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• July 7, 1892, the KKK or Katipunan was
officialy founded along Azcarraga St.
(now Claro M. Recto Avenue) in Tondo
by Andres Bonifacio, Teodoro Plata,
Valentin Diaz, Deadato Arellano, and
Lodislao Diwa among others.
• Katipuneros were left with no other
choice but to take up arms and start a
revolution that would free the natives
from the yoke of the Spanish oppression.

• POLITICAL- seperation of the

Philippines from Spanish
• MORAL- teaching of good manner,
hygiene, good morals
• CIVIC- self help, defense of the poor
and the oppressed.
• Spanish official instigated a
crackdown against katipuneros that
culminated in the discovery of the
organization on August 19, 1896
• When the revolution broke out on
August 23, 1896 with so called “Cry
of Pugad Lawin” with rizal predicted
in his previous works about
widespread bloodshed in the name of
independence was now underway.
(Supremo of Katipunan only 1895)

• “Father of the Philippine Revolution”

• Born on November 30, 1863 at
Tondo Manila
• He is one of the contributor to the
organization’s newspaper.
• “It is time that light of truth should
shine; time that we should show the
determination, honor, shame and
mutual cooperation. The time is come
now to diffuse the gospel that shall
tear the tough web obscuring our
intellect, and that the islanders should
see whence come their misfortunes.
Now it will be made evident that every
step we are taking is on unstable
ground, on the brink of a horrible
• “Therefore , oh my compatriots! Let
us scatter the mist that befogs our
intellect and let us consecrate all our
force to the good cause, with
unshakable and absolute faith in its
success, in the ultimate prosperity, so
anxiously desired by us, of the land of
our birth”
• “ Brains of the Katipunan”
• Born on December 15, 1879 at Trozo
Manila ( Now Tondo )
• Finished Elementary schooling and
earned High Bachelor in Arts at Colegio
de San Juan de Letran.
• Took up Law at University of Santos
• He joined katipunan in1894 and rose to
1. The life that is not consecrated to a lofty
and reasonable purpose is a tree without a
shade, if not a poisonous weed.
2.To do good for personal gain and not for
its own sake is not virtue.
3.It is a rational to be charitable and love
one’s fellow creature and to adjust one’s
conduct, acts and words to what is in itself
4.Whether our skin be black or white,
we are all born equal: superiority in
knowledge, wealth and beauty are to
be understood, but not superiority by
5.The honorable man prefers honor to
personal gain; the scoundrel, gain to
6. To the honorable man, his word is
8. Depend the oppressed and fight the
oppressor before the law or in the field.
9.The prudent man is sparing in words and
faithful in keeping secrets.
10. On the thorny path of life, man is the
guide of woman and children and if the
guide leads to precipice, those whom he
guides will also go there.
11. Thou must not look upon woman as a
mere plaything, but as a faithful companion
who will share with three penalties of life;
(physical) weakness will increase thy
interest in her and she will remind thee of
the mother who bore thee and reared thee.
12. What thou dost not desire done unto thy
wife, children, brothers and sisters, that do
not unto the wife, children, brothers and
sisters of thy neighbor.
13. Man is not worth more because he is a
king, because his nose is aquiline, and his
color white, not because he is a priest, a
servant of god, nor because of the high
prerogative that he enjoys upon earth, but
he is worth most is a man of proven and
real value, who does god, keep his words,
is worthy and honest; he who does not
oppress nor consent to being oppressed, he
who loves and cherishes his father land,
though he be born on the wilderness and
know no tongue but his own.
14. When these rule of conduct shall be
known to all, the longed for sun of Liberty
shall rise brilliant over this most unhappy
portion of the globe and it rays shall diffuse
everlasting joy among the confederated
brethren of the same rays, the lives of those
who gave gone before, the fatigues and the
well paid sufferings will remain. If he who
desires to enter ( the katipunan ) has
informed himself all of this and believes he
will be able to perform what will be his
duties, he may fill out the application for


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