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What are the ways in

preventing soil erosion?


Evaluate and analyze the ways in

preventing soil erosion in the community

 Conduct interviews, construe the results, and formulate

conclusions based from the information gathered
 Createplan of activities suitable to students capabilities on how
they will prevent soil erosion

Appreciate the environment by showing

several ways in preventing soil erosion
You are an environmentalist team from the Department of
Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) from your
municipality who is assigned to have a symposium in the
barangay about the condition of the Soil in your community to
prevent soil erosion. Your team will be divided into:

Researchers Documenters Interviewers Coordinator
Your task as a team includes the following:
Research on the definition of Soil erosion and its effects in the

Interview atleast 10 residents of Bulsa, San Juan, Batangas

concerning the effects of soil erosion in the community using the
prepared questionnaires in Filipino.

Conduct an online survey knowing the opinions of the netizens of

Brgy. Bulsa about the soil erosion in their place.

Prepare an interview guide to the following concerned citizens in

the community: Principal,Teachers, Brgy. Captain, and DENR
Make a report that summarizes your findings on how students
will be able to apply the ways in the prevention of soil erosion.

Make a comparison with other countries who apply ways in

preventing soil erosion. Cite your own findings about it.

Interpret the data you gathered to come up with a criteria on

how students will apply the ways in preventing soil erosion.
Present your project using a PowerPoint presentation.

Prepare a script for your output about the ways to prevent soil
erosion and present it as if you are having a symposium about
the topic.
Time Frame Activity Participant

Comparing the results garnered through

3 hours Teachers and students
researches and interviews

Making a comparison with other countries

2 hours who apply ways in preventing soil erosion. Students
Cite your own findings about it

Making a report that summarizes your

2 hours findings on how students prevent soil Students

Interpreting the data you gathered to

come up with a criteria on how students
2 hours Teachers and students
will apply the ways in preventing soil
Time Frame Activity Participant
1 hour Presentation of the subject Teacher and students
Researching on the definition of Soil
1 hour students
erosion and its effects in the community

Interviewing atleast 10 residents of Bulsa,

San Juan, Batangas concerning the effects
3 hours students
of soil erosion in the community using the
prepared questionnaires in Filipino

Conducting an online survey knowing the

2 hours opinions of the netizens of Brgy. Bulsa students
about the soil erosion in their place

Collecting and tabulating the information

2 hours Teachers and students
garhered from the interviews
Time Frame Activity Participant

Creating a plan of activities to prevent soil

2 hours Students

Making a final output using a PowerPoint

3 hours presentation according to the team’s Students
Interviewing the concerned citizens in the
community: Principal
Principal Teachers
4 hours Teachers Brgy. Captain
Brgy. Captain DENR Representative
DENR Representative
Research Skills
Planning Skills

Computer Skills

Presentation Skills Thinking Skills

MS Office
Desktop Computer

Web Browser Internet

Applications Connections

Principal Representative

Teachers Barangay Officials

Parents Students
 Conducting Interview: Soil Erosion
 Research Report : Soil Erosion and Its Effects
 HyperStudio/Powerpoint Appearance and Content :
Ways of Preventing Soil Erosion
Collaborative Work Skills : Symposium: Preventing Soil
 Rubrics for the Speaker

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Student never Student rarely
interrupted or hurried interrupted or hurried Student rarely Several times, the
student interrupted or
the person being the person being interrupted or hurried
hurried the person
Politeness interviewed and interviewed and the person being being interviewed AND
thanked them for being thanked them for being interviewed, but forgot
forgot to thank the
willing to be willing to be to thank the person. person.
interviewed. interviewed.
The student introduced The student asked
The student introduced himself and asked permission to set up a
himself, explained why permission to set up a time for the interview, The student needed
Setting Up the he wanted to interview time for the interview, but needed reminders assistance in all aspects
Interview the person, and asked but needed a reminder to introduce himself of setting up the
permission to set up a to explain why he and to tell why he interview.
time for an interview. wanted to do the wanted to interview
interview. the person.
Student can accurately Student can accurately
answer several answer a few questions
Student cannot
questions about the about the person who Student can accurately accurately answer
person who was was interviewed and answer a few questions
Knowledge Gained questions about the
interviewed and can can tell how this about the person who person who was
tell how this interview interview relates to the was interviewed.
relates to the material material being studied
being studied in class. in class.
The student listened The student listened
carefully to the person carefully to the person The student asked a
being interviewed and being interviewed and couple of follow-up The student did not ask
any follow-up questions
Follow-up Questions asked several relevant asked a couple of questions based on
based on what the
follow-up questions relevant follow-up what s/he thought the person said.
based on what the questions based on person said.
person said. what the person said.
The student edited and The student edited and
The student edited and organized the transcript
organized the transcript The student did NOT
organized the transcript but the information
Formatting & Editing in a way that made the in a way that made the was not as clear or as edit or organize the
information clear and transcript.
information clear. interesting as it could
interesting. have been.
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1

