T - Cold Self-Reflection Mindmap

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Share 5 of your own techniques to Why does my instructor I think I should

What price will you have to pay if
increase B2 language proficiency level have Demosthenes as a role model?
you want to become a translator?
Basically, if you want to increase as a
(speaking and writing) Explain in detail
person, and be successful, always there is a Because, Demosthenes identified what needed to
payment, but I’m not talking about money, • Talking with people who B2 language is be done and built a plan. He worked really, really
I’m talking about yourself their master, because it helps me with hard. The tales of the exercises Demosthenes put
pronunciation and writing. himself through are legendary

• Hear music in B2 language and research

How exactly are you planning to
about meaning
increase your world/ subject matter
knowledge? Five strategies As a professional in the language
industry, why should you carve out a
No VISION, No training. Right? Tell
• Running drills. niche?
me about your vision, and you should
• Looking for information about business
management and training it.
be a massive trainer.
Well, being a professional in the language
• Be a continuos learner. industry implies responsibility and great
My vision is to become a business woman…

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