Unit 1 Part B

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Dr. Hina Jalal @AksEAina

Educational Assessment
Learning Objectives
After completion of this Unit, the students will be able to:

◦ Understand different concepts used in educational assessment

◦ Differentiate between the various forms of assessment
◦ Understand classification of the types of assessment and their usability
◦ Apply principles of assessment in planning a classroom assessment
Classification of Assessment based on

1. Nature of Assessment
2. Purpose of Assessment
3. Forms of Assessment
4. Methods of Interpreting Results
5. Teacher made vs Standardized test

Nature of Assessment
Assessment may be classified into two broader categories because of nature as Maximum
performance and Typical performance. These classes were labelled by Cronbach (1990).

1. Test of typical performance: In this case, an 2. Test of maximum performance: These assess the
individual's performance is assessed according to individual's ability to perform effectively under standard
a given situation. Answers are not right or wrong, conditions. Performance on these tests, which includes
but identify choices, preferences, and strengths of ability and aptitude tests, can be judged as right or wrong.
feeling. Ability tests come in many different forms and may test a
general intellectual functioning or a specific ability.

Purpose of Assessment
Assessment procedure can also be classified in terms of their functional role in classroom instruction. It is
identified by the Airadian and Madauus (1972).

1. Placement assessment: to determine students’ performance at the beginning of instruction

2. Diagnostic assessment: to diagnose learning difficulties during instruction

3. Formative assessment: to monitor learning progress during instruction

4. Summative assessment: to assess achievement at the end of the instruction

1. Placement assessment:

2. Diagnostic assessment

3. Formative assessment

4. Summative assessment

Difference Between Formative And Summative

Difference Between Formative And Summative

Forms of Assessment

Fixed Choice Test Complex-performance assessment

Complex-performance assessment measures the
Fixed-choice Test measures knowledge and skills performance of learners in context and on
effectively and efficiently e.g. Standard multiple- problems valued in their own rights e.g. Hands-
choice test. The student selects an answer from on laboratory experiments, projects, essays, oral
available options. (May include t/f, multi choice, presentation.
and matching). Fixed Choice Tests include Complex performance assessment - requires
questions that consist of multiple choice, true/false, students to solve problems of importance outside
and matching. These types of tests are easy to the classroom, such as written essays. Complex
Thinking type of learning target that asks
score, and can cover a large amount of material, but
students to apply their knowledge and/or to use
are difficult to create and typically do not involve
different types of reasoning strategies.
higher order thinking skills.

Methods of Interpreting Results

Methods of Interpreting Results


Criterion-referenced tests vs. norm-referenced tests

Teacher made vs Standardized test

Teacher made vs Standardized test

Teacher made vs Standardized test

Differences Between Standard And Teachers Made Tests

Differences Between Standard And Teachers Made Tests

Differences Between Standard And Teachers Made Tests
Gronlund, N.E. (1981). Measurement and evaluation in teaching. New York: MacMillan.
Robert L. Linn (2008). Measurement and Assessment in Teaching, Pearson Education India
Murray Print (1993). Curriculum Development and Design, Allen & Unwin
Robert L. Ebel, David A. Frisbie (1991). Essentials of Educational Measurement, Prentice Hall, the University of
Freeman, Richard, (2OO4). Planning and Implementing Assessment. New York: Routledge Flamer.
Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence & Educational Innovation at Carnegie Mellon University. “What is the
difference between formative and summative assessment?” 

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