Simple Present Tense

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Simple Present Tense

Present Continuous


Present Perfect Tense

Present Perfect Continuous

1. Regular habits or daily routine : to express the idea
that an action is repeated or usual. The action can be
a habit, a hobby , a daily or something that often
SIMPLE happens.
PRESENT Example :
TENSE - I play Soccer every afternoon
- The school opens every morning at 7 AM.
2. Facts : talk about facts. A fact was true before, is true now and will be true
in the future.
Example :
- Kuala Lumpur is the capital of Malaysia
- The Sun Rises from the east

3. scheduled events in the near future : this is most commonly done when
talking about public transportation, but it can be used with other scheduled
events as well
Example :
- The bus leaves tonight at 6 PM
- The party starts at 8 o’clock
Frequency Always (selalu)
Every (setiap)
Often (sering)
Normally (biasa)
Usually (biasanya)
Sometimes (kadang)
Seldom (jarang)
Never (tidak pernah)
• Kalimat positif

GRAMMAR Note: we use verb + s/es when the subjectS are

- She walks to school every day
-  I write a letter for my teacher
- My mother always cooks eggs for breakfast.
• Kalimat Negatif
Example :
- Mario does not come on time very often.
- We don’t have a meeting now.
- They don’t want to go to the party.

• Kalimat Tanya
Example :
-  Do you speak Arabic?
answer : yes, I do or no, I don’t
- Does she live in Bandung?
answer : yes, she does or no, she doesn’t
Verbal Sentence

Kalimat Present Tense yang menggunakan kerja (verb)

• (+) We have a meeting now.
(-) We don’t have a meeting now.
(?) Do we have a meeting now?
• (+) Yusuf goes to football practice every Tuesday.
(-) Yusuf doesn’t go to football practice every Tuesday.
(?) Does Yusuf go to football practice every Tuesday?
Kalimat Present tense yang
menggunakan to be
Example :
• I am eating cake from the oven
• I am not eating cake from the
• Am I eating cake from the oven
1. Mario ___works_____ in a plumbing company. (work/works)

Exercise 2. ____does____ he work very hard in the company? (do/does)

3. Cows ————feed———– on grass. (feed/feeds)
4. Janet ———wants————- to be a singer. (want/wants)

1. My friend is
5. Rohan and Sania ———like————- to play card games. (like/likes)
a. Verbal b. Nominal

6. I usually _____go_____ (go/goes) to school.

2. Emily eats
a. Verbal b. Nominal
7. Linda ______takes care_______ (take care/takes care) of her sister.
8. In this club people usually __dance___ (dance/dances) a lot.
My brother and I
drink mineral Verbal Nominal

They are late Verbal Nominal

9. Dogs ___are__good friends (is/am/are)
10.Books ___have____ (has/have) pages.
I have two dolls Verbal Nominal

11.Linda ___is____ a very pretty girl. (is/am/are)

12.They ____are___ so good (is/am/are)
13.I __am__ a smart student (is/a,/are)
14.My birthday ___is___ in June. (is/am/are)
15.We ____live_____ (live/lives) in the city most of the year.
Positive degree
• Formula

Subject + to be(is/am/are)+ as + adj + as + obj

Example : she is as tall as her sister

I am as pretty as my mom
Saya sama pintarnya dengan ayah saya
I am as smart as my dad
Comparative degree
• Formula
Subject + to be(is/am/are)+ adj(er)+than+object

I am taller than my mom
Dia laki laki lebih pendek dari temannya
He is shorter than his friend
- Kakak perempuan saya lebih tinggi dari saya
- My sister is taller than me
• Use
1. Actions which are happening at or around the moment of
o Now i’m doing the washing up
Present o She is working very hard nowadays
2. Temporary situation
o I am staying with my friend at the moment
3. Changing or developing situations
• His english is getting better

