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Managers, Importance,

Skills ,Why Study

PPM 2020-22: 2
Dr A Jagan Mohan Reddy
Why Managers Important to Business Success?
Success in business happens because of successful employees-A,A & A.
Employees leave managers, not companies- Importance.
It’s important to focus directly on managers as a lever of engagement
to recruit, retain, and inspire the greatest asset to your company:
Managers must be enabled instead of expecting them to be successful.
Strong manager performance in recognizing employee performance
increases engagement by almost 60%- Towers Watson.
Increased engagement leads to improved customer service- more loyal
 Peter Drucker — the man who invented management — said, “The
productivity of work is not the responsibility of the worker but of
the manager.”
 *British global multinational risk management, insurance brokerage and advisory company.
 Managers plays very significant role in planning and making
decisions of the company.
 Managers control and monitor the employees and in the current
era managers also facilitate the work of the employees.
 Allocate the resources like people, financial resources and
material resources etc.
 Set short term goals and facilitate the top management in making
long term decisions about the company.
 They guide employees &they entertain complaints, suggestions.
 They plan, control,organize,lead every aspect of organisation.
 They will take care of production process &l make sure that every
worker is well informed about the ultimate aim of the firm.
 They lead the entire workforce towards organization’s success.
All this is fine, But any proof?
The Proof
 Gallup Tried to find out What makes a Great Manager & Great
 Interviewed millions of Executives.
 Outstanding Performance of orgn.-O/g Performance of People
(AAA)-Strong & Vibrant Work Environment-You All.
 There appear to be 12 Key Dimensions Of Great Workplaces.
 They consistently correlate with workgroups that have higher
employee retention, higher customer satisfaction, higher
productivity, and higher profits.
 The dimensions do not include pay and benefits.
 Pay and benefits are important,but it does mean that they do
not differentiate great workgroups from the rest-Bengaluru &
Harvard’s 75year old Study.
Gallup 12 Employee Engagement Questions:
1. Do you know what is expected of you at work?
2. Do you have the materials and equipment to do your work right?
3. At work, do you have the opportunity to do what you do best every day?
4. In the last seven days, have you received recognition or praise for doing good
5. Does your supervisor, or someone at work, seem to care about you as a person?
6. Is there someone at work who encourages your development?
7. At work, do your opinions seem to count?
8. Does the mission/purpose of your company make you feel your job is important?
9. Are your associates (fellow employees) committed to doing quality work?
10. Do you have a best friend at work?
11. In the last six months, has someone at work talked to you about your progress?
12. In the last year, have you had opportunities to learn and grow?
 Google: Manager Doesn’t Matter-Flat organization.
 Found Manager's Technical Skills less valued than people skills.
 Second look -refreshed their behaviors according to internal
research –Project Oxygen.
 Google's Project Aristotle Revealed Traits of a Successful Team.
 Google spent two years studying its teams and identified five
traits that successful teams shared dependability, structure and
clarity, meaning, impact, and psychological safety.
Here’s how businesses can incorporate these traits into their team.
 Help employees be dependable and fulfill their commitments:
empower them to fulfill their responsibilities.
 Establish clear team goals, policies, and guidelines:
 Remind your team about importance of their work, Dr Reddys-
Look beyond profitability..
Google What Makes A Manager Great
 First, a research team tried to prove the opposite:
a)Managers actually don’t matter and
b)Quality of a manager didn’t impact a team’s performance.
 Google’s leaders and engineers belief: Managers are, at best, a
necessary evil, and at worst, a layer of bureaucracy.
 Manager’s quality based on two quantitative measures: manager
performance ratings and manager feedback from Google’s annual
employee survey.
 Data quickly revealed that managers did matter: teams with great
managers were happier and more productive.
But What Made Managers Great?
 Annual Employee Survey and performance evaluations, found ten
common behaviors.Double blind interviews with Best & Worst.
10 Oxygen Behaviors of Google's Best Managers
1.Is a good coach.
2.Empowers team & does not micromanage.
3.Creates an inclusive team environment, showing
concern for success and well-being.
4.Is productive & results-oriented(By & in cooperation with)
5.Is a Good Communicator — listens & shares information
6.Supports career development and discusses performance
7.Has a clear vision/strategy for the team(Pygmalion).
8.Has key technical skills to help/advise team-Trust(C,C &C).
9.Collaborates across Google.
10.Is a strong decision maker-Three Way test.
(behaviors 3 and 6 have been updated and behaviors 9 and 10 are new):
 Teams are more productive than individuals & good teamwork can
lead to product innovation, better results, and higher job satisfaction
 Successful Team Creates Psychological Safety: Unique characteristic
of a successful team.
 Paul Santagata, Head of Industry at Google , “There’s no team
without trust.”
 Psychological safety refers to a team climate that is characterized by
