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Escuela normal superior del distrito de

Primary basic.
2 grade
Teacher intrainng:
Carlos junior fontalvo
Analida carvajal
• Area of knowladge
• Topic:
• christmas in colombia
• Proyect:
• christmas custom
• Theme generator:
• christmas
• Power and estándar:
• know thatcustoms and imports having christmas in your country colombia
• Achievement:
• that childrenknow to live christmas
• Indicators of acivement:
• appendicocolic children how to live healthy christmas.
• Conceptual references:
• christmas customs, christmas imports.
• Methodology process: learning children, ensure that they know the
culture of their city and to apreciate
It is one of the most important Christian holidays, along with
Easter and Pentecost, which celebrates the birth of Jesus in
Bethlehem. This feast is celebrated on December 25 by the
Catholic Church, the Anglican Church, some other Protestant
churches and the Romanian Orthodox Church, and on January
7 in other Orthodox Churches, and who did not accept the
reforms made ​to the Julian calendar, to pass to our current
calendar, called the Gregorian, the name of reformer, Pope
Gregory XIII.
Anglophones use the term Christmas, which means' mass
(mass) of Christ. "In some Germanic languages ​such as
German, the party called Weihnachten, meaning 'Night of
Blessing'. The Christmas festivities are proposed, as its name
suggests, celebrate the nativity (ie birth) of Jesus of Nazareth
• Formation of Christmas as December holiday
Christmas is not included in the list of Christian holidays of
Irenaeus and Tertullian in the list on the same topic, which
are lists oldest known. The earliest evidence of concern
about the date of Christmas is in Alexandria, circa 200 AD,
when Clement of Alexandria indicates that certain
Egyptian theologians "very curious" assign not only the
year but the actual day of Christ's birth as 25 pashons
Coptic (May 20) in the twenty-eighth year of Augustus.
From 221, in the work Chronographiai, Sextus Julius
Africanus popularized the December 25 as the date of the
birth of Jesus. For the time of the Council of Nicaea in 325,
the Alexandrian Church had set the Díes Nativitatis et
Christmas is above all a feast
for the children, and here we'vecreated special
sections for kids and teens living parties to the
fullest and remain in our hearts throughout
our lives. Participate in
the various sections, send messages with the Christmas
spirit,stories and pictures of
your authorship, play with us and find
out thecuriosities that embodies the Christmas and its
traditions. Ahhhh!And you can
even surprise your family with an easy and rich that you
find in these pages.

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