochloric acid + Zinc  zinc chloride + hydrogen 

E.g. nitric acid + sodium carbonate sodium nitrate + carbon dioxide + water

E.g. Sodium hydroxide + hydrochloric acid    sodium chloride + water

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