personal trust and mutual respect and one in which people are
comfortable being themselves,i.e.,Volvo-Employees Cooperation.
What was the single most important factor leading to success of any
team according to project Aristotle?
 Of the five key dynamics of effective teams that the researchers
identified, psychological safety was by far the most important.
Why Did the Google named their Project after Aristotle?
 Google named their project after Aristotle because of his famous
quotation: "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts“- MSDhoni
How Managers can create the ‘Fire in the Belly?
I. Meaningful Work Assignments.
II. Personal and Professional Growth.
III. Remember Employee’s Birthday/and Years of Service.
IV. Praise and Recognition.
V. Job Security.
VI. Cost Effective for the Company.
7 Skills for a Successful Manager
 Inter-personal skills; Communication and motivation.
 Organisation and Delegation; Forward planning and strategic
 Problem solving and decision-making.
 Commercial awareness; Mentoring.
Factors that are Reshaping & Redefining Management.
Changing Workplaces + Changing Workforce
 Technology is changing the way we work and play.
 More org’s are using apps and mobile-enhanced Web sites for
managing their workforces and for other organizational work.
 Uber, TaskRabbit, Gigwalk, and IAmExec are changing the face of
temporary work.
 30 to 45% of employees work from home or are virtual employees.
 CEO of a New Jersey–based social media management co never sees
her team members because they’re part of a virtual workforce.
 In today’s world, managers are dealing with changing workplaces, a
changing workforce, changing technology, and global uncertainties.
 Grocery stores continue to struggle to retain their customer base and
to keep costs down.
Publix Super Markets,
 Large Grocery Chain in USA, everyone, including managers, is
looking for ways to better serve customers.
 Satisfaction to Delight to Experience-Outside-in.
Seattle Post-Intelligencer (P-I), like other newspapers, struggled .
 Managers decided to go all-digital and the P-I became an Internet-
only news source.
 News staff was reduced from 165 to less than 20 people.
 New “life” as a digital news source- Manager needs to plan,
organize, lead, and control in this changed environment.
 Managers everywhere have to manage in changing circumstances,
and the fact is that how managers manage is changing.
Why Study Management?
Management teaches you to understand
 How people behave in organisations, nature of power, influence and
 Irrespective of nature of the company – Management gives you the
tools for success!
There are many reasons to Study Management.
 Understanding organisation you work in, and how to get things done
through it.
 How people behave in organisations, sources of power &influence, and
the nature of leadership
 Global business system(VUCA) and the giant global corporations that
run it?
 How organisations work
 How to be a manager, or manage your own business
Red vs. Blue Ocean Strategies
 VUCA: cutthroat competition in the business environment today.
 Many strategies one can use in order to gain an edge over others
 Two of these are red ocean and blue ocean strategies, which
were introduced by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne in 2005.
Red Ocean Strategies
 Involves competing in markets where companies are currently in
 One has to beat the competition and exploit existing demand.
“The key goals of the red ocean strategy are to beat the
competition and exploit existing demand.”
 Soft drink industry: There are industry leaders in place such as
Coke and Pepsi and there are also many smaller companies also
Blue Ocean Strategies
 Creating demand that is not currently in existence.
 Most blue oceans are created from within red oceans by
expanding existing industry boundaries.
“The key goals of the blue ocean strategy are finding the right
marketing opportunity and making the competition irrelevant.”
 A successful execution of a blue ocean strategy is the iPod.
When the iPod was introduced in 2001, Steve Jobs said that
“with [the] iPod, Apple has invented a whole new category of
digital music player that lets you put your entire music collection
in your pocket and listen to it wherever you go.”
 Apple looked beyond what customers were asking for and
created a successful product- Jack Welch*’s Outside-in Concept
*Chairman & CEO of GE from 1981-2001- Great Manager
Points to Remember:
Managers are important for the reasons:
 Control to facilitate to coach
 People leave their managers.
 Gallup survey & Google findings.
 Plan, allocate resources , coordinate.
 Gallup 12 Employee Engagement Questions.
 Teams more productive: psychological safety.
 Oxygen behaviors of Great Managers.
 How managers create fire in the belly.
 Skills for a Successful Managers.
 21st Century skills 4 Cs: creativity, critical thinking, communication
& collaboration
 How they could create trust, 3 Cs of TVRao
Factors Reshaping & Redefining Management:
 Technology changing way of work.
 Virtual workforce reality.
 Managers dealing with changing workplaces.
 Five trends shaping the future of work:
a.New behaviours;Technologies; Millennial workforce
b.Mobility- any time, where device ;Globalisation
Why Study Management?
 How people behave.
 Tools for success- delegation, coordination.
Red & Blue Ocean Strategies
 Red- competing in existing.
 Blue -Creating within.
Product life cycle - need to innovate: Choluteca:Best to last or Adopt

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