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Animal welfare

Done by Mir and Gokul

So, What is animal welfare?
● Animal welfare means how an animal
is coping with the conditions in which it
lives. An animal is in a good state of
welfare if (as indicated by scientific
evidence) it is healthy, comfortable,
well-nourished, safe, able to express
innate behavior, and if it is not suffering
from unpleasant states such as pain,
fear, and distress.
What are some of the major issues of animal welfare?
Animal testing is the use of non-human animals in
experiments that seek to control the variables that affect
the behavior or biological system under study. This
approach can be contrasted with field studies in which
animals are observed in their natural environments or
Abandoned animals are companion animals that are either
inadvertently or deliberately abandoned by their owners
Hunting is the practice of seeking, pursuing and capturing
or killing wildlife.
Legislations regarding Animal Welfare
The European Commission's activities in this area start with the recognition that
animals are sentient beings. For example, in 2009, legislation was passed which aimed
to reduce animal suffering during slaughter and on 1 January 2012, the European
Union Council Directive 1999/74/EC came into act, which means that conventional
battery cages for laying hens are now banned across the Union.

Animal owners in the uae need to hire a sufficient number of qualified personnel to
look after the animals, and provide proper shelter, food, and specialised vet care to
keep the animals healthy. They must also maintain records of the animals’ genetic
lineage, nutrition, health, productivity, and daily routine.
A short video on what is animal welfare
Important and well know organizations supporting
animal welfare.


People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals


International Fund for Animal Welfare
Some important parts in history
Early attempts to define welfare referred to individuals being in harmony with
nature but the first usable definition incorporated feelings and health as part of
attempts to cope with the environment.

Animal protection laws were enacted as early as 13th century AD by

Genghis Khan in Mongolia, where they protected wildlife during breeding season

Since 1822, when Irish MP Richard Martin brought the "

Cruel Treatment of Cattle Act 1822" through Parliament offering protection from
cruelty to cattle, horses, and sheep, an animal welfare movement has been
active in England.
Debatable questions.

1. Should hurting an animal be a crime? if so, what is a

suitable punishment?
2. Should animals have the same rights as people? if not,
which rights should they not have?
3. Should we all be vegetarian and not kill animals for
4. What do you think of testing medicines on animals?

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