Information is very Information is Information is

organized with well- The information
organized with well- organized, but
Organization constructed constructed paragraphs are not appears to be
paragraphs and paragraphs. well-constructed. disorganized. 8)
All topics are All topics are All topics are
addressed and all addressed and most addressed, and most
Amount of questions answered questions answered questions answered One or more topics
Information with at least 2 with at least 2 with 1 sentence were not addressed.
sentences about sentences about
about each.
each. each.
Information Information
clearly relates to clearly relates to clearly relates to Information has
Quality of the main topic. It the main topic. It the main topic. little or nothing
includes several provides 1-2
Information supporting supporting No details and/or to do with the
examples are main topic.
details and/or details and/or given.
examples. examples.
All sources All sources
All sources
(information and (information and (information and
graphics) are graphics) are graphics) are Some sources are
accurately accurately
Sources accurately not accurately
documented in documented, but documented, but documented.
the desired a few are not in many are not in
format. the desired the desired
format. format.
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1

Presentation shows Presentation shows Presentation is a rehash

considerable originality some originality and Presentation shows an of other people\'s ideas
Originality and inventiveness. The inventiveness. The attempt at originality and/or graphics and
content and ideas are content and ideas are and inventiveness on 1- shows very little
presented in a unique presented in an 2 cards. attempt at original
and interesting way. interesting way. thought.
Information is organized
Most information is Some information is
in a clear, logical way. It
Sequencing of is easy to anticipate the organized in a clear, logically sequenced. An There is no clear plan
logical way. One card or occasional card or item for the organization of
Information type of material that
item of information of information seems information.
might be on the next seems out of place. out of place.
Group delegates tasks Group delegates tasks Group delegates tasks Group often is not
Cooperation and shares and shares and shares effective in delegating
responsibility effectively responsibility effectively responsibility effectively tasks and/or sharing
all of the time. most of the time. some of the time. responsibility.
Picture is high
quality. The main Picture is good The pictures are of
subject is in focus, quality. The main
Digital Camera Use centered, and of an subject is not quite in marginal quality.The No picture taken OR
subject is in focus but picture of poor
appropriate size focus, but is it is clear it is not clear what quality.
compared to other what the picture is the picture is about.
objects in the about.
Project includes most
Project includes all material needed to
gain a comfortable Project is missing Project is lacking
material needed to understanding of the more than two key several key elements
gain a comfortable
Effectiveness understanding of the material but is elements. It would and has inaccuracies
topic. It is a highly lacking one or two make an incomplete that make it a poor
key elements. It is an study guide. study guide.
effective study guide. adequate study
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1

Usually uses time well

Routinely uses time well Tends to procrastinate,
throughout the project to throughout the project, but always gets things Rarely gets things done by
ensure things get done on but may have
procrastinated on one done by the deadlines. the deadlines AND group
has to adjust deadlines or
time. Group does not have Group does not have to
Time-management to adjust deadlines or thing. Group does not adjust deadlines or work work responsibilities
have to adjust deadlines because of this person\'s
work responsibilities responsibilities because of
because of this person\'s or work responsibilities this person\'s inadequate time
procrastination. because of this person\'s procrastination. management.
Does not suggest or refine Does not try to solve
Actively looks for and Refines solutions solutions, but is willing to problems or help others
Problem-solving suggests solutions to
problems. suggested by others. try out solutions solve problems. Lets
suggested by others. others do the work.
Almost always brings
Brings needed materials Almost always brings Often forgets needed
needed materials but
Preparedness to class and is always needed materials to class sometimes needs to settle materials or is rarely ready
ready to work. and is ready to work. to get to work.
down and get to work
Focuses on the task
Consistently stays Focuses on the task and what needs to be
and what needs to be done some of the Rarely focuses on the
focused on the task done most of the time. Other group task and what needs
Focus on the task and what needs to be
done. Very self- time. Other group members must to be done. Lets
directed. members can count sometimes nag, prod, others do the work.
on this person. and remind to keep
this person on-task.

Occasionally is
Never is publicly Rarely is publicly publicly critical of the Often is publicly
critical of the project
critical of the project critical of the project project or the work or the work of other
Attitude or the work of others. or the work of others. of other members of members of the
Always has a positive Often has a positive the group. Usually group. Often has a
attitude about the attitude about the has a positive
task(s). task(s). attitude about the negative attitude
about the task(s).

Provides work that Provides work that

occasionally needs to usually needs to be
Provides work of the Provides high quality be checked/redone
Quality of Work highest quality. work. by other group checked/redone by
members to ensure others to ensure
quality. quality.
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Speaks Clearly Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Often mumbles or
distinctly all (100- distinctly all (100- distinctly most ( 94- can not be
95%) the time, and 95%) the time, but 85%) of the time. understood OR
mispronounces no mispronounces one Mispronounces no mispronounces more
words. word. more than one word. than one word.

Posture and Eye Stands up straight, Stands up straight Sometimes stands up Slouches and/or does
Contact looks relaxed and and establishes eye straight and not look at people
confident. contact with establishes eye during the
Establishes eye everyone in the room contact. presentation.
contact with during the
everyone in the room presentation.
during the
Stays on Topic Stays on topic all Stays on topic most Stays on topic some It was hard to tell
(100%) of the time. (99-90%) of the (89%-75%) of the what the topic was.
time. time.

Content Shows a full Shows a good Shows a good Does not seem to
understanding of the understanding of the understanding of understand the topic
topic. topic. parts of the topic. very well.

Enthusiasm Facial expressions and Facial expressions Facial expressions Very little use of
body language generate and body language and body language facial expressions or
a strong interest and sometimes generate are used to try to body language. Did
enthusiasm about the a strong interest and generate not generate much
topic in others. enthusiasm about enthusiasm, but interest in topic
the topic in others. seem somewhat being presented.

An ounce of prevention
is worth a pound of cure

Benjamin Franklin

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