4. Fixed arrangements in the near future

• They are getting married next week

(+) positive

(-) Negative


(?) Interrogative

ANSWER : YES, I am or no , Im not
Keterangan waktu

• Now (sekarang)
• Right now (saat ini)
• Soon (segera)
• This morning (pagi ini)
• This afternoon (sore ini)
• Tonight (malam ini)
• At the moment (saat ini)

• (+) they are studying now

(-) They are not studying now
(?) are they studying now?
answer : yes, they are or no, they are not
• (+) the baby is sleeping
(-) the baby is not sleeping
(?) is the baby sleeping?
answer : yes, the baby is sleeping or no, the baby is not
• (+) I am working now
(-) I am not working now
(?) am I working now?
Answer: yes, I am or no, I am not
Aturan untuk merubah verb 1 menjadi bentuk verb

Verb yang mempunyai satu suku

Verb yang berakhir dengan huruf e , Verb yang berakhir dengan ee, maka kata dan berakhir dengan huruf
maka ditambah ing ditambah ing akhir konsonan, maka konsonan
didobelkan dan ditambah ing

• 1. hate ..... Hating • 1. see ..... Seeing • 1. hit ... Hitting

• 2. have ...... Having • 2. agree..... Agreeing • 2. Stop .... Stopping
• 3. love ....... Loving
• 4. believe ..... Believing
Verb lebih dari satu suku kata,
Verb yang berakhir dengan L dan akhir suku kata hanya ada sau
sebelum L satu huruf vokal, maka vokal dan berakhir dengan satu
L didobelkan konsonan, maka konsonan di
• 1. travel ..... Travelling • 1. begin .... Beginning
• 2. Signal ..... Signalling • 2. prefer .... Preferring
Kata kerja yang tidak boleh memakai ing

Kata kerja yang melukiskan Kata kerja yang berhubungan

perasaan (verb of emotion) dengan panca indera

• 1. like (senang) • hear (mendengar)

• 2. refuse (menolak) • notice(memperlihatkan)
• 3. dislike (tidak suka)
• 4. want (mau)
Kata kerja yang
berhubungan dengan Kata kerja yang
pikiran atau perasaan menunjukkan kepunyaan
(verb of thought or (verb of possesion)

Believe (percaya) Expect (mengharapkan)

Owe (berhutang) Own (memiliki) Belong to (kepunyaan)
forget(lupa) know (mengetahui)

1. Look the man! ..... In the river. 3. Looks! there’s Sinta.

a. Swims Where...she...?
b. Is swimming a. Does – go
2. You can turn off the TV. b. Is – going
I ... It 4. The workers .... A new hotel in
a. Am watching Bogor at the moment
b. Am not watching a. Is building
b. Are building
1. What’s the gardener doing? He……… the flower. 1.They …. Lazy today, Do you see it? (work)
a. to water
2.I .. her a flower now, (give)
b. water
c. are watering 3.Anita …. The examination today, Pray for
d. is watering
her success (do)
4.You …. A lot of noise. Could you be
2. ……… listening to me now? quieter? (make)
e. Is you b. Are you c. Was you d. Does you 5.What …. In this place, (Do)
6.Is ,,,, today?(Sabrina , work)
3. Amir and Udin …….. discussing the material now.
7.Why ,,, at me like that? (you, Look)
f. is b. are c. was d. were
8.What …. In this kitchen? (You, eat)
4. Jono ……… his kite now. He is at school. 9.When … today ? (I, go)
g. isn’t flying
10.Toldo and Rudi … football in the yard
h. aren’t playing
i. doesn’t fly
j. don’t fly
Exercise Present, present continuous and comparison
1. We ________ about the Present Continuous Tense now 6. My mother and I ___ to market to buy vegetables every morning.
A. is learning B. are learning C.are learn a. Go b. Goes c. Went d. Gone
2. Budi ___ his aquarium once a week. 7. She is the … woman I’ve ever met.

