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Linear data structure

Stack ADT
• Stack is a linear data structure in which the insertion and
deletion operations are performed at only one end. In a stack,
adding and removing of elements are performed at a single
position which is known as "top“

• In stack, the insertion and deletion operations are performed

based on LIFO (Last In First Out) principle or FILO(First In Last
• isFull()
• isEmpty()
• Push(x)
• Pop()
• Peek()
• Size()
• https://
Applications of stack
• used for expression evaluation.
• used to check parenthesis matching in an
• used for Conversion from one form of
expression to another.
• used for Memory Management.
• used in backtracking problems.

• https://
Evaluating arithmetic
• Polish notation(Prefix) +AB
• Reverse polish notation(Postfix ) AB+
• Infix notation A+B

• A+B/*C-
• (A+B)/(C-D)
• +AB-C
Conversion of infix to postfix notation
Conversion of infix to postfix
• Place parentheses around every group of operators in the
correct order of evaluation. There should be one set of
parentheses for every operator in the infix expression
• ((A * B) + (C / D))
• For each set of parentheses, move the operator from the
middle to the end preceding the corresponding closing
• ((A B *) (C D /) +)
• Remove all of the parentheses, resulting in the equivalent
postfix expression.
• AB*CD/+
Evaluating arithmetic
1) Postfix expression: 2 3 4 * +

Input Stack
234*+ empty Push 2
34*+ 2 Push 3
4*+ 32 Push 4
*+ 432 Pop 4 and 3, and
perform 4*3 = 12.
Push 12 into the stack.

+ 12 2 Pop 12 and 2 from the

stack, and perform
12+2 = 14. Push 14
into the stack.
2 )Postfix expression: 3 4 * 2 5 * +

Input Stack

34*25*+ empty Push 3

4*25*+ 3 Push 4
*2 5 * + 43 Pop 3 and 4 from the stack and
perform 3*4 = 12. Push 12 into
the stack.

25*+ 12 Push 2
5*+ 2 12 Push 5
*+ 5 2 12 Pop 5 and 2 from the stack and
perform 5*2 = 10. Push 10 into
the stack.

+ 10 12 Pop 10 and 12 from the stack

and perform 10+12 = 22. Push
22 into the stack.
Queue ADT
• Queue data structure is a collection of similar data
items in which insertion and deletion operations are
performed based on FIFO principle
1.enQueue(value) - (To insert an element into the
2.deQueue() - (To delete an element from the queue)
3.display() - (To display the elements of the queue)
4.Queue() – creates a new empty queue
5.isEmpty()-returns a boolean value
6.Length()-returns the number of items currently in the
Circular queue
• A circular queue is a linear data structure in which the
operations are performed based on FIFO (First In First Out)
principle and the last position is connected back to the first
position to make a circle.
Priority queue
• Every item has a priority associated with it.
• An element with high priority is dequeued before an element
with low priority.
• If two elements have the same priority, they are served
according to their order in the queue.

1)Bounded priority queue - small limited range of p priorities
over the interval of integers [0 . . . P]
2)Unbounded priority queue - no limit on the range of integer
Doubly Ended queue(Deque)
• It allows insertion and removal of elements from
both the ends, i.e , front and back.
Applications of Queue
• In operating systems like Semaphores,FCFS, Buffer for
• CPU task scheduling
• In networks like mail queues, queues in routers/switches

Real time application

• call center phone system to hold the calls

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