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Rodelia L. Sansano
Robotics is the engineering
science and technology of
robots, and their design,
manufacture, application,
and structural disposition.
Robotics is related to
electronics, mechanics, and
The term "robotics"
was coined by Isaac
Asimov in his 1941
science fiction short-
story "Liar!”.
The word robot was
introduced to the public by
the interwar writer Karel
Čapek in his play R.U.R.
(Rossum's Universal
Robots), published in 1920.
A robot is a virtual or
mechanical artificial agent. In
practice, it is usually an electro-
mechanical machine which is
guided by computer or
electronic programming, and is
thus able to do tasks on its own.
A robot is a machine designed to
execute one or more tasks
repeatedly, with speed and
A robot is a set of machines
working together to perfom certain
task. The technical term for a
humanoid robot is android.
What Are Robots
Made Of?

Robots have 3 main components:

• Brain - usually a computer

• Actuators and mechanical parts - motors,

pistons, grippers, wheels, gears

• Sensors - vision, sound, temperature, motion,

light, touch, etc.
Asimov’s Three
First Law

A robot must not

injure, or allow the
injury of any human
Second Law

A robot must obey all

orders from humans,
except orders that
would contradict the
First Law
Third Law

A robot must protect

itself, except when to
do so would contradict
the First and Second
Robotics Sensing

• Touch
• Vision
• Manipulation
• Locomotion
Robot Locomotion
• Rolling / Wheeled

Stanley, the winner of the 2005 DARPA

Grand Challenge
• Rolling / Wheeled

Segway in the Robot museum in Nagoya

• Walking

iCub robot, designed by the

RobotCub Consortium
Two hexapod robots at the Georgia
Institute of Technology
• Flying

RQ-4 Global Hawk unmanned aerial vehicle

Epson micro helicopter robot
• Snaking

The Japanese ACM-R5 snake robot

Two robot snakes. Left one has 64 motors (with 2
degrees of freedom per segment), the right one 10.
• Swimming
Contemporary Use
Of Robots

1. General-purpose
autonomous robots

2. Dedicated robots
Factory Robots

Car production



Automated guided
vehicles (AGVs)
Dirty, dangerous, dull or inaccessible tasks

Space probes


Automated fruit
harvesting machines

Home automation for the

elderly and disabled
Military Robots

SWORDS or the
Special Weapons
Detection System

A weaponized version being developed by Foster-

Miller for the US Army. The robot is composed of a
weapons system mounted on the standard TALON
Research robots

The Robotics Research

Corporation of America
produced this robot in
1988 for NASA to study
the possibility of using
robots to perform
maintenance on the
International Space
ASIMO stands
for Advanced
Step in Innovative
Mobility. It is 4
feet high and it
can move a lot
like we human
The Pioneer 3-AT is an
all-purpose outdoor
base, used for research
and prototyping
applications involving:

• mapping
• navigation
• monitoring
School Robots

An English-teaching robot (R), "Engkey", stands in

front of children at an elementary school in Daegu,
southeast of Seoul.

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