a. To clean b. Clean a. Bad b. baddest

c. Cleans d. Cleaning c. most bad d. worst

8. My new homework is … than the old one.
3. Safira ___ always ___ at the restaurant every Saturday night.
a. Easy b. easier
a. Do not, eats b. Does not, eat
c. Easiest d. more easy
c. Do not, ate d. Does not, ate
9. She does not ___ violin well, that’s why she keep practice every day.
4. I’m so impressed, your masterpiece is … than mine.
a. Playing b. Played
a. Good c. better c. Plays d. Play
c. Best d. more good 10. Does ___ ___ math for the test?
5. I am __________ to see you soon a. She, study

A. Hope B. Hoped C. hoping b. She, studied

c. He, studies
d. He, studied
• Use
Describing or expressing an action that happened
Present perfect an an unspecified time before until now.

tense Menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa yang

sedang terjadi pada waktu lampau dan masih ada
hubungannya dengan saat sekarang.

(+) positive
(-) negative
(?) Interrogative


Keterangan Waktu

• Since (sejak)
• For (selama)
• Already (sudah)
• Recently (baru-baru ini)]
• Lately (akhir-akhir ini)
• So far (hingga kini)

1. Almaida is looking for his wallet, she can’t find it, She … his 4. I can’t meet my wife , Have you … it? (see)
key. (lose)
a. seeing c. saw
a.Have lost c. has lost
b. will lost d. is loosing b. seen d. see

2. Tiago and Toni …. to Jakarta. (go) 5. Has She …. To Tangerang last month? (go)
a. Have gone c. has gone a. gone c. went
b. will go d. is going
b. not gone d. going

3. Is Fadil in your home? No, he has not.

6. My mother told me this recipe, But I … it (make)
Fadil … to market (go)
a. Have not gone c. have gone a. Have not made c. have made
b. Has not gone d. has gone b. Has not made d. has made
• Use
1. an action that has just stopped or recently
Present Perfect stopped
An action that started in the past and stopped
Continuous recently. There is usually a result now.

Example :
I am tired, because I have been running
2. An action continuing up to now
An action that started in the past and is
continuing now. This is often used with FOR or

Example : I have been reading for 2 hours.

It means I started reading 2 hours go and I am
still reading now
(+) positive
(-) negative
(?) interrogative
1. She … this science for 3 years. (study) 4. Rizqia is still writing a poem, She … poem all day.
a. Have been studying c. has studied
a. Has been writing c. has written
b. Has been studying d. is studying
b. Has not been writing d. has not written

2. Tiago and Toni … to Jakarta for 6 years. (go)

5. … working in that company all his life?
a. Have been going c. has gone
a. Have he been c. Is he
b. Has been going d. are going
b. Has he been d. Is not he

3. How long … it been raining? (have)

6. What … been doing for 3 hours in there? (you)
a. Have c. had
a. Have you c. are you
b. Has d. were
b. Has you d. am not you
Exercise Present Tense

1. ... Jessica been ... for her cat for a week? 4. Have you already ... the homework?

a. Have, looked b. Has, looked a. Finish b. finishes

c. Have, looking d. Has, looking c. Finished d. finishing

5. James and Bryan never ... to the beach together.

2. She always ... up at 5 o'clock.
a. Go b. Goes c. Gone d. went
a. Wake b. Wakes
c. Waked d. Woke
6. I'm ... at the library right now.
a. study
3. ... your mom cook everyday?Yes, she does.
b. studies
a. Does b. done
c. studied
c. Do d. is
d. studying
7. Sisca ... not been ... letter since years ago. 9. It is still ... in the bus station.
a. have, wrote a. rain
b. has, wrote b. rains
c. have, writing c. raining
d. has, writing d. Rained

8. Mr. Albert ... a teacher since 2018. 10. Mrs. Nina ... already.
a. have a. sleeps
b. has b. slept
c. have been c. has slept
d. has been d. has been sleeping
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